Scene 2 My good wolf puppy

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Yu's POV
I open my eyes and listen to my husband's heartbeat.

Tightly embraced, we lie in his small bed.

Naked, the wardrobe of our heaven.
The clothes we've been wearing since we arrived at Sam's apartment the night before last after the Spring Festival.

I have to grin and close my eyes.

Sam's way-too-small bed doesn't give us much choice, though.

So cramped.

No place to retreat.

Nothing like taking him away from me.

How could I have stayed away?
Maybe I shouldn't have provoked him like that.

My body hums with overstimulation.

I swim in my husband and let his warmth lull me.

Now he is allowed to rest.

I kiss his hand that sleepily holds mine and slowly release the embrace.
It's time for me to make myself useful.

I disappear into the bathroom and freshen up, pulling on a pair of Sam's shorts and a loose T'shirt.

His clothes smell like him and I walk contentedly toward the kitchen.
I want to whip up something special.

My athlete needs to be invigorated after all that training. I laugh, feeling every muscle in my body. I also need to be strengthened after last night's heptathlon.

As I take out the ingredients of my power dish from the fridge, I smile remembering the winning moments of our Olympic night.

My cell phone shows me early noon and several missed calls from Tian.

I'm sure he's pissed that I didn't answer the phone. I decide to call him back.

I wash the vegetables, start chopping and preparing our meal as the toot sounds in my headphones.

"Yuuuu, hey, are you still alive?", I hear Tian's ambiguous voice.

"Hey, sure. I'm fine. How are you?", I reply with a grin.

"Don't beat me up. I don't deserve that. I want details!" he grumbles through the phone.

I laugh out loud, unable to hide my euphoria.

"We're at Sam's. He's sleeping and I'm cooking," I giggle.

"Uh-huh, so? How are you feeling? How was your first date?", Tian wants to know.

"I'm feeling great. We went on a Ferris wheel ride," I say, starting to giggle.

"Yeah, the photo row of your ride is going viral. Interesting pictures.", Tian laughs up, "What did you do to him? You can tell Sam was driven through something fierce."

I pause for a moment, thinking of the best way to sum it up for Tian.
"We both had to come to understand. What everything means. What everything will mean.", I think is a sufficient answer.

"Can you get it together? Jiang is already a bit worried. Do you realize that we still have a lot of work to do? We're all invited to Jiang's house for dinner tonight. I guess there's some news. ", Tian brings me back to reality.

"Mhmmm.", I confirm simply and start laughing.

No worries in this world can reach me now. I just want to make delicious food for my Sam and lose myself in the here and now.

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