New friend :)

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Y/ns POV:

I woke up at 7am and got out of bed not excited for today because it's Monday. I went to my bathroom and got ready for the day. I looked out the window and it was raining, I had to wear my uniform which is a skirt and I didn't have any clean hoodies "I guess I'm going to freeze today" I said to myself. I went to the kitchen and heard my dad say out of his room "hey I'm gonna be right back" and I saw him leaving his room "hey Y/n, how did you sleep?" He asked "I slept great, but it's raining and I have no hoodies to wear" I said frowning "I would let you borrow mine but it would be way too big for you.." he said thinking. "Do you have a jacket?" He asked me "Yeah, I do but I look awful in it" I answered "Well you are wearing that or getting cold" he said "Well getting cold is better I guess then" I say "Please just wear the jacket I don't want you to get sick" he said "fine, I will" I said rolling my eyes "Thank you now I have to go back to streaming, love you have a good day" he said hugging me "love you too" and then he went back to his room.

I made some breakfast and then grabbed my jacket and left. I ran to the bus station and got there on time, I got in my bus and in there were a lot of kids from my school, I usually would get my own seat but I saw a new kid sitting there, so I sat next to him. "Hi are you going to Seacoast High?" I asked the boy "Yup!" He replied cheerfully "What about you?" He asked me "I go there too, everyone in this bus goes to Seacoast High" I said "Oh, well I'm Tubbo (I'm not using his real name in this story)what about you?" He asked once again "Y/n" I said "That's a pretty name" Tubbo said smiling "Thanks! Your name is really cool" I said back "O-oh thanks!" He said nervously, I started to panic a bit, he was like my first friend to me because nobody wanted to hangout with me.

"Oh I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with that" I said with a smile. "Oh it's fine, I just rarely get compliments so it surprised me a bit" he said reassuring me. "Well if you wanna be friends with me you better get used to getting compliments" I said laughing a bit "Well I would love to be your friend" he said as the bus stopped in front of the school. "This is exciting, now let's get going" I say as I grab his hand and drag him out of the bus.

I realised I was holding his hand and blushed. "O-oh I'm sorry" I say letting go of his hand "It's ok" he said smiling "Now can you show me where the office is so I can find all of my classes?" He continued "Yeah of course" I say showing him to the office.

He went in and I waited for him outside. I looked at my phone to find my schedule so I would know what my first class was, it was music, my favourite class.

I saw Tubbo coming out of the office "Uh what's your first class?" I ask him "Umm music" he said "Ooo that's my first class too" I said cheerfully "OOO" he said excited. Then we started heading to the music class office. We arrived a bit early. No one was there not even the teacher. We sat down and started talking about random things.

10minutes after the teacher arrived "You two are early" she said "And you're the new kid?..Tubbo?" The teacher asked and Tubbo nodded "Well it's good you are making friends" she said.

More people started coming in the class, soon enough the class was filled with students. "Today we are writing a song chorus with a partner, and after you write that and present it to the class you are going to write a song, about 2minutes long. But about the song making I'll tell you later. For the chorus you have a week and the whole holidays to create" the teacher said. Writing was not my strong suit but it was with a partner so it was gonna be easier "And you can choose your own partner, if theres gonna be a mess I'm going to pick the partners" the teacher continued. I looked over at Tubbo and he looked at me and we both decided to write the chorus.

After 10minutes the teacher started teaching us about song writing, me and Toby listened carefully because we wanted good grades on this.

The bell had rung and everyone including us ran out of the office. Me and Tubbo had different classes for the rest of the day so we agreed on meeting up at lunch.

Classes were boring as usual but I was exited for lunch because I would get to see Tubbo. He wasn't my first friend at this school, but he seemed nice. My other friends left me to be popular. From then on I hadn't made any friends, I didn't want to talk to people and they didn't want to talk to me.

Time skip to lunch

I left my class and ran to my locker to put my books there, to my surprise I saw Tubbo there "Hi Y/n" he said "Hi Tubbo" I said smiling as I put my books away. "Let's go?" I say locking my locker "Yup!" He said exited. We went over to the cafeteria and sat down. I grabbed my lunch and started eating and so did Tubbo. "Oh look the lonely Y/n got her first friend" my ex-best friend Emma said walking by "Look you shouldn't hangout with this loser, trust me" she said laughing as her friends behind her started laughing. "Well she's not a loser- to be honest your the loser here" Tubbo said, I looked at him surprised "What do you mean I'm the loser!" Emma said "You're the loser for bullying Y/n, and thinking you are the best when clearly you're not" he said confidently "UGH IM DONE WITH YOU LOSERS" She said as she and her friends walked away. "Thank you" I said with a smile "No problem just telling the truth" Tubbo said smiling.

Time skip

It was the end of the day and my dad was supposed to pick me up "Hey Tubbo you live nearby the bus stop that I live across the street from right?" I asked Tubbo "Yup I live right next to it, I got in the bus before you" he said giggling "Oh, well do you need a ride home? My dad is picking me up today." I asked "Oh no, my mom is picking me up, but thanks!" He said.

I saw my dad pull up "Oh that's my dad got to go"  I said hugging him "Bye cya tomorrow" he said hugging back "Cya tomorrow" I say letting go and jumping in my dads car. I was blushing a bit from the hug.

"Hey Y/n, how was school? I see you got a boyfriend" he said with a smug look on his face "School was ok, and he isn't my boyfriend he is just my friend" I said "Well ok, he looked a bit familiar but that's probably just me...What's his name?" Dad asked me "Tubbo" I answered and he looked surprised "What do you know him?" I ask "Yeah I stream with Tubbo" He answered.



A longer chapter, and I didn't proof read this so it might have some mistakes

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