Chapter 4: The Right Choice

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Hey Twinkies68 here. :) hope this chapter is good. Enjoy

- EDITED 2024 version -

Chapter 4

Song: Is Everybody Going Crazy? by Nothing But Thieves

(Oliver Sykes / First Person)


Shutting the door in the delivery guy's bearded face, I walk to my room with my Chinese takeaway and plopped myself onto my black silk bed. knew picking a new secretary would be so god damn  difficult.

Can't find good staff these days.

Twirling my noodles onto my fork, my eyes glaze through the list of today's interviewees. All with their impressive resumes and freshly crisped certificates clinging  onto the  backs of the resumes hoping that today would be the day that they would shine instead of a sheet of meaningless words.


Impressive it may be however that is not what I'm looking for. I don't want someone who will be glued to me, ready to sniff my arse when I tell them too or roll over and play dead.


I need someone to impress me. Someone who can think for themselves, someone who can surprise me.


"Hey Oskar."

Oskar walks over to the bed, makes a quicks stop before rocking back and forth to prepare himself for his leap. He doesn't make a sound when he lands on the bed but struts over to my side and sits, eyeing the plate of noodles in front of me.

"How are you boy?" I stroke his head.

He barks happily.

"Fancy helping me look for a need assistant? I can't bothered to choose ."

Oskar tilted his head to the side with his beautiful brown eyes staring at me and the little thump of his tail hitting the sheets. I threw him a noodle string and he caught it.

"Ready boy?"

He barks.  

We go through the list of candidates and explain their background to Oskar whilst he either barks or growls to the candidate. I shouldn't really be basing my decision on my dogs reaction but this I've got so to hell to anyone who disagrees with me. He continues to growl at each name mentioned and I throw their files onto the floor.

One file left.

"The final candidate, Cirice Collins. Brooklyn girl and ex waitress but managed to get good grades. Especially in music and art."

I peak over the file and look over at Oskar to see what his reaction would be and within seconds Oskar barked.

"Say no more boy, I'll contact her now."

(Cirice Collins / First Person)


The  doorbell rings and here in front of me were my two best friends.

Jasmine and Emma.

Both girls stood by the door and smiled when they saw me, holding up a bottle of rum and a tub of ice cream. These girls knew me so well. We all met in high school as we all took the same art class. Jasmine worked as a make up artist for MAC in Macys. Her passion of art lead her to the path of makeup artistry and her boldness too. This girl fell in love with the colours MAC created so she walked into Macys, determent one day and started to serve customers and apply makeup on them. The mangers at MAC loved her spontaneous attitude that they immediately hired her on the spot! Jasmine had her beautiful wavy chocolate hair up with a pink clip holding its place, wearing a orange crocheted tank top that complimented her sun-kissed skin and a pair of grey cargo trousers.

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