Chapter 2

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Quackity's POV:

"C'mon, let's go, Charlie," I holler as I grab my ax and double-check my messy desk. All ready. Time to execute the plan. Charlie quickly scurries behind me and I slam the front door shut as we walk outside.

Charlie has become my assistant, one of the first members of Las Nevadas. Joined right around the time y/n went missing. He's young and gullible, reminds me of Tommy back in my L'manburg days. Charlie -better known as Slimecicle- is an heir of the slime god or monster, whatever you wanna call it. He was abandoned and left to fend for himself, I decided to recruit him for Las Nevadas.

The sun has just dipped below the horizon, night is falling. We make our way across the Prime Path, I need to find y/n.

"Where are we going again?" Charlie asks loudly, skipping ahead.

I roll my eyes, "to find a... friend of mine." Charlie opens his mouth to speak, but a voice cuts him off.

"Quackity!" I hear my name faintly being called. I instantly stop in my tracks. "Quackity!" I hear it again, full of urgency, but I can't quite make out who it is.

"Hello?" I question, looking at the vast, dark forest in front of me.

Suddenly, I see Sapnap stumble out of the bushes, George in his arms. I stare at them in surprise, but it quickly turns into anger.

"Quackity!" Sapnap breathes out, his eyes brimmed with shimmering tears. "I've been looking for you everywhere! You've got to help me, please... it's George." Sapnap looks at me pleadingly, gesturing towards a limp George in his arms.

I stay silent, my fists balling up in anger. Now they come looking for me? After all this time? After they abandoned me, left me, went to go make a nation of their own without even telling me? They only want me when they need something.

"Is this the friend you were looking for?" Charlie asks quietly, peering over my shoulder.

"Quackity... please, I need your help!" Sapnap practically begs, tears falling down his face as he holds George tighter in his arms. George is curled up, his face paler than usual, sickly skinny, and exhausted.

"No, I don't know them..." I say coldly, placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder as I start to turn around.

"Please, Q! It's serious this time... I don't know who else to turn to!" Sapnap shouts, I stop, my back facing him.

"You had no trouble forgetting me before, why not do the same now? I'm always the last option, aren't I?" I spit, my tone full of spite. Charlie looks between us nervously. "Let's go," I tighten my grip around his shoulder.

"What about the boy?" Charlie asks softly as he tugs on my shirt to get my attention. He motions towards a frail George in Sapnap's arms. Charlie looks at me with wide, worried eyes.

"Maybe they can find help somewhere else." I push Charlie in front of me as I start walking.

"Please!" Sapnap sobs, falling to his knees. Charlie turns around, staring at them helplessly. I ignore them as I continue walking. "I don't what else to do! Q, I'm sorry!" I try my best to tune Sapnap out as I keep going,

"Quackity-" Charlie starts.

"I said, 'let's go!'" I shout forcefully, not daring to turn around. Afraid of looking back at Sapnap's tear-stained face.

Charlie trails behind me hesitantly. Sapnap's sobs start to get fainter and fainter as we get farther and farther away. I feel my heart tear in my chest, but we walk until he's out of earshot.

"Who were-" Charlie begins, but I quickly cut him off.

"Nobody, forget it. Let's get on with the plan." I snap, he looks down at the ground reluctantly and nods.

I try to clear my head, but Sapnap's cries echo in my ears.

Tommy's POV:

"Are you sure about this, Tommy?" Tubbo asks quietly. I nod grimly, staring at the tall spruce door in front of me.

"I need to do this alone, Tubbo." I whisper, Tubbo gives me an understanding nod.

"Just..." he pauses, looking me in the eyes. "Be careful, alright? You know he can be unpredictable." I muster up a weak smile.

"Oh, cut the crap Tubbo, I'll be fine." I roll my eyes and Tubbo scoffs lightly.

"Alright, big man," Tubbo laughs with a mocking smile.

"Fuck off," I say with a grin. Tubbo gives me one last serious look before turning around.

"You know what to do if something goes wrong!" He calls out as he disappears down the snowy path.

My heart suddenly feels heavy in my chest. If something goes wrong...

Without any more hesitation, I walk up to the big wooden door and knock on it. I wait there apprehensively, thinking, thinking, thinking. A horrid thought suddenly crosses my mind.

What if-

The door opens, cutting off my thoughts. I look at my former friend in front of me.

"Tommy?" The first thing I notice is a flash of yellow.

"Is that a flower in your hair?" I suddenly blurt out before I can stop myself. (Passerine brain rot😩)

Techno glances up, "I suppose it is." He picks the yellow flower out of his hair. I shift back and forth awkwardly and Techno lets out a sigh. "I know you didn't come here because of a damn flower, what's going on?"

"Techno," I let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm afraid we- I need your help..." Techno looks at me, crossing his arms, his gaze unreadable. I let out a soft sigh, my expression grave, "one more time."

Y/n's POV:

"Any second now," I whisper to myself as I walk around the Prime Path near the prison. I stand there in my full enchanted netherite armor and weapons. Hopefully, if everything goes smoothly it can finally work. Quackity will lock me in the prison, except he doesn't know. He doesn't know we have a plan.

"Y/n!" I grin, right on time. I see Sam run towards me, Quackity nowhere in sight. "Thank god I found you," he breathes out. I stare at him blankly, trying not to show any emotion.

"What do you want, Sam?" I ask, even though I already know perfectly what his plan is.

"Listen y/n, Dream requested to see you," Sam says. I clench my jaw, I know he's lying, I know it's all part of their plan, but that's what hurts.

It hurt that Dream didn't actually request to see me, he's forgotten... he's moved on. Whilst I'm still clinging on, clinging onto some desperate sliver of hope that doesn't even seem to exist.

I give Sam a brisk nod. "Take me to him," I mutter. Sam grins, a satisfied look on his face. I begin to follow him down the path that leads to the prison. I shake my thoughts about Dream away, if I want this to work I have to stay focused.

I have to save Dream, maybe then he'll realize. He'll realize I care, that I'm sorry, that I love him. It's the only way to prove myself, to win back his trust. Maybe then we can be like before.

Maybe then he'll love me, one more time.

A/N: SHEESH, GUYS I HAVE SO MANY GOOD IDEAS FOR THIS. GET READY CUZ ITS GONNA GET SO CRAZY 😩 guys b4 u come at Dream, remember he does have a right to be mad at y/n.

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