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Izuku woke up to his father yelling at his mother again, he curled up in his bed, being quirkless was one thing, being the next number one was another.
See, Izuku Midoriya was quirkless, his father wasn't too happy about that, his father was someone who hated All Might, really hated him. So his bright idea was, force his high school sweetheart to marry him, get her pregnant, and rise the child to be the next number one. The only bad thing in this plan was, Izuku didn't have his quirk. But his father pushed past that and forced Izuku into training. To get him ready for something, a quirk, his father knew someone how could help. But Izuku didn't want a quirk. At all. So sometimes he tries and skips training, that never worked, his father would March right down to the school, and drag him away from Bakugo, the blond would sometimes try and stop Izuku's father but, it never worked.
                 "You can't just bring a villain into the house Hisashi!" Izuku heard his mom yell, Izuku sat up, a villain? His dad was that low to ask a villain for help?
                 "He can give Izuku a quirk!" Hisashi yelled back, Izuku could hear his mom crying he hated to hear his mom upset.
                 "This has gone too far! Just accept that Izuku is quirkless! I'm sure he can be a hero with out a quirk!" Then Inko yelped, Izuku stood up and ran to the stairs, there he saw his mother on the ground holding her cheek, he ran to her.
                     "My son will have a quirk, he will be a hero, and he will be better then All Might!" Hisashi grabbed Izuku, pulling the six year old boy down the hall, Izuku squirmed, trying to get out of his father's hold.
                     "Momma! Momma please!" Izuku yelled, Inko had tears in her eyes, that was the only time she heard her son talk in a long time.
                   "Baby... don't worry." She smiled, "I promise we'll get out of here!"

- not to far away -

                    "Touya! That's not fair!" Natsuo said to his older brother, Shoto looked at his siblings playing, he was too young to play with them, but he loved watching them. Plus, he can't really, his mother accidentally burn his eye, she didn't see him come in and poured boiling water in his face. Yes his father was mad at first but got over it. Touya smiled at his youngest brother.
                    "Come on, I'm just a bit better then you." Touya smiled, "Shoto come on!"
                      "Y-You sure?" Shoto stood up, "dad will get mad."
                      "You're fine! Plus I can take the blame." Touya said, "I don't want you sitting out little brother." Shoto smiled and ran over to them, the ball was kicked to him, he kicked the ball to Fuyumi and she kicked it to Natsuo.
                        "Kids lunch! Shoto!" Rei yelled, Shoto looked at her, Touya stood in front of his little brother.
                        "It's fine mom! I asked him to join. He looked so lonely over there on the bench." Touya said, Rei sighed, she picked up her son.
                       "Touya, Shoto is still healing from the water. He shouldn't do anything too harsh." Rei moved some hair from Shoto's face, "how's that eye Shoto?"
                        "I feel it getting better!" Shoto smiled, Rei smiled, she kissed her son's cheek and the four kids ran inside.
                        "Touya! Hold it." Rei said, Touya stopped, he sighed and turned to look at her. "I know you care for your brother, but he's just too young to play with you guys."
                          "But mom!" Touya said, "I want Shoto to have fun! I can't let him just sit in the sidelines while me and the others play." Touya looked down, "he's gonna be Anti social if we keep him away."
                          "Oh Touya, you take after me at times." She kissed his head, "just wait a bit, I don't want Shoto to get even more hurt. Play blocks or cars with him, not ball okay?" Touya looked down.
                         "Yes mother." Then Rei went inside, Touya looked up at the second floor, Endeavor walked out of the training room, Touya ran up the stairs. "Can I got see Uncle Might?"
                          "Please father?" Touya asked, Endeavor sighed. 
                         "Would you like to take Shoto?" Touya smiled.

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