Chapter 26: Cloudy Skies & Wild Tides

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Panic enveloped the coast as the crowd stampeded away from the boardwalk, seeking safety closer to Aegean City's glass towers. Small groups of cloaked creatures shambled out of the ocean, their rags dripping wet and covered in seagrass. Yet others lunged at the man in green and companions, and a larger horde grabbing and pushing each other onto the crystal stage. Suilah and her attendants retreated into the back of the stage, where the queen spread her arms in front of the terrified mermaids. Her eyes flashed a blood-red color, glaring at the clawed creatures in contempt.

Putting a finger up to her temple, she narrowed her eyes and commented, "Seems dear Khiboreas didn't exaggerate his account for the sake of his ego this time. To think such creatures would dare challenge the guardians..." After taking a deep breath, her face lost all trace of anger, seeming as serene as Lake Eriida's waters. Her voice ever soft, yet imposing, she murmured, "Well then, no better opportunity to cut loose and de-stress."

With a flick of her finger, water crept out of her sleeve and down her arm much like a translucent snake. Just as it touched her hand, it enveloped it as a glove would and acquired an icy blue glow. Before her attendants could blink, she skated to the front of the stage as if pushed by an invisible current. Her legs remained immobile as she hopped and swiped at the creatures. The water around her hand stretched and froze in the form of a scythe, clashing against their bony claws. The sea groaned and rumbled below, its waves spiking and thrashing with Suilah's silent fury. A riptide pulled less fortunate cloaked creatures down its throat, never to feel the sun's warmth again.

As if wishing to hide the sun from witnessing the ocean's rage, light grey clouds covered its shine. Down below, most of the creatures faced off against Suilah in a deadly dance. A few groups slowly encroached upon the Diderots and their companions, their claws and jaws stretching wide. Eila and Tomas felt paralyzed as one of them emitted a chilling, pained scream. The same agonized cries and disfigured, rage-filled eyes that haunted them in Mount Reilu were upon them again.

The twins were quickly covered by their parents, attempting to shield them with their backs. The man in green and Joanne formed a second shield around the family. The two joined Ari as she furiously roared and screeched, spewing forth her vengeful flames at the creatures. Nino hissed, balancing atop her back like a dark, fluffy knight upon his fire-breathing steed.

Amidst Ari's flames and their parents' arms struggling in front of them, the twins looked out at the boardwalk. The creatures recoiled at the sight of Ari hissing and placed their arms over their eyes when she breathed fire at them. Joanne blocked their view as she slid in front of them, sweat running down her forehead.

"All o' you, get inside the kiosk!" Joanne hollered, elbowing a cloaked creature behind her. "You got a good dragon keepin' watch, so you'll be safer in there while she does what she's gotta do. I'll stay with Mr. Green, a'ight?"

Mr. and Mrs. Diderot quickly nodded and urged the twins to go inside one of the wooden kiosks, still emanating a warm and pleasant scent from fresh berry crepes left in its tiny oven. Tomas took a quick glance at Ari behind them, still snapping and whipping her tail at the enemies. Her wild eyes and wicked snarl made his chest tighten and his teeth chatter for a moment. He felt his father's hands on his shoulders, gently pushing him past the kiosk's scrawny door. He looked up at Mr. Diderot's face with wide and scared eyes.

"She's still our Ari, boy," Mr. Diderot comforted him, "She's just looking out for her family."

Eila followed Tomas until she stopped and turned toward Joanne, asking, "B-but what about you, Jo? You're still hurt, remember?"

Joanne let out a snort and chuckled. "A little scratch ain't enough to stop me, hon. 'Sides, I gotta back him up while Ari's busy." She stuck out her thumb and pointed it behind her, where the man in green kicked and evaded more bony claws. Once the family was safely inside, she flashed and big grin and closed the door, leaving them in a dimly lit kiosk.

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