Chapter 6:Bring Me The Horizon

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Hey Everyone!

My apologises that Both Twinkies68 and I haven't updated in such a long time. With Twinkies working and me due to my illness its a struggle for both of us. As promised, heres a new chapter guys :)

LetsKeepItASecret13 x

Chapter 6

Song: Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody! By Bring Me The Horizon

Picture of Bring Me The Horizon ------>

(Oliver Sykes / First Person)

"Ok guys, youre performing in 10 minutes" The bar owner told us.

Lee, Matt, Nicholls, Curtis and I nodded at him then turned towards each other. Nerves raged inside my body, panic ran through my lungs! What happens if someone in the crowd recognises me or takes a photo and posts it all over the world!!! Then i'm seriously screwed. To be honest I really don't give a damn about what the reaction would be if the world knew but I think my father will probably bollock me and sad enough, I need his money to support this band.

My band.

Daniel is the only one who supports my decision with everything and so does my step mom, however I haven't told her that I'm taking this to the next level.

"Alright guys, we've been preparing for this chance for months! Lets give it all our best!" Lee pepped us.

Everyone was hi fiving each other apart from me. I don't understand why I was reacting like this, I should be happy not nervous!

"Sykes?" Matt N called.

I turned around to face him. He handed me a lighter and cigarette which I was really grateful for and smoked. I really got to stop smoking.

"All better?"

"Yes" In relief I replied while hissing the S.

All of us did a silent prayer together, even though I don't believe in God I still ask for his help when i'm stressing out. I flicked the cigarette to the floor and stood on top of it, lighting out the smoke. The guys were getting their instruments ready, tuning the guitars and bass. I started to do some vocal warm ups so I was ready to scream tonight. We all gathered together and waited for the owner of the bar to announce the band.

"Hey everyone! We have a new band tonight and I hear their pretty good! Lets give it up for Bring Me The Horizon!"

As the bar owner announced our name, a couple of people started to clap for us but from others they gave us dirty looks. All of us got up on stage and I grabbed the microphone of the stand. The palm of my hands started to sweat. This is it. Trying not to give eye contact to everyone, I sang.

"A cherry sunset blossoms,
But we're not there to watch it fall,
On the vacant canvas, we should be waiting,
with our face down on the grass,
Staring till our eyes give way,
Let's paint this city black,
While the night's still young,


This cherry sunset withers,
Our words, as frail as paper,
A dawn I thought we'd never see,
Alone on this silent beach,
There is nothing we can do,
There is nothing we can do,

The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself."

As I finished the song, the crowd started to clap more and chant for us. I couldn't help but smile. Turning to face the guys, all of them grinned . First performance and it was successful! The guys and I got off the stage and cheered for our awesome performance, even some people came and ask us for autographs, some girls asked for pictures but I put my head down and quietly said no. If they put those pictures online, I'm screwed.

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