-Chapter 5- The Final Problem-

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Kaede and the 5 survivors laid their foot onto the surface as they're finally home at last. The air was fresh and breezy. The waves hit and back as the ocean moves along. The seagulls were wailing out in the air.

"We finally made it!" Kaede announced.

"Finally, home at last!" Sayaka cheered.

"Woah, wait. This place felt familiar!" Ibuki gasped. 

"Huh, why are we back on Jabberwock Island?" Gundham asked.

"Well, we have nowhere else to go. Haven't you heard from the Grim Reaper? Many of our houses were destroyed and our families we lost due to the Tragedy." Twogami explained.

"You're right.. we have no families to get back to.." Sayaka sighed.

"I never had any family." Nagito commented.

"You four know this place?" Kaede asked.

"Yes! This was where the 2nd killing game happened! Right here!" Ibuki answered.

"Are you sure about this? If this was a killing game spot, wouldn't that be unsafe for us to stay here?" Sayaka asked worried.

"I mean, the killing game is over already. There's no more bloodshed to be anywhere near here." Kaede answered.

Kaede looked around the island as there was many varieties of area they could explore. Hotel Mirai was nearby, along with a swimming pool, an old building next door, and then there was dorms close by! Dorms! That could be a good spot for them to rest. But if there was a killing game here, then where is the survivors?

"Uhhh... where is everybody? I remember there was a whole bunch of people here before during the killing game!" Ibuki asked.

"I'm pretty sure they escaped after the killing game is over. Because what else would they be staying here for?" Twogami answered.

"I guess you're right then." Sayaka commented, "That seems very reasonable on why this island is empty."

They seem right, Kaede couldn't detect anyone else nearby or anywhere on the island. So they did leave.. huh?  She thought.

"Who do you think survived this killing game?" Sayaka asked as she looked at each of the dorms with the 2nd Killing Game Participant's faces on it.

"Oh! Well, I've known that Hajime, Sonia, Kazuichi, Akane, Fuyuhiko, and Chiaki made it this far when I died." Nagito explained, "However, I knew that Chiaki would kill me because I purposefully set up the murder because it was to lure out the traitor. So I believe that Chiaki's dead."

"Wait, who are these people?" Kaede asked.

"That's who I believe survived." Nagito added.

"Then I guess all 5 of them left here then." Sayaka said.

Kaede felt the urge to sleep, ever since they got back to Earth. They've crossed throughout so many miles away. 

"Hey guys, I think I'll go rest in the dorms." Kaede said to them.

"Alright Kaede, have a good rest!" Sayaka replied.

Then Kaede headed to her new dorm, where everything seemed neatly organized. The bed felt comfy as she began to laid on it. 

"This room is very cozy." Kaede said as she looked around before she went to sleep. Then her eyes finally shut as the sleep runs through her.



Then Kaede couldn't recognize where she was. Everywhere around her was nothing but darkness and clouds steaming through. 

She couldn't detect what was going on around her. But then, someone was slowly walking to her. It looked like if they were needing her for something. Like if something happened. The unknown person looked very frightened.

 "Kaede.." They spoke out, "The 9 remaining participants need you! They're in danger!"

Kaede couldn't make out what that person was talking about. She couldn't even recognize who they even are.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kaede asked, "9 Participants!? Who are they?!"

"The survivors of the killing game need you! More than ever." They begged, "Trapped in the Ultimate Academy.. death and despair is coming upon them."

"The Ultimate Academy!? Wait, what!?" Kaede gasped, "You're saying the survivors are trapped in there!?"

"Please, save us. We need your help!." They wailed, "Hurry before we perish."

"No! I will come, don't worry!" Kaede cried out, "I won't let any of you die!"




Then Kaede suddenly woke up as her vision returns, she was still in her new dorm. She panted slowly as her fear faded away from that horrifying dream she experienced. What was that all about? Another killing game?  Kaede thought, This can't be.. I thought the killing game was over... 

Another killing game? Could this take place back in the Ultimate Academy where she was in a killing game before?! I must go tell my friends about this! We must save the others, right away! Kaede thought as her mind keeps on going.

Then Kaede ran out of her dorm as she searches for them. "Guys!" She cried out as her heart pounded as her legs raced over.

Kaede began to saw the rest of them chilling by the hotel as they continued investigating the remains of the island. 

"Huh?" Ibuki said and then the others turned over to see Kaede running over to them, "Kaede! What's the matter?" Nagito asked. 

"The survivors! They're in danger!" Kaede cried out. 

"Wait, the survivors of all the killing games? What's up with them?" Twogami asked.

"They're all trapped in another killing game, and I think they need our help!" Kaede warned them.

"Another killing game!?" Ibuki gasped.

"What! I thought the killing games were over!" Sayaka commented.

"Fools, there's no way another slaughter game is happening after all this." Gundham answered.

"This is seriously important!" Kaede explained, "If we don't get back to the Ultimate Academy in time, they'll be dead!" 

"Oh no!- Then I'll come with you!" Ibuki replied. 

"If Makoto is there, then I'm coming with you to save them!" Sayaka answered.

"I'll join your party then, I want to also come to rescue the Dark Queen." Gundham commented.

"Well then, I guess I'm joining you guys too." Nagito answered.

"Alright then, I will guess I will come." Twogami said.

"Okay guys! Let's go rescue them, stay close to me. I can warp all of us there from my powers." Kaede explained.

Then everyone got close to Kaede as she slowly uses her powers to warp them all to the Ultimate Academy where the remaining survivors could be trapped in.

Rantaro, I won't let you down!  Kaede thought to herself as they slowly reached to the Ultimate Academy, We'll rescue the others!

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