Scene 6 Horniness out of love

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Omniscient narrator

"I'd much rather be alone with you," Yu whispers as he hugs Sam intimately from behind.

Firmly, he holds Sam's chest with his arms.

His lips rest on Sam's neck.

He inhales his scent.

He wants to feel him close to him.

He wants to feel his love.

The wounds of rejection are fresh and want to be cared for.

Yu feels the urge not to leave his side.
Every cell in his body wants to lean permanently against Sam.

To touch him.

Feel his touch.

The self-sufficient aesthete is only so affectionate with Sam.

Wants to cling to him.

A childlike understanding of possession erupts in Yu.

A imagination that makes existence without the coveted object impossible.

All his repressed urge impulses gather into an arrow aimed only at his Sam.

"I'd much rather be alone with you, too," Sam replies, wrapping his arms around Yu's squeezing him tenderly.

Sam feels wild vortexes swirling inside him.

His deep love for Yu shows in all its facets.

The power of each vortex is far from any feeling he knows.

He seems to have lived in darkness all his life.

The deep hues of the night he learned to know.

Could distinguish them.

Understand them.

Yu brought the light.

The world by day.

With all its intense colors.

And only now Sam sees the full splendor of life in bloom.

And what dangers and fears wander around.

The intensity of his feelings for Yu feels dangerous.

He stands on the edge of an inexplicable abyss.

And he doesn't even know what's down there.

And then there's that deep, destructive yelp from his hungry center.

It wants to nibble him incessantly.

Devour him.

Make him sound.

To be one with him.

To be in him.

Sam's love for Yu is a force of nature and manifests itself through a shameless horniness.

Horniness out of love.

"I can't promise you I'll be able to keep my fingers off you," Yu breathes against Sam's neck and begins to lick it sensually.

The tingling sensation on Sam's skin floods all his senses.

"Don't leave my side! I just want your fingers on me!", Sam murmurs deeply and turns around.

They look deep into each other's eyes as their hands hold each other tight.

Both of them are excited.

Sam nods discreetly and wordlessly speaks encouragement to them.

And they leave Yu's apartment to go to Jiang's place.

During the drive, Yu can't help but turn to Sam and gaze at him with his eyes open and free.

His hand is on Sam's thigh.

Sam's hand is on Yu's. He can't help it and keeps stroking Yu's skin with his thumb.

He wants to feel him.

Yu's face is turned toward him, leaning against his seat.

His beautiful eyes are fixed on Sam.

The silence in the car sings a melody of connection.

Sam blushes at intervals.

Yu's gaze penetrates him, whispering his yearning desires.

And again Sam faces the abyss that makes his mind dwindle, calling and beckoning him.

Yu has already answered the call.

Deeper and deeper he penetrates.

Surrenders himself.

Cries out with full longing inwardly for his man.

"I want you!", Yu's tender moan appears on the surface.

Sams breathes audibly heavier.

He turns his gaze to Yu and shows him his hungry eyes.

And parks in front of Jiang's mansion.

And takes Yu's chin between his index finger and thumb.

And strokes Yu's tender chin with his thumb again.

And pulls him by it.

Hot lips meet.

A hot, wet exchange of lovestruck tongues erupts into a wild palpitation.

Hot, racing blood shoots through their bodies.

And flows into their painfully swelling lower bodies.

"Mhmmm," sounds deep from their hottest kiss.

How are they going to release this kiss?

One last nibble, sip, lick, suck leads into each other breathing.

Sam gets out and rushes over to Yu to open the door for him.

His enchanting tiger gets out of the car with an adorable smile and kisses Sam lovingly on the cheek.
"Thank you," Yu smiles.

Sam gives him a smile and kisses him on the cheek.

"Not for this." he replies, taking Yu by the hand and pulling his playmate behind him.

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