Chapter 6

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Hello!! Welcome back to my book. I was supposed to update yesterday but things came up so I'm going to be updating today. Enjoy.

My head stung and my body felt numb. I was laying on something soft, fluffy and comfortable. There was this scent in the air followed but the sweet smell of food.  My stomach growled, remembering I haven't eaten for a while. I turned around on the surface I was laying on and tried to get more comfortable.

My body screamed at me to stay still.  I was hurting all over, I was hungry and I was exhausted.

Laying on my side, I pried my eyes open, slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room.  I looked around and stilled.  My body turning cold. I was in an unknown location

What if it was my stepfather? What if he was here to get me?

I couldn't help it. My mind conjured up the worst case scenarios bringing them all to life in my head. I started to panic. Air wasn't filling my lungs enough and I felt like something hard was pressing  down on my chest. I was panicking. I looked around for my pills but remembered they weren't with me right now.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to scream. The blankets felt like they were choking me. Regret ate at me when I remembered what had happened. I had almost made it.  I almost left this world but I didn't make it. Someone stopped me.

In the middle of the attack, I heard fast footsteps getting close to the door and I practically fell of the bed to escape whoever was coming. I tried to stand but I was too exhausted. The door swung open and I closed my eyes waiting for something, anything to happen.

Nothing did.

When i slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was honey colored eyes and that feeling came back again.


I stared at him with wide eyes and he stared right back at me. "Are you alright?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed in worry. His voice sounded like silk and honey. Soft and smooth.  Almost musical.  His voice was just as deep.  It sounded rough but smooth too. It was really nice.

I couldn't say a word, I couldn't even nod. I just stared at him wondering what on earth he wanted with me. He sighed when I didn't reply and shuffled closer. I flinched when I felt his hands on either side of my waist. He frowned at that, "I'm not going to hurt you."

I still couldn't speak so he lifted me up and put me on my feet but I couldn't stand so he lifted me further carrying me bridal style and carefully dropped me on the bed. He sat next to me and stared at me before his eyes caught something on my forehead. His eyes turned guilty and his hands reached over to push my hair behind my ear. I didn't flinch this time and I don't know why.

Maybe because of the tenderness he used that I've never experienced before.

His finger skimmed the side of my forehead and my breath hitched.

"I'm so sorry." he spoke, his voice breathy as his hazel eyes met my blue ones, "I didn't mean to make you hit your head. I panicked. I didn't want you to jump."

"Why?" my voice found me. It was faint and it was small but I knew he heard me because he smiled softly at me.

"What's your name?"

I hesitated. I didn't know who this boy was, where I was and what he wanted with me but he gave me this feeling of peace so I spoke.

"Jenny." I answered.

He smiled even more. "Jake." he moved away from me and went looking for something in his bedside drawer. He brought out a tube of something. He sat back down on the bed and moved a little closer to me.

"It's a little hot but it's supposed to bring down the swelling." he put a bit on his finger and rubbed it in my forehead. It burned but it's nothing I couldn't handle. He put the tube away and smiled at me. "Are you hungry? I made something for you."

I blinked. "You made something for me?"

He nodded excitedly, "It's really good. Come on. " he stood and offered me his hands to help me get up. I looked at his hands and I placed mine in his. It fit in like a completed puzzle piece.  He felt it too because when I looked up at him, he was already looking at me with a confused expression on his face.

I got to my feet but my knees shook and I felt faint.  His hands quickly went under my knees as he lifted me up.

"You okay?" he asked and I nodded. He walked out of the room and into his open plan kitchen. He placed me on a stool and went to get the food. He dropped a whole assortment of breakfast foods in front of me. He sat in front of me, leaning earnestly on his elbows and looking at me expectantly.

I looked down at the plates in front of me, by my estimation I'll barely be able to finish a plate. I was hungry but my appetite was not back to normal.

He was still staring at me with his eyes that were starting to look green. I gave him a small smile and picked up the bacon. I must admit it did look good.  It was almost at my mouth when the overcoming urge to throw up came upon me. He noticed my sudden change of expression because he was at my side immediately.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"B-Bathroom." I choked out trying not to throw up all over his floors and him.

"Yeah, there's one right h— Are you sure you can walk?" he asked, his brows drawn in worry.

I nodded hastily and wobbled towards where he directed me, him close behind me. The fear of puking all over him and his floors gave me the strength to walk. What a miracle.

Seeing the toilet, the puke pushes more to get out and then I was doubled over the seats puking my guts out. It must be the leftover alcohol in my system.

Embarrassment washed over me as I puked wondering what Jake was thinking right now. I jumped when I felt his fingers brush my neck as he pushed my hair back and his other hand rubbed circles on my back.  I shivered.

After emptying my stomach content, I collapsed felling light headed. I opened my eyes and he was leaning close to me. He brushed the wet hair from my face. "Are you okay, Jenny?"

I closed my eyes again and tried to control my breathing.  My heart was beating loudly in my ear. I nodded. He began to pick me up but I stopped him by placing my hand on his chest,  "Toothbrush, please."

He nodded. "There's a spare in my room, I'll get it." he rushed out of the room. I placed my hand on my chest,  feeling my heart rattle under the cages.

I'm tired. So very tired.

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