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Mike gonna be a main character in this because I realized he has been in one chapter

Also high-school au again because im boring

Mike's POV

My friend Billie has been eyeing this guy, Tré, for a while now. He's constantly talking to me about how cute Tré is and how much he wants to kiss him. It gets tiring after a whole 4 months of this.

I was currently sitting on my bed, Billie next to me, listening to him talk and talk about Tré for the billionth time.

"Billie have you even talked to him yet?" I asked him. He stopped talking and then looked down, apparently embarrassed. "N-no..."

I sighed. I knew Billie for pretty much my entire life so I knew he was pretty shy. If I wanted him to shut up about his stupid crush, I would have to do something about it.

~~~time skip to the next day~~~

I was sitting next to Billie in math class, watching him ad he stared lovingly at Tré. I had a plan for getting Billie and Tré together, but now I was wondering if it would even work.

At the end of class, Billie got up immediately to leave. I stayed behind because I knew Tré would too. I went up to him, striking a conversation.

"Hey, I'm Mike."

Tré looked up at me, wondering if I was joking or not. Tré was kinda known as the weird kid, but he never really got bullied or anything. People just never talked to him.

After deciding that I wasn't joking, he started talking to me. We walked down the halls, talking about anything that crossed our minds. Tré reached his next class, which I didn't share with him. We said goodbye, and I found my next class, sitting next to Billie.

"So, where were you?" Billie asked me. I knew he was joking, but it made me feel guilty that I was becoming friends with his crush, but it was all part of my plan.

~~~couple of weeks later~~~

I was pretty much best friends with Tré now. Whenever I wasn't hanging out with Billie, I was with Tré. I knew practically everything about him, and he knew everything about me.

And I also found out he had a crush on Billie, which made my whole plan a whole lot easier than I anticipated.

My and Tré were walking to school, and I decided that today I would introduce him to Billie. I told him this earlier today, but didn't tell him it was Billie. I had also told Billie that I had made a new friend, but didn't tell him who my friend was. Both of them would probably hate me for having to make friends with their crush, but sooner or later they would thank me.


I was standing by Billie's locker, Tré next to me, constantly bugging me about who my friend was. When Billie walked up to me, he quickly shut up and glared at me.

"Hey Mike!" Billie said to me. He apparently hadn't noticed the tiny man he had a crush on behind me, because he then asked me where my new friend was. I gestured my hands towards Tré, and he blushed almosted immediately. He hung his head down, hoping Tré hadn't noticed.

Now it was the hard part of my plan. Getting Billie and Tré to actually talk to each other without the conversation just being a bunch of stutters.

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