Chapter 1

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Above an alien planetary pinkish-orange planetary horizon, three humans wear futuristic anti-gravity exo-suits. As one free fall, he gets a glimpse of the planet above the humans to see an intergalactic spaceship burning and falling from the upper atmosphere. The dropship explodes, causing debris scattered across the skies, engulfing the free-falling exo-suiter. The human helmet was impaled with a debris shard, killing him instantly.

The other two kept free-falling to the planet below; they saw an ocean and a large landmass consisting of a vast beach. Beyond the beach is a vast jungle. Finally, one of the personnel sees a giant alien-like infrastructure.

The exo-suit's A.I. informed the two humans that they had reached sufficient miles in the air to deploy their parachutes. One person successfully deploys their parachute; however, the other exo-suit parachute fails to open, causing him to tumble to the ocean below.

After five minutes of descent to the planet, the personnel in the exo-suit detached the parachute as she was close enough to land safely in the ocean. As she tries to swim to the beach, the current overpowers her control, especially when the exo-suit does not allow much swimming mobility. The wave pushes her against the rock knocking her unconscious.

An hour later, the personnel woke up on the beach. The human gets up and staggers to a rock high enough for her to sit. The exo-suit alerts the human through the helmet's heads-up to show that the piece suits the leg. Next, the human looked at the area where oxygen escaped the exosuit. The human presses a few holographic buttons on the computer keypad on the forearm, activating the emergency repair. The suit repair foam seals the breaches in the suit.

The human again punches a few more holographic buttons in her suit to test the amount of oxygen in the air. The holographic heads-up display (H.U.D.) estimated 15 minutes to analyze the atmosphere. The human looks around and observes the surroundings. The human looks over the ocean and sees a large planetary on the horizon with three moons in the sky.

The human looked around and saw the crash site of her intergalactic ship falling from the atmosphere. Again the human presses a few buttons in her holographic forearm computer to activate the proximity G.P.S. signal of the other aliens descended with it. The H.U.D. Indicates two G.P.S. signals. One is very faint as it is out of unknown territories in the ocean. There was no way the human figure would venture out into the sea on the alien world. The only option was to trek to the other G.P.S. signal at least 3 miles up the beach.

After a 30-minute hike up the beach to the other G.P.S. signal, the human finds one of her counterparts lying lifeless. It quickly reaches the body and activates the life sign monitor on the suit. The suit reads a flat line, only confirming its observation that it is the only survivor. Suddenly the exosuit's A.I. informs the human that the atmosphere is breathable with slight condense gases in the air. It was a relief that it could take off the exo-suit as the suit was almost out of the air it breathed. Not only that, but the environment could also sustain human life as the climate was 110 degrees.

The human takes off their helmet, revealing that she is a female human in her mid-twenties. She has cinnamon skin, rust-colored hair, green eyes, thick lips, and a lovely nose. Her name is Dr. Joilee Reyna James. Joilee takes deep breaths and finds the air is dense to breathe but not enough to suffocate her. Her body needs time to adjust to the climate.

Joilee removes the rest of her exosuit until she has nothing on but a catsuit. The catsuit was made of interwoven fiber technology to help the human body adapt to the changing climate. The catsuit showed that she was a curvy buxom beauty.

Joilee removes the micro-computer from the forearm of the exo-suit called a Palmer. It is a compact supercomputer that is the size of a modern-day android phone. It had a super-high-speed data processor called the solarium processor.

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