Chapter 8: Baby Steps To Fame

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Hey Everyone!

SO sorry for the long wait.. schools been taking up so much of my time :( but i'm back and good to write<3

Sorry if it's a little short.


- Week Later -

(Oliver Sykes / First Person)

Supposed to go to the Hamptons to meet up with the family.

Bloody joy.

But of course we can't meet up somewhere normal.

I stroll out of my house with jeans and a plain black shirt. The sooner I get this over with the better.

- Hamptons -

"Oliver Sykes, why is it that all that I hear is that you're being rude to some of our best clients?!"

"Well hello to you too father."

I barely stepped in when I'm greeted by my father yelling at me.

"What went through your head to decide that that was okay?!"

"Well they were all wankers so why not?"

"Oliver you can't just decide to be rude and ruin this business. I spent too many years building it up and showing you how to run a business."

"Then just let Daniel take it over."

With that I walk out of his study room. Meeting up with family is always a great thing right?Walking along the corridor, I past Daniel and he's about to say something when I interrupt him.

"Hey Oli-"

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