Chapter 10

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I woke up late, feeling more energized. My head was hurting but I felt... happy, somewhat. Relieved, almost and stress free, entirely.

I stepped down from the bed and I almost tripped when I walked over because of how long Jake's sweatpant were. I liked it though.

Suddenly everything that happened last night came back to me with such force it almost knocked me over. Mortified? Definitely. Scared? Yes. Embarrassed? there were no words to describe how embarrassed I felt at this moment.

I shuffled into the bathroom and noticed it was neat. All the stuff I knocked over were put back in the cabinet. All the stuff I had broken, were no where to be seen. I leaned over the sink and washed my face before taking a deep breath. I walked out of the bathroom and opened his door to go meet Jake downstairs but i was surprised to see him standing outside the door.

"Hi." I breathed out. I beat myself up for sounding so shaky.

His eyes twinkled and he looked amused. He put his hands in his pocket and leaned against the doorframe. I tried to ignore how good his looking right now but I couldn't. He was tall, yes. He had muscles but they were lean and not bulky like wrestlers had. He was tall and lean with eyes that i can't figure if it's fully green or if it's hazel. When I first saw him his eyes looked like honey, and yesterday night they were somewhat green. I didn't care, he was gorgeous either way. Too gorgeous and he seems so modest about it.

"Hi." He smirked back. His eyes twinkled in mischief again, "Like what you see? I'm sure you do."

Okay maybe not so modest.

I rolled my eyes but there was a tug at my lips forcing me to smile. "You wish."

He smiled brightly, "Come on. I made breakfast." I followed her downstairs and saw the food. It looked delicious but I knew I couldn't finish a plate. When I was done, I took my dishes and walked to the sink to wash it but he tried to take it from my hands claiming he would wash it.

"I ate in it. I have to put my dirty dish away." I argued.

"Well, I cooked the food. It's only normal for me to take care of it."

"It's proper etiquette to wash my plates."

"It's my house." he claimed. I was feeling very annoyed. Why couldn't he just let me wash it? We engaged in a little stare off when I was fuming and he was amused until I noticed something, there were three lines on his cheek. The first line was very close to his eye, just a bit under and the other lines followed. It was red and looked painful.

"What is...?" I pointed at the marks. He jumped back quickly as if burned by fire.

"That's nothing. Let me put that away." he tried to reach for my plate but I dragged it further away.

"Did I do that?" I frowned. I remembered clawing and kicking when he had taken me away from the bathroom. He had dropped me suddenly and I think that was when I had scratched him across the face. I always just hurt myself, I have never hurt someone. I dont want to start now. This terrified me.

"Hey, no no no it doesn't matter." he said noticing my sad expression and that I felt guilty about it.

"It does matter! I didn't want to hurt you!" I dropped the plate in the sink and leaned against the island, the guilt consuming me, "God, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. It's okay," he tried to calm me down, "it's not your fault. I'm okay."

"It is my fault, Jake. I knew it was a mistake to stay here. I'm leaving."

"Please don't." he begged, rushing over to my side, "stay with me."

I need help Jake, even I knew that. "I'll only slow you down." I brushed past him.

"That's not true," he rushed after me and grabbed my arm. "I want to help you, let me help you."

"I'm leaving Jake."

He stared at me begging with his eyes but it was as if there was something with my expression that made him stop. Then he sighed, "At least let me drive you."

I thought about it but there was no real harm. He'll drive me to my apartment and we'll never see each other again. I looked up at him and nodded. He gave me a small sad smile and I felt bad for leaving but I had too. I'll drag him down.

We walked out of his house and into his sleek car. The journey back began and for 20 minutes, we said nothing to each other but something was itching me to ask a question I didn't know the answer to.

"Why do you care?"

He took his eyes away from the road to look at me questionably, "What?"

"Why do you care so much? Why do you care if I've eaten or slept? Why do you want me to stay with you? I don't understand anything, really. It's just not normal to treat someone you saved from killing themselves this way. I mean the normal thing to do is throw that person in a rehab center and get on with your life. Instead you're giving me food and taking care of me? Can you please explain that. I am so confused." I said in one breath.

"Jenny." he started not once looking at me, "You may not know this but you are very important, not only to me but to others. Everyone's important. I don't think anyone will see someone wanting to hurt themself and not do anything about it. I care about you, Jenny. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret right after. It may seem that everything is going bad in your life but look at the others. Look at the good things."

I tried to think of anything good in my life right now but I came up short. The only person that is somewhat important to me is Jake, "Like what?"

"The fact that you are alive is a blessing." He said with a sad look on his face.

"That's the thing, I don't want to live."

He took his eyes off the road for a second to look at me. He looked pained to hear those words from my mouth.

"That is the thing, Jenny. People are in hospitals right now with their parents, friends, family who are so sick, begging for the healthy life you just want to toss away." Jake said and his words hit me like a train, "They pay millions of dollars and go bankrupt just to make sure that the person they care about gets the best possible treatment and doesn't die. They actually value the life that you want to throw away."

Tears gathered at my eyes at that. It was true. I remembered when Karen, my coworker at the restaurant, her father fell really sick with cancer. All the money she had earned she used it to get treatment for him. Her mom and siblings all chipped in and it got to a point where her church had to raise a fund raiser to save him. That helped to cover all expenses but he still died. Karen was so distraught that it made me cry for him even though I didn't know him.

If I died, will anybody miss me? My mother was gone. My father was gone. I had no one that cares about me. Except Jake, maybe. He claimed he did but I don't know. I'm just so confused right now. I looked at Jake. I have never met anyone who looked at life the way he does. It was strange but calming.

"I want to help you get better, Jenny." he said softly as he parked his care next to my apartment complex, "He wants to help you too. He is the one that has kept you to this point because he knows you are bound to do amazing things."

He turned to me, "'Come to me those that are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.'"

Hugs and kisses

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