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"Yah Jennie unnie! The VIP Chanel stock is again finished. You bought it all again, didn't you?" Lisa asked her unnie.

"C'mon Limario. You know how much I love my baby." Jennie said, pouting.

"Yeah yeah. We know that. You are The Human Chanel after all" Jisoo said chuckling.

"Lisa......" Rosé cooed her name.

The four girls were on a girlfriend date. They were sitting in a café right now, an empty one. As the café belonged to Jisoo's father, they could come here anytime they wanted.

"Yesssss Rosieeeee," Lisa said in the same cheeky tone. Lisa might be cold around other people, but never around her unnies. They are the closest people to her.

She trained with Jisoo and Jennie actually, before going solo. So, they are naturally close. She met Rosé through Jisoo unnie. Both of them, being of the same ages, bonded easily.

Now? They are closer than ever. She loves them and they love her too. I mean if Jennie shares her Chanels with her and Rosie&Jisoo share their food with Lisa, then you know they are close. End of the discussion.

"Soo...You didn't tell me that you knew Jungkook. Also, you didn't tell us that you guys take the same class." Rosé said.

"I don't know him. I just know that he exists and we acknowledge each other's existence. And yes, we do take the same class. Nothing more than that." Lisa shrugged.

"But you didn't tell me that you are tutoring him..." Lisa's eyes widened at this.

By now even the two elder's attention was on Lisa.

"You are tutoring Jeon Jungkook?" Jennie asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Who told you that?" Lisa asked Rosé, trying not to stutter.

"He told me that the weird girl in black and rectangular specs is tutoring him so he doesn't need my help anymore. I know you are that weird girl" Rosé said.

Lisa closed her eyes and mumbled "That dumbhead..."

"So you are tutoring him?" Jisoo asked.

"That guy is...uhmm...pursuasive" Lisa said in a barely audible tone.

"What did you say?" Jisoo asked.

Lisa was saved by her phone. An unknown number popped on it and rang.

"Guys, I will be back." She said and stood up.

She picked up the call and said, "Good afternoon, Lalisa Manoban here. Who is it?"

"Hey Doll!"

It took Lisa a second to recognize the voie, "How the hell did you get my number?"

"Hello to you too doll-face. I told you I have my ways." Jungkook said.

"Delete my number from your phone now!" Lisa was really annoyed by his cockiness.

"We both know, that's not happening."

"What do you want, anyways?"

"Well, I chose my song so I thought I should tell you. I am doing the research on 'Fake Love' by Jimin Hyung. What's yours?"

"I am tutoring you. We are NOT friends that I will tell you stuff. Okay, I am hanging up now. Bye."

"Woah wai-" But Lisa already hung up. She went back to her unnies who were already chatting with each other.

"Yah Lisa. Our Rosie has a new crush!" Jennie exclaimed showing her heart-melting gummy smile.

"Wha! Who's the lucky guy?" Lisa asked.

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