Chapter 11: St. Elms

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Song: Mission Control by Normandie

(Luna Collins / Third Person)

Luna sat on the sofa with her two best friends beside her trying to distract herself from her horrible week that just passed at Sykes Corporation. Jasmine invited Luna over to watch the classic Psycho at her apartment in Queens but no such luck was that helping. Luna knew she had to leave that business immediately but the fear of asking Oliver Sykes for a reference was building up inside her.

"So" Luna finally spoke.

Jasmine and Emma turned to face Luna.

"I'm giving in my resignation letter tomorrow."

Both Emma and Jasmine gasped in sync. Luna couldn't bare to look at her friends as she's failed them.

"But why?" I thought things were getting better at work apart from that incident" Emma asked.

Tears fell onto Luna's lap and Jasmine paused the movie then turned around to hug Luna. Emma followed behind.

"I just can't deal with his terrible attitude towards me! I hate it. I've had enough! So much anxiety I have inside me that I can't do it anymore. I want to leave before he gets back." Luna explained.

The two good friends sat there and listen to their distress friend as she continued to spill out her feelings.

"You do what's best for you Luna, we'll always be by your side." Jasmine cooed whilst squeezing Luna's hand.

Luna looked to stare at her friends smiling at her, she couldn't believe that she had such supportive people in her life and she was truly grateful for that. Jinx walks in resting his head on Luna's knee, staring at her with his diamond eyes.

"Ok, I'll do it tomorrow."

(Oliver Sykes / First Person)

- ST. ELMS -

"That's a wrap boys! Thank you so much for tonight!" The event manager cheered.

That was it!

Our big gig at St.Elms was over. The popularity of our music exploded ever since our first gig. More and more people are enjoying our sound and with luck no one recognises me. We kept every gig with a no phone policy as I don't want to get in trouble with my father. To be honest I don't care what he thinks but I know Daniel will get the brunt of it. Grabbing a towel from the roadies, the guys and I sat down on the sofa, cheering for our successful night.

"That was mad! Did you see the mosh pit at the final song? Mental!" Curtis cheered.

I couldn't help but smile. After the terrible week I've had personally, I needed this happiness in my life. At the corner of my eye I noticed three men in black suits speaking to security asking to be let in. Once security gave them the all clear, the three men walked towards us. Everyone turned around in sync as the men came forward.

"Hey there! You guys are Bring Me The Horizon right?" One of the men spoke.

"Yeah we are. I'm Olí and this is Matt, Lee, Curtis and Nicholls." All waved awkwardly as their names were called.

"Nice! So we're with Thirty Days of Night record label and we're interested in your band. Are you free this week to come chat with us to potentially do business together?" A man with jet black hair spoke.

Our jaws dropped.

Is this guy serious?

Smiles beemed across the table as we were surprised to hear a label is interested in us but I knew how business works, we can't give in straight into the temptation.

"I'm not sure really do you have a contact number that we could call you and let you know when our availability is?" I spoke.

The eyes of Bring Me The Horizon stared at me like hungry vultures.

"What are you doing?" Matt hissed under his breath.

"Trust me." I muttered.

Looking back the three men, one with ginger hair pulled out a little grey card from his inner jacket pocket and handed it over to me.

"Here. This is our contact details so call us when you have a date available to meet up. Don't wait to long as we have other bands to see." He spoke.

I couldn't but grin. Ah yes the "we're looking for other people"  routine, one of the basic steps you learn in business.

"If we're interested we'll contact you" I smiled.

All three men looked at each other puzzled at my reaction but just nodded in the end. They all said their goodbyes till they weren't in sight anymore. I felt a sharp pain run across the back of my head.

"Ouch!" I cried.

Matt , Curtis , Lee and Nicholls all glare at me.

"What was that all about? Why were you acting like that?" Lee moaned.

"Yeah, these guys want to sign us and you were acting all weird on them." Nicholls chimed in.

Another grin grew across my face.

"You got to play hard to get. Business 101 boys. Trust me I know what I'm doing." I winked.


It was great to finally have the boys and I recognised. We have worked so hard for so many years to get our music noticed and it's finally happening. Grabbing a bottle of water, I watched a man with a fancy grey suit walking towards me.

"Oliver!" He shouted.

I stood up and embrace him into a tight hug.

"Hey Daniel! You wouldn't believe it, a record label may potentially sign us!" I cheered.

Daniel didn't look impressed. I would of thought my own brother would be happy for me but judging from his face, I think not. Daniel pulled me away from the rest of the guys where we could speak privately.

"Do you think that's a good idea Oli?" Daniel asked with a serious tone in his voice.

"What do you mean?"

Daniel rubbed his temple with frustration.

"Look I'm happy for you that your music is getting heard but you have a company to run, I cant be sneaking around for you anymore-"


Daniel handed me my paperwork that was left in my office from a few days ago.

"Here this was all the paperwork that was left on your desk. Just have a serious think about all of this brother before you do anything that you might regret later."

Daniel left without saying goodbye. I couldn't call him to stay or to come back, I was speechless with his reaction. What's going on with him? I walked back to the guys on the sofa as they continued to laugh and cheer for the success of the band. In the meantime, I flicked through my paperwork til I notice a piece out of place.

Holding out the sheet up, I admired the detail of the image in front of me. Soft shading, perfect lines and yet such realism in one image.

The image of a rose.

Was this Luna's?

Guilt held tight onto me as the images of that day in the cafeteria. How could I be so horrid towards her? Hasn't  she had enough of my attitude already? How has she stayed to work with me still.

I must apologise.

Pulling out my iPhone, a email notification appeared from 3 hours ago.

Email from Luna Collins
Subject: Letter of Resignation

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