Chapter 14

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A/N:That's the Williams family on top.
Kyiana's POV(11 a.m)
I was about to knock on Jireh's door when it swung open to reveal her 5 year old son Aaron. "Oooo Auntie you in trouble." he said. I rolled my eyes and went inside. "Hey Auntie!" I turnt around and saw Jireh's 4 year old daughter Ariana. "Hey sweetie." I said hugging her. "Auntie are you in trouble?" she asked. Before I could answer Jireh said "Yes she is." The children ran off somewhere. "No I'm not." I said following Jireh into the kitchen. Her husband Hakeem was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. "Yes you are because you are staying with the biggest thug in Cali." she said. Hakeem spit out his sandwich. "You're staying with August Alsina?" he said. I nodded my head. He picked up the sandwich part he spit out and threw it away. "Quick question: why?" he said. "Because I needed some where to stay and he asked me." I said. "You could have stayed here." Jireh said. "No you have a family to take care of." I said. "Well be careful sweetheart and if you need anything just give me a call." he said giving me a kiss on my head. "Thanks Keem." I said. Hakeem was like a big bro who always had my back. "I'm going to check on the kids." he said giving Jireh a kiss and leaving. I looked at Jireh. "Why can't you be more like your husband?" I asked. "I don't like that you are staying with him. Like what if you get hurt?" "August won't let that happen." I said. She started to say something but I cut her off. "Trust me I know." I said. She looked at me. "Nothing I say is going to make you stay here is it?" Jireh said. I shook my head. " he big?" Jireh asked. I laughed. "Well...I don't mean to brag. He is HUGE!" I said laughing. She laughed. "We good?" I asked. She came over and gave me a hug. "We good but I will need regular updates." she said letting me go. "Okay." I said. "Sandwich?" Jireh said. "Yeah." I said.
August's POV (midnight)
I was getting nervous Kyiana still wasn't back. I heard the front door open. I went to go see who it was. "Hey you--" Kyiana said but I cut her off. I grabbed both of her arms and pulled her towards me. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I yelled in her face. She looked scared as hell. "I-I was aa-t Jireh's h-house." she said. Nigga you thought she was scared. Now she's terrified. "Baby I'm so sorry." I said putting my hands around her waist and pulling her close to me. I felt her tense up. Really August yelling in her face. "I was just worried something had happen." She pulled back and looked me in my face. "It's okay." she said. I stared at her for a moment. Then I started to kiss her passionately. I eased my hands onto her ass and squeezed. She gasped and I slid my tongue in her mouth. She started to pull back. I looked at her confused. "I'm really tired so I'm going to head to bed." she said. She started to walk away. I held onto her hand until she let go. Great August. Damn.

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