Episode Eight - Chapter 37: Mr Responsible?

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Liam POV:

“Way to go Mr. Responsible!” was still ringing loud and clear in my ears and somehow echoed in my empty head making it louder and more irritable the longer it went on. Harry had demanded me to come over in the middle of the night and proceeded to abuse me when I did... The phone call caught me in a cold sweat as I woke from a dream, my mind had concocted this crazy idea that Allison was in a lot of trouble with not only A but maybe even someone else... she needed to open up to me because I knew in the back of my mind that everything about ‘A’ showing up so conveniently just seemed a bit too good to be true. If Harry had half a brain after he flipped out, which I can understand why he did, he would’ve realised sooner that A wouldn’t just hand herself to like a banquet served on sliver plates....

I didn’t even bother going back to the boys, they accused me of siding with the enemy... the anonymous enemy in which would make me one of this persons minions and the boys should know better than assuming I would let someone take over my being for revenge.  I just felt like they were losing faith in me, but I would prove to them one way or another that I am on their side...

I wasn’t being totally honest with them though which made me think twice about my actions but the moment I saw Allison there was something within her eyes, a fear I had never seen before... When I had taken her hand she flinched, it wasn’t the Allison I knew because the Allison I knew was stronger than anything. That moment I knew it was my duty to understand what had pushed my old friend to such drastic measures, we were all scared but to be forced to do something like that her, life must be in danger.

I walked back to my apartment in the middle of the night kicking a twig within my feet as I went along thinking about it all; Allison left, or did she? There was a video I had walked in on the boys watching... it was slipped under Niall’s door and Harry thought Allison had made it recently to make her seem a victim? However I couldn’t correct Harry that I knew for a fact she hadn’t made it recently because she had been with me the whole time... I had taken her in not allowing her to stay out by herself after everything that had happened I kind of felt it was my responsibility... I needed answers and it seemed the only way I would get that is by winning her back or listening to her ramble in her sleep.

One way or another I had to make sure Harry didn’t find out about this although I knew right in the forefront of my brain that A was already planning to spring this on him... I remember the text clearly “welcome to the A team” only because I had lied to the police to protect Dani. I was broken from my thought as I heard a twig break so I looked down to my feet and it hadn’t been the one I was kicking breaking from the constant abuse, which reminded me of myself; when would I break? I searched the street for the company but passed it off as an owl or a... I stopped myself and surged on forward seeing my home coming up. The light was on the room Allison had occupied and I wonder to myself why it had been on... maybe she had a nightmare and needed the light to fight away the shadows on the wall? Or at least that is what she uses to do when we were younger.

I jogged across the road and pulled out my key wriggling it a few times before the door eventually broke from the lock, who will be the one to break first? I pushed the thought from my head closing the door and double locking it before making my way up the stairs quietly thinking, Allison may have fallen asleep with the lights on but she was still awake? I stood in the corner of the door watching her hurrying to write something down on a piece of paper, a little flustered she crossed out words furiously rewriting her thoughts. I looked over to the bed and saw her belongings all neatly stacked as if she were about to go somewhere. I cleared my voice trying not to startle her too much but she jumped anyway holding her hand to her heart “L- Liam, what are you doing up?” she stuttered turning to face me. “I had a meeting with the guys, they are rather serious about the tour coming up” I lied covering up the fact that none of them trusted her but she shoved her phone in her pocket and stood up leaving the half written note on the desk. “I could ask you the same thing... what’s the matter? Are you going somewhere without telling me... again?” I pulled that card out knowing it will at least earn me an excuse. She looked down allowing her beautiful long blonde hair to disguise her face as she spoke “I can’t... I can’t stay here Liam, it’s dangerous for me... I have a debt to pay so I need to go...” she grabbed her stuff and tried to push passed me “are you kidding me right now? That is all I get after years of not knowing where you were? I get a day to finally have you back... do you know how many times my thoughts ran after you?”I blurted out as I took her hand in mine but she pulled back keeping her back to the wall. “Liam I have to go, it’s not my choice. You looked pretty happy without me, maybe you could just go back to that... it’s like pulling off a bandaid the more I stick around the harder it’ll be to say goodbye” she walked down the stairs taking two at a time so I followed.

She unlocked the door as I stood at the top of the stairs “Allison don’t you get it? I don’t want to say goodbye! I never did... you were my strength and then you just left... I had to block out any figment of you every night before I went to sleep because if I thought of you all I wanted to do was drop everything to find you. You scarred and left me... ” I sighed and walked down the stairs as she exited the threshold to my house. “Well Liam, I guess you had great practise to block me out” she smiled back trying to hide her emotion as she blinked her tears away a little as she walked out to the footpath. I kept following her, I wasn’t one to back down... especially on something I knew I could win back. I stayed quiet as she kept walking, I stayed back letting her walk a little further in front but my presents made her uncomfortable “Liam quit following  me!” she turned on her heels making me almost walk into her. “Why? I just want to make sure you are safe... why are you so against people looking out for you?” I asked but she went to cross the road. Just as she did the car that had been distant before had sped up, music blaring with the headlights acting as targets aimed on Allison. I couldn’t believe that the person driving hadn’t seen Allison so I felt this sudden rise of panic... the person was trying to run her down “Allison! Watch out!”. I ran out quickly grabbing her hand as fast as I could and pulling her back into me with all my might off the road as we fell onto the side walk. The car swerved in one last attempt of hitting her but she was on top of me as I hit the ground, winded. The car stopped in front of us and I felt as though it was the end, I looked passed the lights knowing it wasn’t a sign of heaven but a sign of hell, also known as A. Curly hair seemed to occupy the drivers head but it was the only feature I could make out as they quickly reversed not wanting to have a lovely chat as to why they tried to kill Allison... the only person with curly hair that came to mind was Harry... he wouldn’t though. My phone buzzed in my back pocket as I took it out still holding onto a trembling Allison.

*Save her once shame on you, Save her twice shame on me.... watch out Liam because I am great at inflicting Payne – A*

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