The Love of a yandere

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I feel like everyone knows I'm a sucker for Yandere Fics, I'm reading one right now actually.. this is a long one, and sorry for keep doing Mpreg, this one is a bit different.

Ships: Past BakuDeku, Tododeku, DabiHawkshiggy.
Triggers: kidnapping, talks of cheating, attempted murder.

Todoroki looked at the cute smile of a boy he just saved, he had green hair with red eyes, the boy had freckles all over him. He looked at Dabi, "I saved him.. I'm sorry.."
"It's good leverage for Pro hero Bakugo, it's his son from his messy break up." Shigaraki said as he scratched at his neck. "Keep him." Shoto nodded holding the boy close to him.
"We can make use of him.. he has a powerful quirk." All For one said over the TV, Shoto shook his head, that wouldn't be the best idea.
"Bakugo would really kill us..." Shoto said, All for one sat back in his seat, on the TV, he seemed to be smirking.
"Oh... trust me... there's one more person we need to get before we can do anything." All For one said, "even if the boy has a quirk, the mother is quirkless. But, holds a powerful quirk of an enemy." Shoto looked at the TV. "Bakugo won't be able to kill us if we get the mother on our side." Then the TV turned off, everyone looked it was Shigaraki.
"Izuku hates your ass." He said, then sat in his chair at the bar. Dabi sighed, "even if we got Izuku on our side he won't work with us nor master." He started to itch his neck.
"Shoto.. you know Izuku Midoryia right? I believe you two went to high school." Shoto had to think, the little boy in his hands couldn't be more then three, meaning Izuku had gotten pregnant at end of High school around graduation. He had met the man before, he was a close friend, he loved him.
"I vaguely remember. He was nice. Always dreamed of being a hero." Shoto said as he stared at the boy.
"Momma helps heroes!! He's really good!! He doesn't like helping papa though.." the boy said, the boy thought he could trust Shoto because of photos he seen of him on the wall. Even Shigaraki was on there. "He has a lot of notebooks filled to the brim with information on heroes!!"
"Really." Shoto asked as he put the boy on the ground, the boy nodded, he thought for a second.
"Momma is so so smart!!! One day I wanna be like him!!" He jumped up and down, "but his notes are so complicated I don't get some of them.. I just know there's both weaknesses and strengths." He had put his hand on his chin, like he really had to think, he had seen some of these people in the villain section of his momma's notebooks, and there weren't meany of them. Probably a book in a half of the most well known villains. "Papa... papa didn't like how momma helped heroes... he hated when momma would tell him something he could work on."
                             "What are in these notebooks well besides the information you told us." Shoto asked the boy.
"A lot!! He loves to analyze heroes!! If he could he would make a whole book based on one hero alone!!!" The boy jumped up and down, he had a huge smile something Shoto had seen before.
"Wow your mommy must know a lot!" Shoto said, he was never good with kids, but why is some hero kid making him soft? He looked into the boy's eyes again, a hint of green.
"Yes! Yes he does!! He's my favorite person in the whole world!! He's even in front of All Might!! And easerhead!!" Shoto laughed,
"You really like heroes." The boy nodded.
"Papa isn't the greatest hero.. but grandpa Endeavor wasn't either." Shoto and Dabi froze.
"Endeavor?" Shigaraki asked as he stood up, "is you're grandpa?"
"Yup! And so is All Might! Something about Momma helping his son find his true power.. but then again! He loved momma for his help!!" He boy jumped and laughed. "My quirk won't be like his but I want him to teach-"
"Imma stop you right there." Dabi had placed a hand over the kid's mouth. "Endeavor will never be a good teacher, trust me." The boy looked at him, "Shoto make him shut up about heroes."
"SHIGARAKI!!!" There was a blast and the door blew up, the blue haired male looked over to see Bakugo and a few heroes. Shoto stood up and picked up the boy. "Hiro!" The red eye male glared at Shoto.
"I want momma!" Hiro put his head into Shoto's chest, Shoto held him close.
"Hiro Bakugo!" The small green haired boy held tightly onto the man that held him. Shoto looked at the window, Dabi was thinking the same thing, Dabi had grabbed Shigaraki and They both booked it, jumping out the window, Shoto used his ice helping the other members while Dabi had melted it once everyone was safe, they started to run. Green lighting had flashed over them, metal boots hit the ground, Hiro looked up, a smile on his face.
"Momma!!" He wiggled out of Shoto's arms, he ran to the beast like person. The hooded man crouched and held out his arms.
"Bunny... you're okay!" He looked over his arms, "are you hurt? Did papa hurt you? Dammit I knew I shouldn't have left you!" He kissed his son's cheek, Hiro removed the hood to reveal a Green haired male, Shoto froze, he hadn't seen Izuku Midoryia in years, and here he is. Izuku looked up and activated his quirk again, as he slowly stood up. "Not a single step villain!" He growled out.
"Izuku!" Shigaraki said, Izuku relaxed. Shigaraki ran to him. "My little brother! I'm sorry! So so sorry!"
"It's okay Tenko! I'm just glad you're okay!" They smiled at each other.
"I'm a little okay." There was a blast, Izuku pulled his hood up, the team of villains looked up. "Haru.." the boy looked up at his mother, "go with uncle Tenko please.. they will keep you safe."
                          "Though Thai name was Hiro." Toga asked, Izuku sighed.
                           "Bakugo had always called him that since he was a baby." Izuku said, "on documents his name is Haru."
                            "Spring." Shoto said, "his name means spring." Izuku smiled a little bit, another blast went off, then then a yell. "We'll keep him safe Izuku! Don't worry!"
                             "Haru you know where Grandpa Toshinori lived right? And uncle Mic?" The young boy nodded. "Good show then where you need to go, I'm gonna deal with papa okay?"
                            "Momma.." Shoto picked up the little boy, he watched as Izuku jumped off, he now realizes why he loved Izuku those meany years ago.
                            "We need to go." Dabi said, everyone nodded.

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