Chapter 4

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Izuku POV

As we all made our way to her office Akira was happy, I however was very worried about her quirk being cremation and Shoto putting two and two together. As we walked in Nezu had told Recovery girl who Akira was and that she had gotten her quirk early. "Alright dearie can you sit up on the bed for me?" RG asked Akira "Yes ma'am" Akira said with a bright smile "Well no doubt she's your child with that smile." She mumbled making me snort. "Alright, I know your quirk Izuku, but what is her fathers? Aunts and/or Uncles and grandparents?" I tensed. I was frozen with my eyes wide. "Izuku?" Kacchan asked but I was horrified. I did not want to tell them their quirks so I quickly excused myself and called Touya lower the volume "Hey baby is everything okay?" "N-No. recovery girl was going to run some test on her quirk.." I started "why is that a big deal?" "She wants to know yours, our siblings and our parents quirks..." I said and the line was silent. "Tell her.. Nezu knows" "no. She wanted Aizawa, Shoto and Kacchan in there with her and not leave" I told him and heard a groan. "Well. Ask Nezu if I can come with Tomura."I sighed deeply and said I'd let him know. I hung the phone up and walked in to see everyone looking at me. "Her father wants to know if he can come here with my brother." I said to Nezu who's eyes widened but slowly nodded. "They'll be brought in this room so if everyone can keep it a secret no one needs to know." I said and he nodded. "Well, I guess everyone should prepare themselves for this." I said sighing and Nezu agreed. I sent Touya our location and told him they were aloud.

A portal appeared and our came Touya and Tomura. Everyone but Nezu, Akira and I tensed. "UNCLE NEMO AND DADDY!!" Akira yelled and ran to them hugging them "Hey Princess" Touya greeted "Hey squirt" Tomura said. "What the hell?" Shoto said. "Anyways... you wanted to know their quirks. I'll start with my side and save.. Dabi's.. for last." I said and recovery girl nodded. "Tomuras is Decay, My moms is gravity pull.. she can pull small objects toward her.... and My dad... All for one." I answered and they tensed again. She quickly wrote this down. "And his?" She asked pointing to Dabi. We looked at each other and he nodded at me. Of course I have to tell them. "His is cremations.... his siblings... Half hot half cold... his other brother and sister have ice related quirks but I'm not sure what they are. His fathers is Hellflame and his mother is Ice." I said and Shoto looked ready to pass out. "T-Touya?" He stuttered and Touya nodded "He's Endeavors son!?" Aizawa yelled out and we nodded. "Well.. shall we start the process then?" RG asked and Akira grabbed Tomus gloved hand and dragged him over. He picked her up sitting her on his lap. RG drew some blood and a couple tests. After around 25 minutes her quirk came back. "Seems she has a mixture of both your quirks and his mothers.." she started and I raised an eyebrow "Theres no name for it nor information so that's the problem. However, it does say the flames show up as a healing cremation and cold flames but I'm not exactly sure on how everything will work.." She finished and I nodded. Akira was happy and everyone of us were telling her how her quirk is amazing until she said "Maybe tomorrow Uncle Pan can help us find out more" I tensed as Touya and Tomu glared at me. "Hey baby girl how about you and Uncle Sho go back to class while mommy talks to Uncle Nemo and Daddy okay?" I said nervously. She nodded and went to Shoto who smiled at me and walked out. "IZUKU WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!?" They both yelled. I lowered my head "He called me in the middle of lunch and I played it off as he was my cousin who I haven't talked too and he said he didn't want any involvement of anything but a simple play date. Eri gets made fun of by other children because of the horn on her head and I felt bad for her. I know Akira would cheer her up. He found out about her because Tomu pulled his phone out during your meeting and one of his men seen her picture... they told him they think it was Touyas daughter and he somehow got my number and asked me. He ended up calling in the middle of class as well, Aizawa and her were napping and we were all being quiet doing homework or studying and Bitch might bursted through the door and scared her. Eri said that she had a bad feeling something happened to Akira and wouldn't stop begging him to call me so he did. He was able to cheer her up and calm her down. Ask Kacchan she was having a panic attack while crying because she thought All Might was there to hurt us." I overly explained keeping my head down. "That explains why she asked if All Might was going to hurt you two.." Aizawa said and Kacchan agreed. "Who called you though?" Aizawa asked. "Overhaul" us three said together. "You really do live up to the nickname Problem Child don't you?" Aizawa asked and I nodded. I was really trying my hardest not to cry. I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me. I look up to see Touya and Tomura "Were sorry for yelling at you like that so please don't cry. Thank you for explaining it to us... in our business overhaul is not a nice person. He will literally kill you if you look at him wrong." Tomura started and I nodded "But it seems when out of business he's a loving father looking for what's best for his daughter. I'm a father also love, knowing overhaul from Tomuras business side I was protective of her. I didn't want you or her to get hurt but I understand why you agreed. If anything happens, you call one of us. We don't want you getting involved in our business and make sure he understand that." Touya said and I nodded. "If he does, Izuku has full rights to defend himself and his daughter. He has his provisional license and is about to graduate and being a pro hero, even if he is planning on underground." Aizawa said and I nodded again.

We continued to talk and decided Akira will also see the quirk doctor that Overhaul had mentioned. Touya and Tomura left and we headed back to class since it was almost over. I was not expecting to walk into a class room with Akira in a frozen dress singing let go as Shoto did the moves and built her a miniature Ice Castle. We watched a couple students stand up and Block Akira as Shoto changed his jacket and looked like a prince. Akira came out as Snow White and Mina started playing "Someday my prince will come" and Shoto was dancing with her. It was the cutest fucking thing everyone. Kacchan got his phone out and started recording them but I stood there in awe just like everyone else. Once the song was done Akira hugged Shoto and I about died. Kacchan sent the video to me... who the hell knew all I needed was to bring my daughter in to yell at him for him to be nice to me? Like tf... anyways I sent the video to the family group chat. "You and youre daughter can head home if you'd like Midoriya." Aizawa whispered and I nodded. "Thank you sir" I said bowing "No need, although I'm surprised Nezu hasn't talked to you yet." I nodded in agreement. "Actually, if you and your daughter don't mind coming to my office that would be great" Nezu said out of no where making us all jump. "S-sure" I stuttered out. He nodded and walked away, I turned back to the class who has still not noticed us. I walked In and went to Akira "Hey baby girl, you ready to go home? We have to stop by Principal Nezus Office first." She nodded and hugged Shoto "Bye bye Uncle Sho!" She said "Bye Akira, until next time." I smiled at Sho as I grabbed our bags. Akira waved bye to everyone else and we headed to Nezus office. I knocked on the door hearing a "Come in" I sat down putting Akira on my lap. "So, I wanted to know if you would like to bring Akira to class with you tomorrow as well. Since it's Friday I think we could make a few exceptions for her being here right?" Nezu said with a terrifying smile. I nodded "If it's not a problem then yes I can bring her." I said a little nervous "Great! That's all I wanted to talk about. See you two tomorrow!" I smiled as I got up I carried Akira was we walked out the door. I quickly made my way outside and called kurogiri. A portal appeared and I happily walked through it.

"Daddy! I get to go to school with mommy again tomorrow!" Akira cheered and everyone looked at me surprised. "Nezu asked... more demanded. I bring her tomorrow as well.." I said awkwardly. Everyone was asking questions and Akira was happy about it. I explained the situation with overhaul and Dad seemed the most surprised but agreed it was okay to take her to Overhaul. Akira stayed with Touya as the day continued, after dinner we laid her down and I went straight to bed. Touya followed me and laid down next to me. "You okay love?" He asked. I sighed and nodded "I'm okay, stressful day and tomorrow will be even more stressful.... OH MY GOD WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE PARK WITH KACCHAN!" I accidentally yelled and Touya started laughing. Oh well. I think he will understand, I think he forgot also.

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