Chapter 12: Just My Luck.

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Song: The Perfect Girl by Mareux

(Luna Collins / Third Person)

Luna ran as fast as she could to Sykes Corporation as her subway decided to break and stop two blocks away with only ten minutes to get to the office. She prayed that Oliver wasn't in today. He hasn't been for almost a week now but she had an inkling that he would appear.

"Excuse me!" Luna shouted as she shoved her way around the busy streets of New York.

She knew today was the day she was going to hand in her resignation and say goodbye to the god awful place called Sykes Corporation and the give the middle finger to Oliver himself.

Running with heels was a big no no since it hasn't stopped raining the heavens in New York and of course today it continued to rain some more. Luna forgot her umbrella at home on the kitchen cabinet. Hopefully Jinxx won't destroy it when she gets home. On her way to work she quickly paid for a newspaper from the closest corner stand and held it above her head.

After the long night with her friends, Luna didn't really think through what to wear today. Her alarm didn't wake up at all or did she forget too? Alcohol does blur the mind especially after seven shots.

"Crap. Crap. Crap" Luna hissed under her breath.

Luna arrived at Sykes Corporation with only two minutes to spare. Dashing towards the elevators, Luna managed to slide through before the doors closed.

"I'm late."


Luna sat at her desk, drenched, cold and miserable. She looked at the time and noticed it read,


"Damn. At least he isn't here." Luna muttered.

Logging onto the computer, Luna pulled out the keyboard from the tray under the table and turned on the computer monitor. She caught a reflection of herself from the screen of her damped blonde hair. Giving her hair a twist, water poured onto the floor. Eyes watched Luna as she was doing, looking at her with disgusted but paid no more attention to her and continued with her work.


The landland rang.

First call of the day Luna thought to herself.

"Sykes Corporation, Luna Collins speaking, how can I help you?" Luna chirped.

"You're late. My office now!" That voice hissed and hung up.

Luna's heart sank into her stomach.

It was him.

Oliver was in today.

She knew it. Out of all days she has been working, arriving on time and staying behind them extra hours to finish his mess, he had to come in on the day when she was late.


Not a moment to lose Luna jumped out of her chair and rushed to Oliver's office.

(Sabrina Woods / First Person)


This can not be happening.

That asshole better pick up the phone.

I continued to hear Oli's voicemail time after time but no luck the call wasn't going through. Never have I ever had someone break up with me! I was the one to do it to them! Of course Oli had to catch me red handed with that guy at the bar.


Tyler was meant to leave an hour before Oli arrive but I couldn't help it, his lips left a burning sensation on my skin. Every kiss, every touch, it made me feel so alive. Something I can't relate to with Oliver.

Things can't be left like this.

I need to speak to Oli now.

I can't let that bastard escape from my fingers. After all he is juicy rich and I just need to make sure I don't get caught next time.

Sitting down on my sofa, I watched the cleaner do her chores around my apartment. This would be my eighth cleaner this month as I find them all absolutely useless but this one seemed to get the job done. This one didn't pull a face when she pile of clothing on the floor or the stacks of plates in the sink or even the empty amounts of condom packets in the bin. This one was a good time but of course time will tell.

Finishing off my cigarette, I called the girl over.

"You! Maid!" I called.

The girl stopped wiping the kitchen counter and looked up. I indexed my finger to come closer to me and she did what she was told.

"What is your name?" I asked.

She smiled and replied.

"It's Jasmine madam. Can I help with anything?"

Jasmine? Like that princess from Aladdin.

"I need you to clear out my wardrobe and put everything back in their nicely. I can't find anything in that massive mess."

Jasmine nodded and answered back.

"I heard in target they sell those compartments where you store your clothes in. Want me to get you some?"

I blankly looked at her.

Clever girl she is. That would be perfect.

"We'll I didn't ask for your opinion on storage boxes but yeah that does sound good." I muttered under my breath.

The girl nodded her head and continued with the cleaning. All I could think about is how to get Oli back. I need to get him and it needs to be done now.
Getting off the sofa, I grabbed my brown trench coat from and keys.

"Lock up when you leave. I won't be coming home tonight." I announced.

With a bang, I slammed the door shut and walked out of my apartment building. It was still early in the day and Oli would be at the Sykes Corp building so now is my chance. He can't escape from me anymore.

Time to get Oli back.

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