Talking :)

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"Wait what?" I asked him "I stream with him, at least I think so. It might be a different guy." Wilbur said "Yeah no I think it's a different guy" I say "Well we can find out, I know he is going to a new school, is he new?" Wilbur asked me "Uh yeah" I said "Well I think it's Tubbo then" Wilbur said "Well idk ask him about his day at school" I said "Will do" He said as he parked his car. We got out of the car and went home. I dropped my bag on the ground grabbed my phone and a paper Tubbo gave me with his discord. "Wait you have Tubbos discord?" I asked Wil "Yes I do" he answered "He gave me his, let's see if it matches" I said "Good idea, but first we should eat something" Wilbur said "Okay..." I said kinda disappointed, while Wilbur made food I added Tubbo on discord. He added me a minute later.


Y/u/n(your user name):

How are you?:o

I'm good! Wby:0

I'm good :)

When are we gonna work on the chorus? :>

Idk maybe tomorrow? I'm busy today :(

Yeah tomorrow would be great :))


Anyways I got to go eat bye :((

Bye :((

Wilbur was calling my name to get food so I went over to the kitchen "Today I will be very busy because we have a war to do" Wilbur said "I'm starting to think Tubbo is your streamer friend" I said "Why's that?" Wilbur asked me "We were chatting and we need to do a project together so we were planning when we would meet and he said today he is busy. And now you are saying you're gonna be busy." I said "Well anyone could be busy, give me his discord I'll see if he's the same Tubbo" he said giggling. I gave him the paper he put it in his pocket then we ate our food and chatted a bit.

"Well I have to go prepare for the war stream, if you need anything text me" he said with a smile "I'm sorry I don't have much time to hand out with you" he continued "It's ok, you work for us both and give me enough attention and I'm really happy" I said, Wilbur just hugged me and I hugged him back. "Ok now you get going" I said with a smile and he let go and went to his room "Love you" he said before closing the door "Love you too"

I went to my room and checked my phone. Wilbur has started streaming. I have no homework so I decided to check it out. After 10 minutes of watching I got bored so I decided to text Tubbo because the war was in like 10minutes, and plus I don't know if he is the streamer.

Hii! You busy? :^

Hi! No not rn but I'll have to go in 5minutes :(

Aww:(( when will you be able to talk again?:(

In like 2hours maybe :(

Awe, well good luck then I'll text you in like 2hours :))

Ok! :D
If I finish sooner I'll text you :))

Ok cya :)

Cya :))

Well I think he is the streamer-

Your boyfriend is a streamer

Good to know and he isn't my boyfriend >:(

Ok, ok.

I had nothing to do saw I just started doodling.

Time skip

After and hour and a half I got a text from Tubbo

Hey I'm done! >:)

Cool, I'm bored >:)

Do you play mc?

I do! And I'm guessing you do too >:)

How did you know :O

I'm a genius ;)

ANYWAYS, wanna play mc?

Heck yeah I do! :D

Cool wanna vc?

Yeah ofc:)


I answered the call
"Hi!" He said "Hi Tubbo!" I said "I'll send you the IP to my server rn" he said "Ok" I said as I saw he sent in the IP to the server. I typed it in and joined the server. Tubbo was in full iron armour. He gave me a flower and what he called iron yeezys "Why yeezys?" I ask him "Big Q always says boots are yeezys and it got to me" he said laughing and I laughed too "Who is Big Q?" I ask him "A friend" he tells me and we keep on playing. I got the rest of the iron armour and built a house next to Tubbos house. We were playing for 2hours now and Wilbur came in my room "Y/n you need to go to bed"he said, shit I forgot to mute. I muted "Yeah in a minute I'm talking to Tubbo" I said "Okay... Wait did you mute before I said that you need to go to bed?" I shake my head "Oh.. Shit, well you can tell him that you're my daughter if he asks but tell him not to tell anyone, ok?" I nod my head and he leaves. I unmute. "Was that Wilbur?" Tubbo asks me "Yup" I say "You are his...." he started "I'm his daughter." I continue "WHAT" "Adopted daughter, please don't tell anyone" I say "Yeah, ok. I'm surprised that Wil has a daughter" he said "Yeah I mean we met like 6 years ago because I ran away" I say "Oh.." he said "Anyways I need to go now. Bye cya tomorrow!" I say "Cya tomorrow!"

I exited the call and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and got in my pjs. Then I went to my room plugged my phone in the charger and then Wilbur came in "Goodnight, sleep well" he said "Goodnight" I said and he left.

Soon enough I fell asleep thinking about tomorrow.



Hope you liked this chapter!

And about the chorus I'm not creating it, I will just take it from a song I like and give the credits I need to give :)

I didn't proof read this and it's gonna be like that with probably all of my chapters because I write these at night and I finish at about 1 am and I have no motivation to proof read these, if there's a mistake please comment and I will correct it :)

Eat, drink water and take care of yourselves <3

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