"He's Safe Katsuki"

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Type: Omegaverse 
Warnings: Decaying of people, kidnapping, hero stuff
Fluff/Augnt: a bit a both.
Story idea from: kaphn_a on Instagram

Note: this chapter is a little king and sorry I haven't posted in a while, for some reason I couldn't get my mind to work and felt burnt out. Also had a lot of shit happen in the past couple of months. But here is a story that's over 4,000 words. I'll continue it (hopefully.) and I'm not gonna post a photo out of respect for the artist.

        "You did so great Izuku." Katsuki said, the two sat in the hospital, Izuku was looking at their son, they had smiles on their faces. "He looks just like me!"
           "Don't remind me." Izuku said, their son opened his eyes for the first time, the two smiled, "Haru.."
             "I thought-"
             "I changed my mind Katsuki. It's Haru." Katsuki smiled, his husband did just push the kid out, his omega looked tired, but awake enough to sit up and hold their son, he didn't want to get the boy mad.
              "Hey... look." The two looked at the boy's eyes, one red with specks of green and the other fully red, the two smiled. "He's perfect."
               "All I ever wanted." Izuku said, he kissed his son's nose, "I love you so much."

     A few months later
Izuku and Katsuki fell to the ground hard, Dabi and Twice held them down, Toga held up Haru, "HARU!" Izuku yelled, Katsuki kicked and tried to activate his quirk.
            "Let him go!" Izuku had tears in his eyes, Shigaraki walked in, "Izuku..."
             "Please... not him." Izuku said, twice and Dabi forced them into chairs, in a another room, tying them up, Dabi put a cloth around Bakugo's mouth, twice did the same to Izuku, Toga smiled at the baby who started to cry a bit, Shigaraki took Haru from her.
               "What a cutie." Shigaraki smiled, Izuku tried to get out of the ropes, Bakugo tried to activate his quirk again, "where are his parents?"
                "All beaten and tied up!" Toga said jumping up and down. Shigaraki smiled, Haru whimpered a bit, the villain didn't take his eyes off of him.
                 "Shhh... it's okay. You won't feel a thing." Shigaraki touched him, Haru started to cry.
                 "Don't touch my son!" Bakugo punched Shigaraki, Midoriya grabbed his baby, shushing him, "call Shoto Deku!" Izuku nodded and called his friend, Izuku ran out of the house meeting Todoroki there.
                   "Hey baby... it's okay... I'm here. I'm here." Izuku kissed his son's head, Haru was wailing, Todoroki drove as fast as he could.
                    "I have Kirishima and Denki on the way to aid Bakugo, I'll be here with you and Haru." Izuku smiled.
                     "Thank you sho.." Izuku tried to hush his son, but he could tell his son was in pain, "we're almost there baby." When they got there Izuku ran in, while Todoroki went to park, "m-my son is hurt... h-he was attacked by villains! Please help him!" A nurse looked at the boy, and gasped, she took him from Izuku and into the ER, yelling at a few doctors and nurses, Izuku followed. Todoroki got next to him.
                       "He'll be okay Izuku." Todoroki hugged him, Izuku nodded, they watched as the doctors and nurses rushed Haru in the OR.

   Bakugo came running in, Izuku stood up and hugged him, "did he get checked Shoto?"
               "I made sure a nurse looked over him, you go get checked as well."
                "How's Haru?"
               "Still in surgery." Izuku said, Katsuki hugged him, he kissed his head.
                "Don't worry Izuku. You're his mother! I'm sure he'll be a fighter!" Katsuki smiled.
                "Go get checked okay?" Katsuki nodded and kissed him, then walked off, a doctor walked over to the hero, and they went to a room. "I hope he's okay..." Todoroki rubbed Izuku's back, a few minutes later a doctor came.
                 "He's okay." They said, Izuku hugged him, crying, Todoroki had to pull him off the man. "He will need to stay here for a few days. And half of his face is all scared up."
                 "Can I see him?" Izuku asked, Bakugo then walked over, "can we see him?" The doctor looked at the two worried parents, he nodded, "thanks Todoroki, you can go home."
                    "Come back to my place when you're done.. you guys don't have a house right now." Todoroki said as he walked off, the two followed the doctor, they smiled when they saw their son.
                       "Oh baby!" Izuku ran over to the bed, he kissed his son's head, he gasped when he saw the scaring, "no... Baby.. oh my baby!" Izuku cried, Bakugo rubbed his omega's back, the two stayed with their son all night along.

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