Chapter 34

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Wilbur's POV:

Technoblade shoots me a look. That wasn't supposed to happen.

"Do we carry on-" Techno starts. Before he can finish I nod. We have to. The fire charge rests in his hand, ready.

"Throw it," I order, my voice low. I wince as I see Dream desperately gripping onto Sapnap's lifeless body, a puddle of blood beneath them.

"And Dream?" Techno questions, rearing his hand.

"He'll survive," I take a step back, grabbing y/n's arm. I drag her farther back, she follows without struggle, numb and in shock.

"Let's hope this works," Techno throws the fire charge and scrambles backwards.

Holy shit.

Dream's POV:

I hear it before I see it. A sizzling sound, heading straight towards the guards. I feel the burning heat sear across my skin a second before it hits the ground. I hold onto Sapnap's limp body, not caring.

Finally it hits the the ground with a deafening explosion. I feel myself get thrown up into the air, my mind a jumble.


I slip into darkness before I can even hit the ground.


"Dream," I hear the voice. The all too familiar voice. I hear myself.

"XD?" I look up, feeling lightweight.

Am I dead? I'm dead. Surely I'm dead. How am I here? I don't have the revive book. I'm dead. Dead. I'm-

"You killed George." The words leave my mouth before I can even think.

The corners of DreamXD's mouth twist upwards into a grin. "No, Dream, you killed George. You killed Sapnap, you killed them both." DreamXD continues, each word making my heart sink more and more in my chest. "You killed them all. You paved the way. I only finished what was meant to happen."

My mouth trembles, no words slipping past. My heart feels heavy, no longer lightweight. Heavy with regret. With guilt. With grief.

"What's wrong, Dream? Nothing to say?" XD taunts softly, chuckling as he looks down on me.

"Please," just one quiet word escapes my quivering lips.

"What're you asking for, Dream? You don't even know. What is it that you want?" DreamXD asks, I can almost imagine his smug face from under his mask.

My smug face. He's me. I'm him.

I don't even know what I want. I want so much, I want everything I lost. I want what I had.

"Why am I here?"

"You're dead, Dream." DreamXD says simply. I step back in surprise, a weird feeling washes over me. Almost like a sense of relief. "You're here because I don't want you to die yet. You still have your little mission to complete, don't you?"

"You know?" My blood runs cold, he knows. Of course he knows. The god only chuckles to himself.

"Are you still going to go through with it? Even after what you're beloved Sapnap told you? Even after hr sacrificed his life just to tell you not to do it..." DreamXD makes a tsk sound with an exaggerated sigh.

"XD-" I start.

"I could just leave you here, Dream. But no, I don't want you to die just yet. I want you to live with yourself a little longer. Live with what you've done. Live with your regret. Your guilt. Your arrogance, everything you've done wrong." His tone is quiet, but harsh. I feel myself crumble with each word like a blow to the chest. "I want you to live with it, Dream. Because death would be too merciful for a person like you." He spits the words out with such disgust it makes me recoil.

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