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Third person POV: (trying to see if it's easier)

Y/n tried to turn around and walk away before Avery called out, "Y/n!" Avery jogged over to them and tapped them on the shoulder. "What do you want Avery?" Y/n said without looking at Avery. Avery rolled her eyes and said, "Please, no need to be rude. I'm just wondering where Mark is. He isn't answering my texts or his phone." Y/n looked at Avery and smirked. "Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you. Ever thought of that?" Avery looked at them in disbelief. "Don't you dare say that to me! He would never ignore me! Now, tell me where he is." Y/n started to walk away again, walking a bit fast trying to get away from Avery, but Avery grabbed their arm. "Gosh, she's being such a brat," Y/n thought to themself. But when Y/n turned around to meet Avery's eyes, she noticed that Avery had a true look of concern on her face.

"Look Avery, I'm just not sure Mark would like me to tell anyone why he isn't answering people." Y/n said to Avery. Avery let go of Y/n's arm and nodded. "Oh.. yeah, I get it. Well, if he comes back, tell him to answer me," Avery said before walking away. Y/n watched her walking away for a moment before checking the time. 4:18 P.M. Y/n started to walk back to their house to stream.

Y/n POV: (this is easier for me to write with)

Try to calm me down about school starting tomorrow..

Stream starting soon!

"Hello, everybody!" I said happily to my stream. "As you can see, I have school tomorrow, and can someone please calm me down?"

LonelyWeirdo donated $2!
Search up socializing tips for school

"Thank you for the $2 but I don't think I'm going to do that," I laughed nervously. "Anyway, I thought about doing a VR stream. I'll just give you guys an ad while I struggle to put on the headset."

I picked up the headset and the hand pieces and put them on. Oh, it wasn't too hard, I thought to myself. "Welcome back from the ad everyone!" I said as I back up from my desk as to not hit my pc later on. "Well, I guess we're going to be playing Five Nights at Freddy's because I don't know how to change the game."

Tubbo donated $100!
Stand up I want to see how tall you are, shortie

"Tubbo you didn't have to donate that much-" I started to say. Then I realized he called me short. "Tubbo, we're basically the same height, you know. And also, I am standing. I'm just not as tall as Ranboo."

Tubbo donated $1!

"Just join vc 2," I groaned. I started to crawl slowly through the Ballora Gallery so I wouldn't get jump scared. I stopped when I heard Ballora moving around. "BOO!" I heard Tubbo yell. "AHH!" I screamed back. "Tubbo, don't do that! I'm trying to focus." Then, I got jump scared. "HOLY- thanks a lot, Tubbo," I said. "No problem!" He responded.

After getting back to the Ballora Gallery, I tried to get through it again. "Don't get caught, Y/n," I heard Tubbo say. "I'll try," I said back. I started crawling a bit faster when I got a donation.

Techno's_Blade donated $5!
Don't die Y/n maybe Ranboo is watching :)

"Yeah, maybe.." I said even though I knew he wasn't. "Oh look, Y/n! You made it out of Ballora's Gallery," Tubbo said trying to get my attention away from the donation. I stood there for a moment. "What do I do now? I've never played this game before." I asked. There was silence for a second before Tubbo said, "I just searched it up. You have to go to the breaker room and restart everything." I walked over to the panel to restart the systems. Tubbo started to talk again. "Oh, by the way, make sure to play the audio to keep Funtime Freddy away." I raised my eyebrow. "Keep who- AAHHH!" I fell down onto the floor from the jump scare. Tubbo just stared laughing while I got back up. "That wasn't funny, Tubbo!" He just kept laughing. "Now I have to start all over," I groaned.

After going through every other part, we were back at Ballora's gallery. "Here we are, Tubbo. Ballora's Gallery for the third time." I started to crawl forward. "Yeah, don't die this time, Y/n. Be better at the game," Tubbo said. I rolled my eyes. "I'll try, Tubbo." I got to the end of the Gallery. "Finally," I heard Tubbo say. "As if you could do any better," I said back. I started to move forward when, "OW!" I just ran into something. "Are you ok, Y/n," Tubbo asked. "Yea, I think I just ran into a wall," I answered. "Give me a minute to move back." I pulled the headset off my eyes to see Mark standing in front of me.

856 words
I'm sorry I didn't update the story for so long
Also I didn't proofread it so there might be some grammar mistakes 🥲

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