-Chapter 1 - The Eternal Darkness-

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Kaede's eyes finally opened as the darkness shows up on her. She sat up as she looked around her surroundings. Everything around her was nothing but darkness.

"W-Where am I-I..?" Kaede asked as she desperately tries to find out where she had ended up. The last thing that came up to her was Tsumugi murdering her with a chainsaw before she blacked out and ended up to where was she right now. 

"Am I dead?" Kaede questioned herself, "Did Tsumugi.... just murder me?" 

Kaede couldn't believe herself. She was dead.

"No... I can't be dead.." Kaede explained, "I'm suppose to survive for all of my friends who died.. Especially Rantaro..."

Kaede couldn't stop crying as she knew that she failed to survive for all of her friends who had died again. K1-B0, Kirumi, Ishimaru, Rantaro, Mukuro, Leon, and Mahiru. She recalled the known friends who died throughout the killing game that Monokuma put through all of them in their afterlife. 

Kaede had no hope left in her, "Now, looks like this is over for me..." She spoke mournfully. "I'm sorry..."

Now that she died for the second time, Kaede now has to face the darkness of eternity where there's no way of hope and return. She gave in as she continued to cry helplessly with nobody nearby. The darkness was the only thing she now faces. 


Came upon from an unknown voice nearby. 

"Huh..?" Kaede looked up slowly as she tries to figure out who was nearby. "Who said my name...?" 

Then Kaede starts to hear footsteps coming closer to her. 

Then a voice roses again, "Kaede..." This time, the voice came closer.


Kaede started to see a figure coming towards her as the person has gray fluffy hair with a red streak, brown pants, green eyes, and a blue stripped shirt. 

Then Kaede realizes that it was Rantaro who was talking to her!


"Is that you....?" Kaede asked. 

Then Rantaro stopped next to Kaede as he looked down to her, "Kaede.. it's me, Rantaro." He spoke softly. He pressed himself closely to her.

Kaede couldn't believe Rantaro was here. She felt so bad for what ever happened to Rantaro. She could remember Rantaro ended up getting impaled in his execution, which was a quick death.

"Rantaro... I thought you're dead for good.. what's going on?" She asked.

"Well, we're dead.. but Kaede.. All I know is that, it wasn't your fault at all.." Rantaro explained.

"R-Really? Wait.. it wasn't my fault...?" Kaede commented. 

Then Rantaro crouched down into her and puts his hand on her arm gently, "Yes, it wasn't your fault. You didn't fail everyone who has died." He explained, "Don't put yourself too hard, Kaede."

Rantaro continued to explain, "I still have hope in you. You served well for everyone. I'm pretty sure everyone else misses you..." Then he took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Kaede for getting upset with you after I found out that you murdered me and then I isolated myself away." Rantaro apologized.

"Rantaro... I forgive you.. I understand why you were against me.." Kaede said, "It's my fault that I attempted to find the mastermind by trying to use a shotput ball and then I accidentally killed you with it."


"But.. Rantaro! Is everyone else alright out there?!" Kaede exclaimed in worry. 

"Well.. everyone else is doing alright. You don't have to worry about them." Rantaro told Kaede.

"My goodness... I was wondering if everyone was alright.." Kaede spoke softly. 

"But anyways Rantaro, I am so sorry for what I did to you." She apologized, "I failed to protect you and our other friends..." "Also, I'm sorry for murdering you in the real world..." Kaede tried to not stutter or cry, "I didn't mean to kill you!" 

Then Rantaro stares at her. But Rantaro started to chuckle, "Haha, I understand that.. but I.. forgive you." Rantaro answered.

Kaede started to look at him more closely as she stopped crying, "R-Really... Rantaro?" She sniffled. 

"Yes Kaede, I forgive you." Rantaro commented.

Kaede then wiped off her tears, "T-Thank you Rantaro..." She said, "I regret doing that."

"Haha, don't worry!" Rantaro smiled at her. 

Kaede then started to hug him in relief as he joined in, "I'm so glad you forgive me. I've been holding onto that guilt for a long time, ever since you died." She said. 

"It was a shame of me to ignore you like that, I didn't mean to be like that." Rantaro spoke. 

Then he got back up onto his knees, "Hey Kaede.. Do you want me to show you around?" Rantaro asked.

"S-Sure.. maybe that will make me feel better." Kaede answered.

Then Rantaro slowly got up, "Oh, alright. Here, I'll help you get up." He said as he lend out his hand to Kaede.

Kaede's face went red as she realized that Rantaro wanted to help her get back up. 

"O-Oh.." Kaede said flustered and then she slowly grabbed his hand as he picked her up. 

"T-Thank you!" Kaede exclaimed. 

"Haha! You're welcome. Alright.. you ready to look around?" Rantaro asked. 

Kaede had never seen this place before in her afterlife. But all she knows is that it's surrounded by darkness. So she went in.

"Yes! What is even this place?" Kaede responded.

"Well this seems to be the Eternal Darkness... that I think Monokuma hasn't mentioned but I believe this is where we all end up, once we die a second time." Rantaro explained as he looked around.

"Oh.. is this now where we all ended up permanently?" Kaede asked.

"Yes, unfortunately." Rantaro answered.

"Oh.. but at least I have you and the others!" Kaede said as she realizes that there has to be more of her deceased friends around nearby. 

"Haha, true. I got lonely here at first, but now I have Keebo, Kirumi, Mukuro, Leon, Mahiru, and Celeste." Rantaro explained, "But now, with you here. I feel reunited again with all of our friends."

Then a reaper watches both Kaede and Rantaro nearby chatting as he observes them. 

"I'm so glad to be with you guys again. I really hope the survivors get out of there soon. I have hope in them." Kaede said with a smile.

"Kaede, don't forget. Everyone admires you and you're there to help unite them." Rantaro cheered Kaede up.

The reaper slowly unleashes his powers, targeting Kaede as she proceeds to chat with Rantaro. 

"Alright, Kaede. Let's go." Rantaro said as Kaede starts to fade away unexpectedly as the Reaper's powers warped Kaede away. "Wait, huh!?"

Then Kaede was gone.

Rantaro felt shocked as he rushed to find where Kaede was, "Kaede! Where did you go!?"

Then there was no sign of Kaede.

"Huh? What happened to her?" Rantaro wondered. "I wonder why she vanished.."

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