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I spent so long on this but I'm proud of it so I hope it cancels out woohoo

Its supposed to be medieval but I'm gonna use modern language


Word Count: 2802

Billie's POV

I stood at the doorway of my house, anxiously tapping my foot. My friends were supposed to be here any minute now, but they still weren't. I asked them to meet me here at noon, and now its almost 1.

"Billie! Billie! Guess what!" I heard one of my friends, Mike, calling my name out. I sighed, because whenever he called my name, it normally meant something bad happened to me, or something good happened to him.

"What is it, Mike?" I watched as he ran up to my stairs, his smile wide. Kevin and Jason were nowhere to see, so I guess they weren't coming. Lovely.

"The Wrights are coming here! The Wrights!" My eyes widened. The Wrights were basically the richest people in, like, the country. They owned three fucking castles and only really used one, the other two just for show. Pretty much everyone in that family was a rich, spoiled asshole, except for their youngest son, Frank.

Frank was really cool and really nice. When he was 12 or something, he snuck out and met up with me just because he thought I was cool. We'd do a lot of stuff together, but we drifted apart due to his family finding out about us. I really thought I wouldn't see him again, but, here we are.

"But why? There's like, nothing here." I asked. Our town had very little to offer and looked like anything other place. Theres no reason that any royal person would want to come here.

"Dude, do you think I know why? All I know is that they're coming here." Mike replied. I scoffed, thinking that Mike was just joking with me.

"Alright, fine. Can we still go horse racing?" Mike shook his head, saying we had to go to the entrance of the town to see the Wrights. I guess I wasn't having fun with my friends today. Yay.

Mike led me towards the entrance, where pretty much everyone who lived here was. I was still mad about how my one free day wasn't even going to be free. Stupid Wrights...

Mike led me over to where Kevin and Jason were. So this is where they were. Great. I guess I'm not that important to them.

"So, how long until these guys actually get here?" Kevin asked. How long were they standing here? An hour? 2 hours? Since morning?

The group was quiet, apparently not knowing. Wow. "Uh, soon?" Mike answered, with confusion. They probably weren't even coming, it was just a stupid prank someone told their friend that somehow spread to everyone. God I'm an idiot for believing this.

"Hey guys, maybe we should leave..." I said quietly. Mike heard me, because he was standing next to me, but he shook his head. "They'll be here soon, I promise." No one else heard me, or they ignored me, so I just sighed. I could just go back home.

I tried to step away, but Mike gripped onto my arm. "They're here! Billie they're really here!" I snapped my head up, seeing a carriage in the distance.

I heard people cheering, because of course they would, they're important and if we don't show them respect they'll do some pretty bad things to us. Like steal.

But while everyone else showed praise to the Wrights, I could only think about where Frank was. They did just get here, but I still wanted to see him. Now I could see the carriage clearer now, and the people. Everyone up front looked happy and proper, smiling and waving at everyone.

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