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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

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.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
.˚˚˚. 'ˎ˗


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"Your room is so nice!", Natsume said as she stood in awe at the boy's well organised room

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"Your room is so nice!", Natsume said as she stood in awe at the boy's well organised room.

"It's nothing", Reki replied with an almost proud look on his face.

Reki sat down on his bed while he tightened a loose screw on his skateboard, seeing as he was going to use it later once Langa and Y/n had come over.

Nastume only continued looking around his room in hopes of finding something she wasn't supposed to see for some reason.

"Is it just you and your sister?", the blondie inquired.

"Mm no I have two other sisters who are asleep and so is my mom", he muttered, focusing on his skateboard rather than Natsume.

"Ah ok". She noticed a framed picture from her peripheral vision. It stood neatly on Reki's desk..until she picked it up. She couldn't help but admire how cute Reki looked with the girl next to him. "Who's this?", she asked.

"That's me and Y/n when we were younger!".

The blondie cringed at y/n's name. Her thoughts on the picture being cute completely changed once she was told it was Y/n.

"It's a funny story actually! So basically..", he continued rambling on and on about his history with y/n.

To be frank, Natsume was surprised how much he could talk when it came to Y/n but when she asked any other questions, he would just give a vague answer.

What did she expect? After being separated from his childhood best friend, of course he was going to be happy and talk about her.

"Oh yeah that reminds me I forgot to text her", Reki said before Natsume took a seat beside him and took the phone from his hands.

"Why do you waste you time on that girl, Reki?", she asked with a scoff as she threw Reki's phone on the bed and out of his reach.

"What are you talking about?", Reki was absolutely shocked about how Natsume was acting right now. What happened to the nice and bubbly girl from 5 minutes ago??

"Come onnn", she whined. "Just forget about her!"

Reki looked at her, getting a slight bit frustrated with the girl."You're not making sense Natsume".

In one swift move, Natsume got on top of the boy and pushed him back down onto the bed, all too quick for Reki to respond or do anything.

"What don't you understand Reki? That girl is a damn whore", Reki furrowed his brow at her remark. He had finally had it with this girl.

And the fact that Y/n has never done anything the least bit slutty is all the more reason why her comment was invalid.

"Don't call her that", Reki said, glaring daggers at Natsume.

"Ah, I like this side of you Reki! ", she said with a wide sadistic smile planted on her face as she placed her hands on Reki's cheeks, about to kiss him, until his door was opened.

"Hey Re-", you were cut off by the shock that shot through your heart.

You slowly shook your head in disbelief. Maybe this was all a bad dream?? Blinking once, blinking twice, it clearly wasn't a dream.

You eyes widened even more. You felt your heart drop.

"I-I..", you couldn't find the right words to say. What was someone even supposed to say in that situation?

You impulsively ran out of his house with tears tainting your vision. Where you were running to? You had no idea. You just kept running and running.

How were you supposed to feel? Angry that Natsume was alone with Reki? Heartbroken that your boyfriend was fooling around with another girl? One thing was for sure. The Reki you knew wouldn't do something like that but even so, it didn't get rid of the anger and sadness you felt.

In fact, you blamed yourself. How could you go as far as to put so much trust in one person, to willingly open your heart out to him- to love him.

The pain you were in was indescribable. Maybe you loved the wrong person? A redo perhaps? No.

You just weren't cut out for this.

You were never cut out for this.

You came to a halt when you felt yourself bump into someone.

"Y/n! Watch were you're— hold on, are you okay?", Miya asked, concered for his sister and why exactly you were crying. It was a rare sight for Miya to see you cry.

You opened you mouth to say something but then you thought to yourself. What were you meant to say?

You only continued running because your house must've been in that direction seeing as you bumped into Miya.

"Wait! Talk to me Y/n", he called out but you were already gone.

Miya sighed and went straight to Reki's place - where he assumed you came from - if you were crying, it definitely wasn't something trivial.

It absolutely wasn't trivial. After all, you felt like you had just lost your other half.

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night <3

Author chan out ✌️

Word count: 864 wordsDate: 13/6/21          (D/M/Y)

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Word count: 864 words
Date: 13/6/21

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