Episode Three - Chapter 11: Rekindling Embers

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Harry’s POV

The wheels touched the tarmac with a skid as I saw heads bobble up and down in front of me. I looked out the window to see the busy queue of air traffic, ready to take off to all over the world: London, Paris, Italy, Rome, Sydney, Japan, New York...everyone had a place to go and someone to see. I rubbed my eyes as they stung from the dryness of a long eleven hour flight. I looked over at Zayn, who was still asleep even though we had finally touched the ground in Los Angeles. I couldn’t blame him though, we all hadn’t had a good night’s sleep even before the flight since the mysterious video, that was no accident at all, turned up under our noses a few nights ago. We hadn’t left each other’s sides since, and I think everyone was a bit too embarrassed to admit it, but we stuck together like glue nonetheless. Now that we were in a different country completely, I was hoping the tension could subside and we could all relax a little, knowing that this anonymous person was thousands of miles away from us.

Liam held onto Danielle’s hand tightly as we walked down a private corridor in LAX. Eleanor was still half asleep leaning on Louis’ shoulder and Zayn was practically half asleep still on Perrie’s. Niall decided to bring Holly on this trip as we were allowed one guest each at the MTV Video Music Awards on Thursday night. I, on the other hand, didn’t bring a guest. My mate Nick had previous plans, and I couldn’t exactly choose between my mum and Gemma. It was better this way anyway, I didn’t mind being alone; it gave me more time to think and to be honest, I’ve always really liked doing my own thing. 

I watched hands banging on the windows of our moving vehicle, screams from girls echoed and rung through my ears as they tried to get a glimpse of one of us through the black tinted windows. We pulled up to our hotel with about three hundred fans all awaiting our arrival in Los Angeles, along with news crews from all different channels you could think of, some even international reporters. Somehow, I didn’t ever seem to get what the big deal was if the five of us arrived at a certain place...it just never seemed to sink in and I don’t think it ever will. Holly sat next to Niall and winced at the mania of these girls, risking their own health and safety just to see us. Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie had experienced it all before, but this was the first for Holly...Niall was really trying to work on their friendship again since their breakup a few years ago, and he said that this trip may just do the trick. As I watched the mounds of people, from fans, to paparazzi to news reporters and camera crew, I recognized a familiar figure in the distance holding onto a microphone. I frowned thinking it was just my imagination. Why this certain lady’s name popped up in my head, I would never really know...I was over that stage, but somehow I couldn’t stop myself from staring. “HARRY!” I jumped at the shriek of my name as Danielle got out of the van. “Are you just going to sit there staring all day? Let’s all get up to our rooms and get some rest.” It was these type of comments that always made me laugh to myself. Liam and Danielle were practically perfect for each other and it was scary to think how close their wavelengths were. I was the last one to get out the van, my mind forgetting what I just thinking about. 

**This is what live bait looks like Harold - go get her tiger! -A**

My jaw clenched immediately as I looked down at my lit up screen whilst getting out the van. I now realised that just because we left the country, didn’t mean we were off the hook. This text though, how did A know what I was looking at? Was A one of the fans banging against my window as my eyes drifted towards the beautiful familiar figure? 

Getting my bags out of the van, I followed a substantial distance behind everyone else. They all dragged their feet inside the lobby, completely exhausted. Somehow gravity had taken a turn to the right and forced my neck to turn with it as I spotted her staring at me, her beautiful eyes so big. I was distracting her as she spoke slowly to the cameraman that was filming her every move. I dropped my bags right where they were at the entrance and ran over. Her lips stopped moving as gravity regained itself back down bringing her jaw along with it. The cameraman, as irritable with her as can be, flicked off the camera and cursed that she wasn’t doing her job. I stopped right in front of her out of breath. “Harry...” she said biting her lip filling the atmosphere with awkwardness. “What are you doing here?!” the words came flying out of my mouth. “I...ermm...I’m corresponding the VMA’s with ITV back in London.” Wow...okay, I let this process through my brain. “I’m...I’m so sorry...I got sent here tonight not knowing I was reporting on your arrival...I-I only found out when I got here to location.” She apologized. “No, no - it’s fine.” I said knowing it wasn’t her fault. She was the UK correspondent after all...and we are one of the very few UK artists nominated for an award, so I couldn’t really blame her. 

I stood back behind the cameraman as she finished her report nervously as I was standing there. I turned around back to the entrance to see Liam picking my bags up off the floor and showing me a thumbs up, in other words, it’s okay. My head motioned up and down as if to say thanks. As she finished her report she walked over to me leaving the cameraman to pack the set up. “Would you like me to take you back to where you’re staying?” I offered. “I’m actually staying here...too...” She said knowing we were going to bump into each other more than now and at the VMA’s. “Ohh...ermm...fancy a drink?” I said, not knowing what else to say. “Sure! If you’re not too tired. Thanks Haz!” 

I kept my hands in my pockets at all times as we walked into the bar that was situated just outside the hotel lobby. It was a strange feeling having Caroline in my company again, but we were both practically working together here, so I took the evening as a drink with a colleague, and nothing less. 

**What happens when you realise an old flame stayed an ember? Rekindling sometimes needs a bit of oxygen. I’m blowing slow and softly on this one. -A**

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