-Chapter 6- The Showdown-

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"Farewell students! This is your last stand!" Junko announces as she prepares to execute the remaining students. Makoto felt helpless as he knows that everything is coming to an end as they failed Byakuya's case.  He realized what he had done was wrong when he went against Kyoko in that case and turns out she had the most votes when both Maki and Kyoko already told everyone to vote Byakuya since the case turned out to be a murder suicide.

As it turns out the majority that voted Kyoko was wrong, it was revealed that Toko was Byakuya's killer. Makoto kneeled on the ground filled with guilt, "Kyoko, I'm so sorry the majority voted you.. I was all wrong.." He stammered.

"Brother! This isn't your fault, it was my fault.. I was the one who backed up her alibi and got us into this!" Komaru cried, "I'm this angry enough to divorce her!" Komaru stomped her foot down in anger.

Makoto puts his hand on his sister's shoulder sadly and sighed, "I understand, but me accusing Kyoko got us into here in the first place. I guess we need to accept our defeat.." Makoto explained softly, "Hope is slowly coming to an end. Unfortunately, we failed to go on for Ryota, Fuyuhiko, Akane, and Yasuhiro." 

Komaru nodded while crying. Makoto then looked towards Kyoko who looked sad, "Kyoko, do you forgive me for how I acted in the trial against you?" Makoto asked.

Kyoko looked at him, her face looked in a cold tone and then she sighed, "Makoto.. I forgive you, I understand why you would accuse me like this." She spoke, "Me and Maki were the closest to the location of Togami's body."

Makoto then nodded, "I know." He said, "This is still my fault for this." 

Then he could hear Genocide Jack laughing behind the glass in the distance in satisfaction, "Kyahahaha! This is pure bloodbath right here!" She said, "Can't believe y'all believe this shit!"

"S-Shuichi.. I can't believe this! I don't wanna die.." Himiko sobbed. Tears were streaming down her face like a nonstop waterfall, the never ending. Shuichi hugged her in comfort, "Himiko my love, I know. This is going to be the last time we'll be seeing each other..." He said sadly, "At least we're together.."

"Genocide Jack! I'll kick your ass!" Aoi hissed as she tries to get inside where Genocide Jack and Junko were. She tried to kick the glass as well but it wasn't able to shatter nor break. 

"Hina, you know that it's impossible to escape the execution chamber. Right?" Maki commented as she glared at Aoi trying to break out. 

"Ugh, you're right then.." Hina groaned. 

"This is a shame... I wanted to get out of here!" Sonia cried, "I'm so sorry Gundham..."

"....This seems satisfying.." Izuru commented as he watches everyone else cried and desperately trying to escape the execution chamber.

As the 9 remaining students felt helpless, Junko then proceeded to start the execution, "Alright! Sayonara-" Junko began. 

Then a loud noise could be heard, "Huh!?" Junko gasped as she turned around to see the 6 figures nearby her and Genocide Jack.

"W-W-What!?" Genocide Jack gasped in shock.

Then when Junko was about to take action, then she was suddenly pulled by 2 figures next to her, "HEY!" She shouted.

Makoto realized the 6 figures nearby, "S-Sayaka!?" He gasped. 

There was no way Sayaka would be alive especially after the killing game Makoto was put in. 

H-How is she alive!?  He thought, This has to be setup! There's no way.

"Junko! Your time is up!" A girl with blonde hair and a pink dress cried out.

"K-Kaede?!" Shuichi gasped.

"Gundham!? Twogami!? Ibuki!? And Nagito-!? What are they doing here!? I thought they died? What's going on?" Sonia asked. 

Junko was struggling to escape from Nagito's and Twogami's hands as they kept clutching onto her, "LET ME GO!" She demanded in anger. 

"And for you Toko, you need to stop!" Sayaka hissed, "You also attempted to let all of your friends die!"

By the looks of Genocide Jack's face, she was honestly shocked but then, "Kyahahaha! I purposefully did all this!" She explained, "Unfortunately for you assholes! My plan has failed."

"What plan?" Kyoko asked Genocide Jack.

"The plan to cause massive murders and genocide! That's my forte!" Genocide Jack explained, "I've been so pleased to be in another killing game. I've been always planning to kill everyone here! Especially for Master! I wanted to marry Komaru so that I was able to manipulate her and get away with murder to execute you all! Kyahahahaha!"

"TOKO! HOW COULD YOU-" Komaru gasped, "I thought we were a couple!"

"You shadow fiend, you've caused so much corruption! This is why we're here to stop you and the despair queen!" Gundham snapped.

"Indeed, this is too much despair! This is not where it's going!" Nagito pointed out.

Kaede then stepped forward, "And this is why we're ending this killing game, right here!" She explained, "From what we've heard, Junko is already dead, right? So this means the Junko that's been hosting this killing game is fake!" 

"But then who's controlling the fake Junko then?" Shuichi asked, "There must be a mastermind among one of us here!"

"That would be me! Kyeheheh!" Genocide Jack snickered.

"Wait what!? Toko was the one who set up this killing game!?" Himiko gasped, "I knew to never trust this girl!"

"As I told you all,  the motives I've mentioned was the WHOLE  reason why I setted up this killing game!" Jack Genocide said.

"We're done with all of the stupid killing games!" Ibuki said, "Nobody wants to play anyone!"

"You're correct! We don't want to deal with anymore killing games, this is only it! We're stopping this for all of the fallen ones!" Makoto pointed out. 

"Now if you excuse me-" Kaede said, then she uses her powers to destroy the execution chamber. 

"We're free!" Komaru cheered, "Thank you so much!"

"Thank goodness.." Maki responded.

Then the 9 students ran out of the execution chamber as the building slowly crumbles. Kaede felt the ground shaking around them nearby. "Guys! We need to get out of here!" She said, "The building's going to collapse!"

"Over here!" Ibuki called out as everyone crowds near them, "Kaede will get us out of here!"

"Hold on everyone, get close to me!" Kaede called. 

Everyone got close to Kaede as possible, "Alright, let's get out of here!" Kaede said and then Twogami threw both Junko and Genocide Jack behind as they all escaped. 

"NO- UGH! THESE FOOLS!" Junko groaned in anger.

"Keheheeh! Guess that's all for us!" Genocide Jack announced and she slowly sneezes, "ACHOO!"

Then Toko remained, "Huh? Where did everyone go?!" She asked. But nothing in the distance could reply back to her. 

"They left us behind to die." Junko announced, "This is so much despair!"

'WAIT- WHAT! NOOOOOO!!!" Toko cried, "WAIT FOR ME!!!!" The building debris then crushes onto her and Junko.

Then Toko was never heard nor seen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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