Chapter 3

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Bang bang bang

My fist sounded against the door. I was angry. Really angry. So angry that I didn't think about the consequences of my actions. There was only silence from behind the door and I grew even more angry.


The door was pulled open aggressively and I was met face to face with the most evil man in the world.  My stepfather, Kevin. He was angry. I could tell from his furrowed brows and flared nostrils. He was high too. He looked down at me for a few seconds and my heart was already gripped with fear.

He didn't seem to recognize me at first but he did after a while. His mouth curled into an ugly sneer and he raised his hand as if to hit me.  I flinched.

Since he got married to mom and moved in with her not even a week later he started exhibiting his true colors. I never liked him. Even when mom began dating him, I knew there was something wrong with him in the head. I was a smart kid. I wanted to tell my mom that I didn't trust him and she shouldn't either but she seemed happy with him.

I didn't want to bring her down from that just because I didn't like him. I know just how much mom went through after dad passed. She deserved to be happy. So I let her be and I let her self destruct. A week after they got married, Kevin started beating me up randomly. Especially when my mom wasn't home and I just got back from school. He was tie me up and beat me like I did something wrong and my mom never noticed, when I told her about it she told me to stop lying about it. That what would people think? I knew at that moment that I had lost my mother too.

Eventually Kevin convinced my mom start taking drugs. Whenever mom comes home stressed from work, drugs were always there to welcome her. They took the drugs as a couple. Laughing and smiling together as they rode that high. Then my mother fell sick when I turned 12. She had cancer. I had a teacher then who's husband was a doctor and so he came over to take a look at her since I couldn't afford to take her to the hospital. Kevin wasn't working and whatever money mom brought back, Kevin took it to buy more drugs. My teachers husband advised me to take her to the hospital and gave me a list of drugs to give her.

I couldn't take her to the hospital so I started saving money to get the drugs for her since the doctor told me it can be used to manage it. I begged my middle schools teacher to give me a job and since most of them "understood" because of my father, they agreed. I started saving until I got i got the drugs for her.

I've been doing that since I was 13 and when I turned 16, I got the job at the restaurant. I could help her better but then you can also say I got sick in the head as well.

My step-father smiled when he noticed I flinched, a satisfying smile resting on his lips. I gritted my teeth for letting that reaction slip now he knew that he still has power over me.

"Where's my money?" He asked with his gruff voice. He stocked of alcohol.

"It's my mother's, not yours."

His nostrils flared in anger, he grabbed my forearm roughly, "Where. Is. My. Money?" His grip tightened with each word. I winced in pain. On second though, it would have been wiser if I came here with an actual plan and not to confront my abuser by asking him what he's doing with my mothers money.

"I-I don't have it!"

His eyes darkened and his voice lowered, his grip tightening, "What do you mean you don't have it?"

I gulped. I couldn't help it.  He was terrifying.

"I-I don't have money."

"You brat!" he growled. I couldn't run, it was already too late when his hand latched onto my hair quickly and pulled me inside. I screamed and kicked at him but that seemed to anger him more. He slammed me against the door roughly causing the small house to rattle.

"I need that money you fool!" he spat in my face.

"It's for my mother! You have no right to take it! You know she's sick!" I yelled back but quickly regretted it when his fist came in contact with my  left eye before he flung me to the floor.

It took a minute to get my bearing as my vision blurred. My eyesight wasn't the best but now it could be permanently ruined. My stepfather lunged at me again kicking my as I cried out and writhed on the floor in pain.

He bent down to grab me again but I noticed a half full beer bottle beside me. Using my adrenaline fuel, I grabbed the bottle and hit it against his face with all the strength I had.  He collapsed onto the floor and I took that as my moment to run. I was covered in blood, sweat and alcohol. I ran into my mother's room and locked the door in fear that he'll come back. My heart was beating and it was beating hard.

I turned around to face my mom on the bed but the words died on my tongue. 

I screamed.

Sorry, that this chapter was a little short. I wanted to keep the suspense alive.

What do you 🤔 is going on?

What happened to her mom🤔🤔?

Her stepfather is plain evil. Don't you think?

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Thank you and love you

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