Episode Five - Chapter 25: One Bite...

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Niall POV:

I decided it was time to tuck Zayn into bed making sure he was safely stable I walked out of the room rather shocked. I had never seen Zayn break down as much as he did... I never thought he had that much emotion under his cool facade; he did an amazing job of hiding it. As I made my way to the door I decided I would leave the beer I had brought in Zayn’s fridge, he may need it later. I didn’t know who this Taylah girl was or if what I had just heard was even real but by Zayn’s reaction I could tell that it wasn’t in my head. I had been seeing a lot of things that just happened to only be in my head these days, it didn’t help with someone screwing around with us. Just like A’s message to Zayn I knew she was driving me insane as well.

I closed the door lightly on my way out and made my way back to my apartment as I got a text, I closed my eyes and took a breath before looking at my phone. **Hey Irish, I am making dinner for you! When will you be back? – Holly** I sighed and let a relieved smile cross my face, I replied saying that I was making my way back now. The problem I now faced is do I tell the others? Or let Zayn deal with it in his own time? I wish I never over heard that... but I just can’t seem to wash the conversation from my mind. Every time I went somewhere on my own I tended to look behind myself all the time expecting someone with a knife to be there ready to pounce... This whole A thing had a major effect on me but it wasn’t until recently I had realised that the others had just been putting up a brave front... they were all terrified as well. I couldn’t help but wonder what their secrets where... what they were hiding that could causes someone to have this much power over them. Then I remembered Zayn and came to the conclusion that maybe it was better we all left it alone.

I walked inside seeing Holly in the kitchen and I smiled at her, she was a real gem sometimes. She had been looking after me, which I insisted I didn’t need but she refused to listen. She glided around the kitchen baking potatoes and stakes the intoxicating scent filled my head and let my worries fly out the window.  “Nialler! There you are” she smiled at me knowing the way to my heart was through my stomach “hey Holly! You didn’t have to do this ya’ know?” I took my shoes off and walked over to her. “I know but you seemed to be so down at the moment and I thought this would be a way to cheer you up!” her thick Irish accent made me feel immediately at home. I felt warm and safe in her presence as she was a little piece of Mullingar brought to me. I sat on the stool and watch her placing the food out on the table as she glanced at my troubled look and tilted her head. “I’m fine!” I jumped quickly to the mark before she could question me. “Nialler don’t you lie to me boy!” she slapped the back of my head lightly and came to sit next to me as she placed the food in front of me as if she were inciting the answer out of me by the food. “Holly honestly you need to worry less, I can already see wrinkles forming on your head! You’ll turn old before your time!” I stuck my knife and fork into the stake and brought a piece or maybe the whole thing up to my mouth but stopped as I saw my phone light up.

I placed the meat back onto the plate as Holly got up to grab a drink of water; I slid my phone under the bench and checked the message. **Oink Oink Nialler, maybe you should check your food for poison before you eat... – A** I gulped and pushed the plate away scared that somehow A had gotten in whilst Holly was cooking, beneath the surface I may have started suspecting Holly of it. A was screwing with my head and I couldn’t eat now knowing that something could be in my food. I bent over and started moaning to get Holly’s attention she spun around and her eyes went wide. “Niall? What’s wrong?” she looked at me but I could see something within her eyes... something just behind that she wasn’t telling me. “I just... I feel ... really ill!” I hobbled over to the couch and lay myself down as sickly as possible. “Niall have you eaten something you shouldn’t today? Something the doctor told you that you weren’t allowed to eat with your condition?” she looked at my accusingly so I shook my head “no”. “Holly I am just going to go to bed... sorry I ruined your meal, it was good...” she looked back at the food and seemed a little confused. “You didn’t take a bite... how could you say it was good?” she laughed a little and helped me into my room taking off my socks and pulling to covers over me. “I’ll let myself out” she smiled sadly and placed a kiss on my forehead but it didn’t feel like when we were together... it felt forced. My phone lit up the dark room and illuminated my ghostly pale face **Well played Nialler... Better actor then I thought – A**.

I sighed and chucked my phone to the other side of the bed so it was out of reach; I closed my eyes and just tried to block everything out.  A had me now questioning my best friends? What other lengths will they go to? I couldn’t sleep and decided I would go clean up so I crept to the door and pushed it open lightly however I stopped the moment I saw a figure in the kitchen... a black hooded figure stood over the kitchen bench where I had almost taken a bite of the food. My heart stopped and it felt like all the clocks in the world had stopped with it. I watched from the crack in the door as the hooded figure took the food and walked out the door locking it with what looked like a key... they had a key! They could come in freely without leaving a trace! I stood at the door for longer than needed before closing it and pushing a chair up against it. I made my way back to the bed and text Zayn **You remember that you saw a black hooded figure at the park that night right? And Liam said he saw one at the club... plus at the performance... I think A was just in my house – Niall** I sent the text and pushed myself further under the blankets as if they were my protection but I knew I was as vulnerable as a sitting duck. 

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