Episode Two - Chapter 9: A.

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Zayn’s POV

I just stared at what I had picked up and placed into the DVD player, it brought back everything from that night. It was as if we had all been transported back to that time, but we watched the inevitable crash that had affected us all on a deep level, from the other side of the road. However I don’t recall anyone being anywhere near us that night... it had been dead quiet and no one was insight to what I remember until the car came out of nowhere. This video had been taken from across the street... it wasn’t an accident it was deliberate.

Liam had broken the stunned silence first still having his eyes glued to the screen “so I guess we need to discuss something” he stated breaking his focus on the screen to focus on us. I gulped certain that we were going to have to bring up some dirt from the past. “Harry and I have already sort of discussed that something weird has been going on... we have both been getting anon messages from the moment we stood in that hospital room with Harry. I just wanted to know... have you guys been getting them as well?” we all looked at each other knowing what Liam was talking about. We stayed silent unwilling to bring up this person who signed off every message with A but Liam brought something out of his pocket. He placed the paper covered in cake that had a message written in red on it in front of us. I read it out loud “Dam another year older... Just what I was trying to avoid. Mr Payne won’t be so lucky next time. Too Infinity and Beyond – A” my mouth dropped. The only messages I had received were encrypted with something to do with Taylah the girl I had met in Melbourne but I think I knew what lied deeper. I was the first to respond “well now that you mention it I have been receiving odd messages, kinda encrypted with some sort of secret. I haven’t really gotten... threatening messages” he looked at Liam who still looked at the paper in front of him. Niall was next to interject “Liam where did you find this?” he touched it and licked the frosting off of his finger “it was in the cake, I saw it after it had blown up... I also received a text message and this A person made it clear that they were watching us at that party...” he sighed and stood up pacing.

Harry flicked his curls out of his face focusing on what to do “we shouldn’t be discussing this here... what if A is right outside that door... I mean they did just slip us a video of our near death!” he was aggravated. “Why would someone want to scare us? I bet you it’s just a joke guys nothing serious!” Louis tried to lighten the mood but I could tell that something freaky happened to him but everyone wore the same unsure and almost frightened look on their faces. “Lou” I called to grab his attention “what happened to you?” he sighed and started fidgeting with the table cloth on the coffee table. “Well I was in the shower the other night... and I left my clothes on my bed in a neat pile but I heard a noise. So I went to investigate and found my clothes in a mess with a message from this practical joker A” he tried to tell the story free from fear in his voice but it was as clear as day. “WHAT!” Harry got up and replaced Liam in pacing around the room as Liam came to sit with me. “So now... they have keys to our rooms?! They can be inside our private space! Our save haven! God.. Liam we have to tell someone!” everyone looked at Liam after Harry’s outburst knowing that Daddy Directioner would be able to clear this up.

 Liam sat there with a deer in the headlights expression on “huh? I mean... I don’t know what to do. This person means business clearly and I think we will just anger them if we tell Paul. Maybe if we keep ignoring them... they’ll go away” he looked down at his shoes and realised one shoe wasn’t tied so he bent down to tie it. As he did he noticed something under the couch so he reached under and grabbed it out. We all gasped and Liam dropped the object to the ground. The camera sat there with the red record light flashing on... it was a livestream being played back to somewhere... A. I grabbed the camera looked into it and let all my anger out “I don’t know who you are or what you want but just know that we aren’t scared of you. I mean wow you can use technology but I still don’t believe you were behind that attack... I think you are just using that as leverage over us! So please do us all a favour A and piss off!” I threw the camera at the floor and it combusted everywhere. I was breathing heavily and decided it was time to get fresh air. All the others stared at me knowing that I had probably just started a war with an unidentified enemy. “Guys stop looking at me like that! It’s just some creep person who has mastered the technology of turning their phone to blocked number!” and with that I took one last look in the mirror and wiped all the cake icing from my face.

I walked around aimlessly for a bit unsure of what I had just done and the consequences of my actions. I knew that everything I said would enrage the viewer on the other end and I may have possibly taken the boys down with me but they were bugging our apartment it was uncalled for! As I made my way through town I bumped into fans that I took photos with and then I lit a cigarette and took a seat in a little park near the coffee shop I had visited with Taylah. These texts messages seem to all be insinuating something is up with her... and I intended on getting to the bottom of it. I sighed as I let out the smoke from my cigarette and watched the people around me. One couple walked hand in hand over the creek on a bridge, a homeless guy sat huddled against a tree and then I saw a black hooded person which was odd because it was summer. They were texting someone and as soon as I finally focused on the figure my phone lit up illuminating my face. ** Reminder: I own you. –A** I looked back up to find the black hood and confront them but they were gone...

I made my way back to the apartment and let myself in but as I did I checked the hallway for any sign of “A”. Look... they had already messed with my head but they certainly do not “own me” and I didn’t need a reminder of that. “Guys?” I called but no one answered. I called again and again but still no answer and my mind started playing tricks on me. I thought I saw shadows on the walls and I started to imagine the worst possible scenario so I made my way to the bedrooms of Louis and Harry’s apartment. The door was such so I closed my eyes tightly and pushed down on the handle. I seemed to be making all the noise in the world with just a few movements but as I opened my eyes my heart pounded faster in my ears. “Hey Zayn” Liam said from the floor I let out a sigh of relief and fell down next to him. He looked at me for an explanation “I got this text message from A after I spotted someone in a black hood across the park from me” he read it out to the others and placed my phone on the floor. He seemed to be keeping something from me as he changed the subject “lets watch a movie!”. I looked at him questioningly but Harry had a “lets drop it” face on. Everyone’s phones beeped at that moment and we all hesitantly looked at them ** Dying to know who I am? You'll find out. –A** the emphasis on the word dying only made us all sigh. We decided to drop the subject for the night.

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