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Smut and college au, will probably be very inaccurate but then again so are all my oneshots

Word Count: 6189 (why are all my smut ones the longest)

Billie's POV

"I hate my fucking roomate! He parties all night, come in at like 3 am, wakes me up cuz he's hungry, then when I ask him for something simple, he fucking ignores me. UGH!" I listened to my friend, Mike, rant about his roommate for the fortieth time this week. His name started with a J, like Jake or John or something like that.

Every week this J guy did something more awful to Mike like every week. I asked if Mike could switch dorms, but that wasn't allowed for some reason. I wish it was, cause he always talks about J in the middle of lunch. I just want to eat. And if I could, I would let Mike stay in my dorm, but I already had a roommate, who was the definition of perfect in my eyes.

He was really funny, super cool, respected me, and he has some of the same hobbies that I do, like skateboarding! And sometimes he helps with work I have to do, even though he doesn't understand it. He tries, and it makes me feel happy because he's near me. He's also pretty attractive, so there's that.

And I won't deny it, I really like him.

"-and its like he doesn't even know I'm there! Its sucks Billie." I was snapped back into reality from Mike, and I have no idea what he was saying. But it was fine, probably heard it already.

"You're lucky that Tré's nice. Anyways, I gotta go, see you tomorrow, alright?" Mike stood up from our table, walking to the exit without letting me answer. Tré is the name of my roommate. Not legal name, but who cares about that.

After Mike left, I went back onto my phone. I was glad that I could go to my dorm after lunch, my battery's almost always dead at this time.

I walked out of the cafeteria only a few minutes after Mike did, walking to my dorm. It wasn't that far from the cafeteria, but that meant it was also pretty far from all my classes. Small price to pay for food.

I knocked on the door, checking to see if Tré was there or not. I didn't hear a response, so I unlocked the door and went in.

My eyes gazed over the familiar room, seeing the posters consume the walls, along with some Polaroids of me, Tré, and Mike. There were a couple of pictures where I had blond hair, and instinctively my hands went up to my now red hair. Tré managed to convince me to dye it. I really do like how I look with red, though. Tré sometimes calls me 'Straw-Billie'. Its stupid, but since Tré came up with it, it's fine. Looking down the walls, I saw my guitars near my messed up bed. On the left side of the room, Tré had his laptop, books, and drumsticks on his bed. He couldn't actually bring his drums into the dorm, obviously, but he still brought the sticks with him to bang on stuff like a desk.

I dropped my stuff onto the edge of my bed, then searched for my charger. I plugged in my phone, seeing it was on 17% and that I had about 45 minutes to relax. Cool.

I opened up my laptop, browsing through different websites. I probably should be studying or researching something, but it felt wrong by myself. I didn't need Tré to help me, but I just wanted his presence. I couldn't think alone.

20 minutes later, I heard the doornob rattling. I looked up from my laptop screen just as Tré opened the door. "Hey, Beej." He smiled at me, then went to his bed. God, his voice is so lovely.

"So, uh, how's your day been?" I asked. Tré looked up, then shrugged. "Eh, it's been okay. I didn't fail that quiz I told you about yesterday, so thanks." I helped him! Yay!

"But, random question, do you have anything to do Friday?" I quickly checked what the current day is on my laptop, seeing that is was Tuesday. I probably wouldn't have to do anything in three days. I shook my head, looking back up at Tré.

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