Chapter 31: An Electrifying Climb

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Deja-vu swept over the twins as they prepared for the climb. They had hiking boots and raincoats ready, backpacks full of water and snacks, and other useful items found in local markets. Eila's camera rested in her handbag with Khiboreas's feather, which gave off a cooling feeling on her right side.

While Tomas and her parents finished up packing, Eila sat by the great windows in the living room. The dark ocean in the distance licked at the rocky shore, waves coming in as if trying to eat it. Soft rain pattered on the windows when she heard Ari's claws tapping the floor.

"You excited, Ari? You'll have extra buddies this hike!" Eila grinned as Ari curled up on the floor next her, tail quivering. Eila's grin sank when she turned to the window. "Still, the sky looks so sad today. I can't help feeling a little down too... but I bet the skies will be happier once we get that last shard."

The last shard... Eila wondered what would happen then. Xybelios could finally be a dragon again, and he'd be strong enough to beat all the monsters, plus that nasty Nether Oracle. After that, would they say goodbye and go home? They had been to so many places with Xybelios, it was hard thinking she'd have to leave their friend. Would they ever see him again? The Isle of Trusa felt so far from home...

Eila closed her eyes and exhaled. No time to think about that yet! Especially when the mountains loomed so high above the house, inviting her to climb up.

If she had to say goodbye, at least it will be after the biggest adventure of her life.


In the kitchen, Tomas and Mrs. Diderot studied a map of the Ilenes given to them by the man in green. The sky dragon's temple was divided between three peaks: the monks' homes and market plaza around one peak and the main temple building on another. The last and highest peak housed the Sky Pillars, a large outdoor space with an altar surrounded by columns. This place, the man explained, used to hold Xybelios's crystal orb.

"The last shard could be in any of these peaks," Tomas thought aloud, his gaze fixed on the map with unusual intensity, "and if we don't want the Nether Oracle getting it, we gotta search all three quick."

The man in green leaned in beside Tomas, hands behind his back like a schoolteacher inspecting his student's work. "Indeed. If so, Tomas, how can we best accomplish this?"

Tomas hid a small smile. He cleared his throat and straightened his back. "Well, there's seven of us and three lightning dragons, what if we split up?"

Mrs. Diderot raised an eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Remember my rules, Tomas."

Tomas nodded sheepishly.

The man in green ambled to the opposite side of the table. "While it is the most efficient plan, it could turn dangerous if we encounter the cloaked ones. Each group must have the means to defend themselves. My dragons are nimble creatures, they will not be struck down easily." He lowered his voice, "Judging from their demeanor, they too feel shame from their failure at the temple. I believe they will not be merciful if the cloaked ones appear."

Tomas nodded. "Ari's plenty strong too, and she's got extra motivation to take those monsters down." Even he felt pumped up thinking about it, almost forgetting the sinking feeling at the chance of seeing them again.

"That will be good." The man in green placed his hands on the table, pointing at the peaks. "However, I will offer my thoughts: the three peaks are connected by a grand bridge between each one. By my suspicions, the shard may be hidden somewhere in the temple or the Sky Pillars. I suggest we remain close as a group and investigate these two areas. Since there are ten of us, our search shall be an expedited one. Should we experience an ambush, my dragons will protect us."

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