Class of Villains

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I don't know really, just manga/anime spoilers for My Villain academia, it's just some small stuff, umm...

Ships: Tododeku, Kiridaku, Dabi x Shigaraki.

Good luck, it's one long thing. It's over 4,000 words. Okay... bye!

Izuku sat at his desk, he was writing in his notebook, nothing special just some quirks he saw, Aizawa then opened the door, a annoyed look in his face. Everyone was quiet and in their seats.
"Today, we are starting a new corse... I need two or three." He looked at Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo, "Students that will take part in it." He looked at his paper. "Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki." Everyone looked down once he said the three names. "Are were chosen by not only All Might and Nezu, but the hero commissioned well." The three looked at him.
              "Got it sir." They said, after class the three went to talk to Nezu to see what it was about, Izuku knocked on the door and walked in, Nezu smiled at them.
"Welcome the next big three!" He smiled at the three. "Sit." They nodded and sat down. "Since the league has been captured, the commission, we have talked to them... we are giving them a chance."
"What?" Bakugo growled out.
"If they can't chance they will be put to death." Izuku looked at him.
"Why death?" He asked, Todoroki put a hand on his shoulder.
"They killed almost millions of people midoriya." Nezu said, "the commission wanted to kill them right then and there." Izuku was about to her mad. "But All Might and a few others have convince them to do rehabilitation."
"But why us?" Bakugo said, "they kidnapped me."
"We asked them if they wanted to be taught by someone, they asked for you three and a teacher/hero will supervise them." Nezu said. The three nodded, "you start tomorrow!" He smiled at them. "Thank you very much you three!" They then left, just standing in the hallway in front of the room, Izuku slid to the floor, Todoroki got next to him, Bakugo looked out the window.
                  "How are we supposed to change Japan's most harmful villains?" Izuku asked, "it's hard enough to get out of bed each morning and go to class."
                  "Can't be that hard deku." Bakugo said, "we can do it." The two looked at him, "eh... kiri has been rubbing off on me." He scratched the back of his neck.
"They are villains." Todoroki said, "trying to start a new."
"Because if they don't, they'll be put to death." Izuku said, "I don't want that for anyone."
"I didn't even know Japan did the death penalty, I thought they got rid of it a long time ago." Todoroki said.
"They did, but the hero commission can do what ever they please, and if they find a villain too dangerous, they will be put to death." The three looked to see Hawks and Endeavor, along with All Might and Aizawa. "We'll that's what some say."
"We were informed about the villains today." Endeavor said, "we will be watching them while you teach them."
"Four heroes? Well a former top hero and underground hero, and two top heroes. Okay." Bakugo said, Midoriya looked at him, he's not his mean self.
"What has Kirishima done? I don't know how to feel about the new Kacchan." Todoroki smiled a bit, Bakugo turned to him, Midoriya smiled. "There he is."
"Ahem." They looked at the heroes they forgot that were there. "We're only there to watch them, making sure that they don't do anything to hurt you."
"They will have quirk erasing cuff on so they can't use their quirks." Aizawa said, "they picked you three for a reason, and we have to take as much Precaution to make sure you are safe." The three nodded at their teacher. "And Todoroki, don't let the villain Dabi get in your head." Todoroki nodded, the three went to their dorms, there everyone was waiting, Kirishima ran up and kissed Bakugo, the blonde smiled.
"Everything alright?" He asked the three.
"Yeah... I'm not sure if we can talk about it yet, but for now, everything is okay." Bakugo said, they nodded, midoriya said he was tired so he went to bed, Todoroki not to far behind. Bakugo and Kirishima then went to bed as well.
"I wonder what it is." Uaraka said, Iida looked kinda down.
"What ever it is, I'm sure they can pull through it." He said, "besides, everyone calls them the next big three. I'm sure it's has to do with that." Everyone soon turned in for the night, Midoriya was wide awake in his bed, looking at the ceiling, Todoroki went back to his dorm a few minutes ago. Midoriya sat up and looked out the window.
"Villains... we're gonna teach villains how to be good? Shigaraki... the last time I saw him, he said he was gonna kill me." Midoriya stood up, he opened his door, and walked out, he need some fresh air. He sat in the lawn of the dorms, just staring up at the stars.
"Young midoriya." Midoriya looked behind him to see All Might, the man walked over to him and sat down, "why are you up so late?"
"Couldn't sleep, thinking of what Shigaraki said to me the last time we met." Midoriya looked at the grass, the night breeze was cool and calm, All Might looked at the sky.
"That he'll kill you the next time you guys cross paths?"
"And now I'm gonna teach him how to be good." Midoriya brought his knees to his chest.
"He requested you, specifically..." All Might said, "I don't know why but he did, he asked if you could teach him. I think he's having the same thoughts as you Young Midoriya." Midoriya looked at him, "Shigaraki was raised and trained by All For One, the number one Villain, but he was confronted by you multiple times, each different then the last, you promised him... you promised him that everything would get better in the end, and here he is. Choosing if he want to die a villain or become a hero."
"and everyone fears death. Even villains." All Might nodded.
"He's scared, he's just like a normal boy, who is just scared and went down the wrong path." Midoriya just looked at the grass thinking.
"All Might! You gotta- Midoriya? You should be in bed." Present Mic said, All Might laughed, Midoriya looked at him.
"You gonna go to bed Izuku?"
"I think imma take a walk if that's okay?" All Might looked at Mic.
"I'll get one of the bots... or Vlad..." they nodded.

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