9 - There's More To The Story

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"So, what are your plans for Thanksgiving?" Ray asked.

"Umm, no plans. Why?"

"What do you mean, why? It's a thing people do – ask each other about their plans. And, I am allowed to ask my boyfriend that. So, why no plans?"

"I don't have anywhere to go to," said Jason.

"Okay, then. I'll stay here with you, and we'll celebrate thanksgiving together."

"But, you have a family to go to, Ray. Your first responsibility is to them, not me."

"See, my sisters are not coming home anyways. Both of them are going to visit their boyfriends' parents. I would have gotten bored, anyways, so I rather stay here with you. This will also give my mother a chance to visit her brother," said Ray.

"You are not making all that up, are you?"

"You can come home with me and find out."

"Nope. It's way too early to meet the family. That too, three women... Not happening," said Jason.

"Hehe... It's alright. We'll celebrate it here, just the two of us. We can also go and help out at the shelters."

"And then have a dinner picnic with leftovers at the Central Park?" Jason asked.

"Yes! That would be so amazing."

"You would do that for me? I mean, stay here just for me?"

"Of course, I would, you idiot," said Ray.

"Then I look forward to what will be the best Thanksgiving I've ever had."


"Aren't you cold?" Jason asked as he laid down the picnic blanket.

"Why, you wanna offer me your jacket?"

"No, but a kiss might warm you up."

"In that case, I am," said Ray.

After the kissing session, they finally unpacked the food. Jason lit the candles while Ray poured the both of them some champagne.

"God, I love Central Park at night. And all this candlelight... It's making you look even hotter," said Ray, as he clicked a picture of Jason with his polaroid camera.

"Well, thanks to me for coming up with the idea then."

"No one likes a show-off."

"Okay, whatever," said Jason. "Raymond..."


"What are you most thankful for?"

"You... The way you make me feel, Jason... You give me butterflies. That has never happened before. Whenever you touch me, it's like... Have you read those cliché werewolf-mates stories on Wattpad?" Ray asked.

"You had to ruin such a beautiful sentence with a stupid question. Anyways, yes, I have read those. What about them?"

"That's how you make me feel, Jason. Like you are my soulmate. Every time you touch me, I have goosebumps. It's like fireworks all over my body."

"Well, I guess I should touch you more often then," said Jason, as he grazed Ray's cheeks with the back of his hand. He tugged Ray's hair behind his ear and leaned in for a quick peck.

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