-Chapter 4- The Truth-

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As they reached outside, Kaede realizes that they haven't exactly reached the real world yet. They just exited hell. As she desperately tries to find her way back to Earth with her friends, she detected some familiar structures nearby. 

"We're almost there, just a few miles away." Kaede announced. 

"Ugh, this is taking a while! I can't wait to get back home!" Ibuki said.

"You know space is pretty huge, right?" Twogami commented at Ibuki.

"Huge!? I didn't know space is huge!" Ibuki wailed.

"Don't worry, we'll be there! Just have hope!" Nagito answered.

"Yes, it's huge. It usually takes a long time to reach to other planets. You might need to wait for a little bit until we get there." Kaede explained.

"Khehehe.. this is interesting. We're in the deep depths of this universe." Gundham commented.

Kaede felt aware that her friends seem to get more exhausted as they continued their way. She still has hope of them managing to reach back to Earth soon.

"You got this, Kaede." A voice lingered in her mind. Kaede realizes that the voice in her inner mind came from Rantaro. She realizes that she needs to keep on going so that they can finally reach back home.

"In fact, it's been a long way. We should get a break, let's go on that rock over there!" Sayaka invited. 

"Alright Sayaka, you're right. We should take a break before we reach Earth." Kaede agreed. 

Then the 6 of them sat on the giant asteroid as they took a break. 

"This is very relaxing!" Sayaka admired as she watches the planets and stars nearby. 

"Yes, if there's any hope by!" Nagito answered.

The 6 survivors continue to chat until a dark force came upon them as his footsteps came upon them.

"Well, well, well! Look what we have here..." A voice said nearby them.

"Huh?" Sayaka jumped. 

They saw a shadow figure of what appears to be a skeleton wearing a clothing around himself, he held something what appears to be a scythe.

"No way! Is this one of the dark upons of reaper!?" Gundham asked. 

"Don't bother us." Twogami commented at the Unknown. 

"Aaaah! Don't hurt me!" Ibuki shrieked.

"Whoever you are, don't you dare harm us! We're here to return back to Earth!" Kaede defended.

"Earth, huh? Mwahahahah!- I'm here to collect you all back to where you belong!" The Unknown answered.

 "Where we belong, you mean-" Sayaka asked. 

"Hell." The Unknown finished.

"No! We're not going back to hell!" Kaede snapped, "We're here to return back to our homes! Who even are you, anyways?" 

"Who am I?" The Unknown asked, "I'm the Grim Reaper, the Guardian of Hell."

"A Grim Reaper.." Twogami thought.

"No way! I'm not going back there!" Ibuki cried out in anger.

"You're full of despair, huh?" Nagito asked the Reaper.

"I see, you have a sense of strong dark enegy." Gundham examined.

"Enough of you fools! Looks like you don't want to come back to Hell.." The Grim Reaper explained, "Then, I have no other choices left but to.. PERISH YOU ALL!" 

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