Chapter 3

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August's POV

I was at the club where Kyiana worked looking for her. I was getting worried because I had yet to see her. I knew I shouldn't have left her at that motel by her. Damn it. As I was about leave, I saw Kyiana dancing on this dude in the corner. I walked up to her and grabbed her waist, pushing her towards me. Then I said to the dude, "Get a lap dance from someone else. She's giving me one." The dude was about to say something but one look at me and he decided against it. "You do know this is my job right?" Kyiana said. "So?" I said. "Awww. Is someone jealous that they can't get this dance?" she said turning around and grinding her behind on me. I backed into a wall and let lil ma go to work. She was grinding in sync with the music. "So are jealous August Alsina?" she said. "Hell yeah ma." I said.

Kyiana's POV

I kept telling August he didn't have to drive me to my motel room but he insisted. "So, you don't have a place to stay?" August said. "Currently no." I said. "Why?" "Well...I got laid off my job and my degree really isn't helping me get a job. So, here I am....a ugly stripper with a college degree trying to save up for an apartment." I said. It was quiet. "Well, first off you got a degree so you doing better then most and second, you are a fine ass stripper." "Whatever." I said, blushing. He smiled. Damn, this nigga is sexy as hell. But he a thug. He only want your cookie. "Do you want something from me? I mean no guy would just do this out of the kindness of their heart." "And why is that so?" August said with an attitude. Kyiana!!! Have you lost your mind? He is the biggest drug dealer/thug in California and you are pissing him off. "Never mind." I said. "See this is why I don't do nice things, because people always assume I am going to do bad things." August said. "Well you decide to become the biggest drug dealer/thug in California not everyone else." I said. What the hell is wrong with you? "I am sorry that--" but August stopped me. "Never be sorry for telling the truth." he said. The rest of the drive to the motel was quiet. When we got there I said to August, "You don't have to drive me anymore if you don't want." August looked at me and smiled that pretty smile. "The pleasure is all mine." he said.

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