Chapter 5: The Mountain Temple

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It was a little after 2:00 p.m. when the group began the walk up the rockier parts of the mountain. Vegetation here had reduced to mere patches of grass standing out among the new layer of snow or between boulders. Joanne was just as energetic as ever, especially after lunchtime at a small resort station along the way, but some of the older members of the group were complaining about sore legs. 

At one point, Mr. Diderot sighed while massaging his thigh, "Man, my legs are killing me! Remind me to work out more when we get back, these rocks are gonna screw my feet up!"

Mrs. Diderot rolled her eyes. "If only you went jogging with me in the mornings instead of sleeping in..."

Mr. Diderot gave a hearty laugh. "I'm not about to give up my beauty sleep that easily, dear!"

"Beauty sleep?" asked Eila, squinting her eyes at him.

The rest of the afternoon was spent walking up the sides of Mt. Reilu where Joanne commented on how the mountain sheep with large horns can stand on such thin openings between rocky walls and not slip off snow or ice covered ground. The yellow dragon's owners decided it would be safer if they just held him in their arms, while Ari walked beside the twins' parents. Eila spent her time practicing her photography skills, mainly on the few animals they saw on the way, while Tomas rode on Ari's back and took in the sights.

The cloudy skies and mist covering the mountain peaks gave off this surreal, yet beautiful view of the area. White and grey dominated the scenery, with a few blue trees and green shrubs.

Finally, at around 6 p.m., when the sun gave the sky a pink-orange hue as it set upon the horizon, Joanne announced they would set up camp for the night. Many of the tired hikers gave a sigh of relief and quickly built up their tents as Joanne instructed, plus started a campfire. Once settled, the Diderot family warmed their dinner, which was packaged and given to them at the meal station and sat in a circle with the rest of the group.

The twins sat near the campfire, with their backs supported by Ari's torso as she lied down and curled her tail around them.

Joanne made herself comfortable on a pile of snow, giving a warm smile to the three and saying, "Well, folks, from the looks of yer faces, today was a very long day for everyone. And I know I don't look it, but I am beat. That said, hope y'all enjoyed the sights so far, cuz believe me, the view from the temple and the peak is spectacular." 

She paused and took a deep breath, "However, I gotta talk a few things 'bout our visit to the temple tomorrow. We're gonna spend preeetty much the entire day and night there, givin' a tour, eatin' the local cuisine, n' takin' in the sights. As for the Oracle, monks, and clerics, they're not super uptight or anythin', but it's a sacred place for 'em, so we gotta respect their rules. Let's go over the more obvious ones: First, no photos 'nless I give the OK. There's some rooms with very delicate paintings and frescoes, so camera flashes could damage 'em. Second, don't take anything from the temple grounds. Not even a tiny pebble you found on the floor. If y'all want souvenirs, you'll find a tiny shop for that."

She took a sip from her thermos, "Finally, the Oracle will be the one givin' the tour inside the temple tower, I'll only show ya the grounds and nearby buildings. Her name is Larya Nemitz, and she's the leader of the congregation. Very gentle and sweet lady, but also stern when she needs to be. I'm sure y'all will like her though." She then closed her eyes, put her hands together and said, "Now, let's eat already! Cuz I am starvin'!"

"Wait, I've got a question!" Tomas asked as he stood up, "Oracles lead their congregations, right? But I read they're the ones that talk to their guardian. So, does Larya talk to Khiboreas somehow?"

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