Chapter 3

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Izuku POV

Akira is in heaven with Aizawa who took her to the teachers lounge with the other teachers and I'm sure Nezu. I sighed as I sat down next to Shoto and Kacchan sat next to me. I raised an eyebrow but ignored it. As I started eating I felt everyone looking at me. "Can I help you all?" I asked nervously. Everyone exploded in questions expect Shoto and Kacchan. I just blinked and Kacchan told them all to shut up. "Midoriya, who is the father of Akira?" A few people asked. "I can't tell you." I answered some wanted to argue but didn't. "Who's Uncle Nemo?" Kaminari asked. "My brother" I answered. "If you can't tell us the father, can you tell us why she looks like Todoroki?" Sero asked and I was ready to yeet myself off a fucking building. "What is her dads quirk?" Kacchan asked and I shook my head "I can't tell you that either, neither of them." I said "What's her full name?" Shoto asked and I facepalmed. "Her fathers." I answered until my phone started ringing.

I looked down to see it was an unknown number. "You gonna answer that?" Kacchan asked and I nodded. I slowly swiped and answered it being it to my ear "Hello?" "Hello Izuku, how are you?" My eyes widened. Overhaul. "G-Good. How are you?" I asked "I'm perfectly fine, your family just left but one of my men seen a picture of a little girl on your brothers phone. I know he doesn't have a child and she looked a lot like you and the other one. So I wanted to make up a play date with her and Eri" my heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened again "But she's a few years older than my daughter.." I said trying not to sound nervous. "Well that she is, but most kids never give her the time of day once they find out her quirk. I even tried putting her in public school but everyone bullied her because of her horn." I felt bad for her, I know what that's like. I was bullied my whole life. "When do you want to set up the play date then? I'm sure Akira misses her cousins" I said laughing a little. "What?" He asked. "Tomorrow after I get out of school sounds good. It'll be Friday anyways" I said with a smile. "Oh shit you're in school aren't you?" "Yup, sounds great" I answered. "Oh my bad. Well Friday will work for us. Don't worry it's not a set up, I just want Eri to have a friend even if she's younger than her." He said and I smiled "Alright, see you then" I said "Thanks Izuku, it means a lot. We will see you guys Friday" "okay, bye" I said hanging up the phone. I looked around to everyone looking at me weird. "Who was that?" Kacchan asked "My cousin. We haven't talked in a few years... he just found out about Akira and wanted to set up a play date with his niece who he has custody of. I wasn't expecting him to call but he forgot I was in school." I answered some what honestly and they nodded.

Luckily no one asked me anymore questions but Kacchan did type a message on his phone "hey nerd you don't have to but will be you tell me who her dad is, and who your family is. I won't tell anyone but Akira saying that and Icyhot knowing more than me hurts... I'm sorry for what I did to you in the past. I shouldn't have done it I knew you weren't quirkless but I still continued to bully you.." my eyes widened in shock but I nodded. "I guess.. wanna go to the park with us?" I whispered quietly in his ear and he nodded. We went back to eating our lunch. I was worried about Akira and how the others would react to her. Nezu is the only one who knows about my family and I hope it stays that way. Especially away from All Might. Once lunched ended we all went back to the classroom but I hesitated. "She's fine Izuku, she's with Aizawa" Shoto said and I nodded. We walked into the classroom first to see Aizawa holding a sleepy Akira in his arms as they were both asleep. I quickly took out my phone and took a picture of them. Momo stepped outside and told everyone to be quiet that Akira was napping. Surprisingly everyone did stay quiet until a dumb ass named All Might slammed the door open yelling "I AM HERE!" Akira screamed loudly and hid in Aizawa scarf crying. "What the fuck All Might!?" Kacchan yelled. As Aizawa and the rest of us glared at him, I quickly got up and made my way over to Akira and Aizawa. "Hey baby it's okay, I'm right here" I said and she peaked out of the scarf. My heart broke, I didn't know All Might was planning on doing anything today. "H-he won't h-hurt us?" She asked quietly and Aizawa raised an eyebrow "No Princess, he won't." I said calmly. She hesitated but crawled out of Aizawa scarf and jumped into my arms. I picked her up and glared at All Might everyone was looking at my crying child and I with sadness. Shoto came over and Akira held her arms out for him. She nuzzled into his left side as she slowly stopped crying. "It is not appropriate for us to stay quiet all day for such a young child so nap. We are hero students and we should be Lea- SHUT THE FUCK UP FOUR EYES!" Kacchan cut Iida off. Akira moved a little as I facepalmed. "Problem child." Aizawa said and I looked at him. He looked at Akira and I shook my head no. He raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Well we are going to be doing some training so if you could give the child back to who they are supposed to so we can start our class that would be great." All might and I rolled my eyes. "She's my daughter All Might. Nezu said I can keep her in class today." I said and he looked surprised "Young Midoriya you have a child?" He asked shrouded and I nodded. "Is young Todoroki the father?" He asked and I face palmed. "One more person asks that question I might commit mass murder" I mumbled hearing Shoto snort. "She's not my daughter, although I would claim her if I could but she's not. She's my niece, since I'm her moms best friend." Shoto said with a small smile "Then who's the father" for the love of Dad. "I'm not telling anyone." I said "You need to te- Nezu knows who the father is. Unless you are Nezu no one needs to know!" I shouted everyone looked at me. "This is why I knew it was a bad idea to bring her." I mumbled. Shoto laughed and said he was glad I did. I smiled at him but it didn't last long. "Is her father a villain?!" All Might yelled and I tensed "No he's not." I answered. I mean kind of he's a vigilante but they don't need to know that. "Then why is it such a secret?" All Might asked. "Why the hell do you even care?" I questioned. "I'm the Number one hero and your teacher." All Might said "You're retired. Endeavors the number one Hero. He doesn't need to know either." I said glaring at him. "Then is it Young Bakugo? You two have a history." I laughed at that one. "No. Hell no. She doesn't even look like him" I said laughing. "Then it's Todoroki. AKIRA TODOROKI" he yelled out and Akira jumped up. "P-please don't hurt me" she cried and everyone's eyes widened. I glared at him, if looks could kill he's be dead. "Get the hell out of my classroom All Might!" Aizawa yelled. All Might looked confused and so did everyone else. "M-Mommy... I want D-daddy" she cried and I grabbed her from Shoto. "Daddy's busy baby. I'm so sorry. He won't hurt you, and he won't hurt mommy okay? I won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered trying to calm her down but she was shaking. My heart broke so much watching her be horrified of All Might. Shoto wrapped an arm around us and she looked up "Uncle S-Sho?" She said but it sounded more like a question. "Yeah it's me, I don't know what happened but you don't have to be scared okay?" He whispered and she nodded. My phone started ringing, yet again, I sighed and Shoto took her from me. My eyes widened when I seen it was Overhaul again. I looked at Aizawa and he nodded. I answered it "H-hello?" "Are you okay Izuku?" "Y-yeah I'm fine." I answered looking at a crying Akira "Okay.. well I know you're at school and I know All Mights there. I told Eri about her play date and she got worried saying something happened to her so I just wanted to call and check in with you... since I'm guessing she's at school with you?" I sighed "Yeah.. she is. I'm trying to get her to calm down since that damn gorilla made her freak out. How did she know though?" I asked "I don't know, but can I try talking to her?" "I- uh.. why?" I questioned "I may be a Yakuza leader but I'm not heartless" "I never said you were I was just wondering. Normally only .. her father.. can calm her down like this or Uncle Nemo but I can't exactly call them.." I said honestly. Why the fuck am I being so trusting to Overhaul? "Let me try." I sighed "Hey Akira..Peter Pan?..wants to talk to you" I whispered Akira looked at me and I gave her a small smile as she sniffed and tears fell from her face. She took the phone.

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