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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

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.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
.˚˚˚. 'ˎ˗


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Reki grabbed onto your wrist to prevent you from leaving

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Reki grabbed onto your wrist to prevent you from leaving.

"Please Y/n, listen to what I have to say", he begged while you only squirmed in his firm grasp.

"Leave me be", you shouted. You released your wrist from his hand only to be pulled back into his chest in an embrace.

"Listen to me", he said softly. You finally complied with his request, feeling warmth and comfort from being embraced by the redhead.

"What you saw that night was a misunderstanding", he was cut off by you.

"Stop saying that! You-"

"Listen!", he hugged you tighter.

"Natsume was around so I invited her to come in. Then all of a sudden - and without my consent may I add - she jumped on top of me. I've told her multiple times that we're together but she just didn't listen. I'm so sorry Y/n, I really thought she was a nice person. It's all my fault", he said gently. The voice cracks evident in his speech made your heart ache so much.

"But why didn't you text me like I asked you to?", you asked. To Reki, it was as if you weren't fazed by his words in the slightest but since he was hugging you from behind he couldn't see your face, one that held guilt and sorrow. You lips were quivering, trying to hold back persistent tears.

"I was going to but she grabbed my phone away before I could", he confessed.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"I know it sounds like i'm making excuses for myself but believe me when I say I love you and i'd never do anything to hurt you"

Your eyes widened at his sentimental words. Of course you were gonna believe him. You didn't see Reki as the lying type or the selfish type so what reason would he have for deceiving you like that?

"So you didn't do anything with her?"

"No, we didn't do anything at all". Once he said those words, you were finally relieved. It was all just a misunderstanding. No in fact, you were the only one who misunderstood what happened. If only you hadn't jumped to conclusions, all of this could've been avoided and you wholly blamed yourself for that impulsive mistake.

"Say it...again", you said in a quiet voice.

"What?", Reki asked in confusion.

"You know what", you replied with a slight tint of pink.

What? I love you?"

You smiled at these words and turned around in his grip and cupped his cheeks.

"I am so sorry Reki", you uttered, using your thumb to rub smooth circles on his cheek. "This could've all been avoided if I-"

Before you could finish talking, Reki placed a tender kiss on your lips. Thought it may have lasted a few seconds in real life, it felt like way more than that. This was the feeling you missed for the few days you were away from Reki.

You felt stupid for ever saying you wished you hadn't met him a few days ago because when you said that, you knew you were only lying to yourself. Your anger and sadness overtook your sense of morality which caused those words to come out of your mouth.

"It's ok Y/n", Reki said giving you a heartwarming smile, one that made your heart skip a beat.

Although things had been cleared up, it really wasn't that easy. You weren't just going to forgive and forget, or it was more like you could forgive but never forget.

"So will you come to S tonight?", he asked, releasing you from his arms.

"Mm maybe"

Langa there like 👁👄👁

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night <3

Author chan out ✌️

Word count: 634 wordsDate: 28/6/21          (D/M/Y)

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Word count: 634 words
Date: 28/6/21

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