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"Although it is noona to you Jungkook. I am older than you, you know?" Lisa smirked back.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and his smile faded. His Jaw clenched, "Sure, N-noona." 

Lisa smirked but she also knew that she was in big trouble. 

"So guys, let's start discussing the project. Shall we?" Lisa's manager chimed in.

"Yeah, Lisa please take a seat." Jungkook's manager said, "We don't have a particular concept in mind yet." He opened a few files in front of him.

Lisa and her manager took their seats. 

"I do have something in mind," Lisa said. Jungkook's eyebrows shot up in curiosity. 

"Go on Lisa."

"Okay, so I want to do this Greek mythology-esque theme." She connects her laptop to the projector and opens a word document with a mind map, "But more of like, a feminist mythology."

"I want to portray the story of Medusa. She is perceived as this ornery and dark villain who destroys everything but in truth, she is not. She was a victim. She was Athena's biggest follower and was one of the most beautiful women ever, even loved by goddess Athena herself."

Lisa continued, "She was courted by hundreds of men but never reciprocated any of their feelings because that's how much, she was so devoted to Athena." Lisa was flipping through the PowerPoint as she spoke, "But eventually Medusa was raped because men think are entitled assholes who can't keep it in their pants." There was an obvious hint of passive aggressiveness in her voice.

"She was exiled because 'she disrupted the sanctity of the holy temple' where she was raped. That's so royally messed up." She took a breath, "And well the rest is history."

"I want to portray the plight of being a woman. Centuries ago, Medusa was raped for her beauty and then murdered for her ugliness. Today, it is the same plus the internet. You are not skinny enough, curvy enough, beautiful enough, or smart enough. People always seem to find some fault in everyone else. It's sickening." Lisa stepped back, "Female idols are ridiculed for being not pretty enough and then get slut shamed if they are pretty. It's unfair that the internet finds bullying a teenage girl amusing"

She looked at the quiet room, "Ummmm," she said, "We don't have to do it. It's just an idea. One of the possibilities."

"No." Jungkook stood up, "We're doing this. I love Lisa's idea."

"Yes Lisa, this is a great idea," Pd Teddy spoke, "I don't think anyone has perceived greek mythology this way, it's unique and defined enough for a music video concept."

The team discussed the rest of the concepts, the music production, the lyrical directions, and the rest for a couple of hours before finally wrapping up. 

Lisa stretched her hands, "It feels so good to get back to work." She yawned.

"That's the workaholic in you saying that Lili." Teddy said with amusement and stood up, "Okay guys I will be leaving now. Have some unfinished work in the studio."

"Bye teddy oppa!"

"Bye PD nim." Teddy left.

Jungkook's manager spoke, "I was thinking both of you could have a conversation about officially announcing your relationship, eventually. Not necessarily now but later."

"Okay-" Jungkook's head whipped towards his manager, "What!?"

Lisa was already frozen, "Unnie?" She looked at her manager, "How did you guys know??"


Hope you guys liked this one!

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