Episode Six- Chapter 27: Get Down Low, and Go, Go, Go

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I woke up this morning feeling extra careful about everything I did, even from pouring milk into my cereal I thought to myself “what if the milk poisoned the food to get back at me for pushing it to the back of the fridge?”. I know it sounds crazy but lately anything set me off into a frenzy of what ifs. Danielle had been long gone by now and I had finally started bring my old self back to the boys but anytime my phone lit up my heart stopped and my smile faded... it was as if it owned my heart, that is could stop my whole body within seconds. Sometimes I would wonder whether it was Danielle asking me how I was but most of the time the letter A sketched itself into my mind... and a black hoodie sat in my thoughts. We were just about to walk on stage as I looked at harry, he seemed so worked up and freaked out so I made a mental note to talk to him after. I saw Harry look down at a note just as we were about to walk on stage and I had never seen Harry so shocked in his life... not a good shocked.

I walked out last on the show behind Louis waving at the crowd as we were introduced by Allan Carr, I had always enjoyed these interviews. Harry sat awkwardly on the couch constantly pulling at his collar which made me think back to the car ride... he said he had a meeting with Caroline didn’t he? He had gone, it was totally against my advice which I felt betrayed by... I was in a very emotional place right now, one statement can be taken the completely other way. I prayed to god that Allan didn’t bring up any ‘girl talk’ as we did this interview and I know that Paul, after seeing my reaction to the event, had asked for no questions on that subject at all. I knew I would eventually have to say something but I didn’t feel like I needed to include the whole world in my personal relationships, however nowadays I do have to include A... They had something to do with this! I hadn’t talk to Danielle since that day on the hill but... there must have been something... because the text I had gotten from A about lying to the police or Danielle gets it, maybe A had more plans for me. All I know is I refused to join the “A-team” as the text had said...

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Allan had addressed me with a question “How’s things Liam?” he repeated again trying to bring me back to the discussion “Ah yeah umm... well as good as things can, you know, be in these sorts of situations” I fumbled with my hands. I had been less confident these days when I sat in front of a crowd... more exposed than ever with the lights beaming down on me and I swore that I could hear the drips of sweat sliding down my neck. I looked out into the audience as Allan moved on noticing my sombre attitude to the whole interview. Yes I laughed and smiled but I knew most people would see through it... or at least the ones that look further past the facade. I felt Louis elbowing me at times to draw my attention back and it was nice to know that someone knew that the monsters within my head were actually getting to me... even though I lied and said I was fine. Allan moved onto the more hard hitting questions about Zayn and “Perrie Sauce” as he calls her however Zayn seemed to jump at the question and Niall looked at him as if Zayn was a vase being thrown through the air about to crack... I didn’t know what was going on there but I felt out of the loop, like everyone had been discussing things behind my back because I was to ‘fragile’ to involve. “Ahh she is good, actually getting ready to promo for all the Little Mix stuff coming up” he seemed a bit unsure when he replied but held his own on.

I looked out into the audience and saw passed the bright lights to some of the girls waving and I smiled back but as I made eye contact further up the stands I saw an out of place character... someone dressed in all black. I focused my eyes in trying to get a look at who it was when I saw the hoodie being pulled further over their face. They pointed at me and then made a hand gesture that took me by surprise... they made a cutting motion at their throat as they tilted their head got up and walked to the ledge, jumping over the side and disappearing into the unseen area. I must have made a shocked sound as Louis elbowed me hard in my rib cage “You ‘aight Liam?” Allan asked looking at me with his lips pursed, head tilted and hands on his crossed over legs. “Yeah sorry Lou just punched me” I pretended to look at Louis with an evil glare chuckling but he just questioned me with his eyes.

“So Harry, have you heard the song ‘We are never ever, ever getting back together?’” Allan questioned as he started singing a poorly rehearsed version of the well know catchy Taylor Swift tune. Harry looked at him oddly and chuckled a bit “yeah I have, why?” he took a sip of his water as a picture came up behind us on a screen and we turned. If I hadn’t shown my shock before I clearly did now “Harry, you seem quiet tangled up with Miss Flack last night ay?” he winked in Harry’s direction as I tilted my head around Louis to look at Harry who was drying his jacket from the water he had sprayed out. “Yeah Harry do tell?” I questioned but Harry shrugged “She happened to be at the same bar and I tripped over! See look at my foot, it’s in the air” he grasped at any excuse possible. “Oh and Liam, I heard you’re a free man now? How does it feel getting in with the ladies?” he drew out the word ‘ladies’ as he shimmied in his chair and wiggled his eyebrows so I sighed “ahh yeah umm, still not on the market as of yet”. Louis lent over pulling me into him “yeah he is all mine” he winked at the camera as we both laughed looking over at the teleprompter. I didn’t know if anyone else had seen it or if I was imagining it but up on the screen was a message for us... **Liar, Liar pants on fire – A**. I looked at Louis and his facial expression was more composed than mine as he lifted my chin up to close my mouth but his eyes screamed ‘talk later’.

 It was just as we were wrapping up the show with a dance off that a spark had gone off in the corner where I saw the hooded figure jump away. We all looked as it caught our attention and realised that something must have shorted out the circuits for the lights and started a fire... the fire grew in moments of us watching it in confusion. Everyone ran like madman running from a zombie apocalypse as others ran towards it trying to hush the blaze back into a flame. The smoke started to eat everything in its path as it covered most of the studio and swallowed everything in visible sight until we were running blind to the exit. I held Louis hand pulling him down below the haze as I ushered everyone else to do. Get down low and go, go go, had been a motto that had stuck in my head for quite some time. Before I was able to fully leave the building I had made sure most of the audience was out and my boys, I counted one, two, three... where was the other? But before I freaked out too much Niall lent on my shoulder pushing me out the door with him. We grasped onto each other for dear life as the clear air filled my lungs and quenched my thirst for oxygen... A really knew how to make fireworks...

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