Scene 5 Idiot

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Omniscient narrator

Sam and Yu are still lying united on Yu's couch, embracing each other.

Yu refuses to give in and rests insistently on Sam's body.

Sam still feels the aftershocks of his nightmare and enjoys the sweet heaviness of his Yu on his body.

"We're just too alike," Yu starts the conversation again.

"What do you mean?" asks Sam as he keeps squeezing Yu's body with his hands.

He wants to make sure he can touch him.

That he's with him.

"I don't think either of us can understand what's happening yet. It's all so new and uncertain. You just got out of a relationship. Maybe you're not ready yet. And I don't even know what it means to be ready," Yu explains thoughtfully as his head rests on Sam's chest.

Sam clears his throat, starts ruffling Yu's hair, and grumbles:

"Idiot! Bullshit! I'm very sure of it. I just know it. For a long time now. Yes, everything is new. But my feelings for you are deep and long present."

"Mhmmm," Yu murmurs.

"I feel so connected to you. Even though I've had relationships, no one has ever been so deeply connected to me. This is also new to me. Makes me vulnerable. Everything about me belongs to an idiot," Sam growls.

Yu lifts his head and looks at his cheeky wolf with widened eyes.

Sam just smirks.

"You're an idiot!" he counters, "We just found each other a few days ago and you're talk about moving in together."

Yu gently claps his hands against Sam's forehead and continues, "One of us has to turn on his mind, right? Then what if you suddenly wake up from your high and realize it's not the real thing?

The world is at your feet. Every woman would give herself to you. I don't even want to talk about the men.

And when the third season is over? What then? Will you still be willing to give me your love then?

How can I have faith in your words if you act completely without minding?

And reject me when I try to interpose my mind.

You are an idiot!"

The stark and true words of his kitten trigger a wave of love in Sam.

How can he love this idiot so much?

"Hey, don't get sassy kitten. You still don't seem to have understood that I made this wish with my full mind.

It's not just a state of intoxication.

Every instance in me wants you.

Without hesitation, I want to pledge myself to you.


And I've known that for a long time.

I've thought it all out.

Feel it more every moment.

What to wait for?", Sam explains his inner self.

"The rush is the result of your drug now. You're getting me addicted. I can't resist.", Sam purrs after, looking hungrily into Yu's eyes.

Yu frowns and thinks for a moment.

A slight smile charms his face.

"Mhmmm," is Yu's response.

"Only an idiot could respond with Mhmmm. Do you hear what I'm saying?" teases Sam Yu.

"You're the idiot.", Yu counters flippantly, punching Sam in the arm.

Sam laughs, "Only an idiot can react like that!"

Yu laughs too.

They both laugh with relieved hearts.

Until Yu suddenly extends his claws.

He starts clawing Sam's upper body with his fingers.

Deeply, he presses his fingertips into Sam's chest.

Bends forward to Sam's face.

Close. Very close. Tip of nose to tip of nose.

"You're an idiot if you doubt my love.

An idiot if you don't feel it.

If you don't see it.

Don't want me.

Don't love me.

Don't do this!", Yu begins in a strong voice that trails off and is eventually accompanied by tears.

Sam looks into Yu's tear-filled eyes and feels the guilt constrict his throat.

He has taken it.

He has felt it.

He was hurting Yu.

And he thought he couldn't change it.

He feels like an idiot.

His big hands clasp Yu's wet, still face.

"Sorry, I'm an idiot," he confesses, kissing Yu on the lips.

The salty taste of Yu's tears mixes with the sweet culinary delight of their kiss.

Tenderly, they suck and lick each other.

Their tongues nuzzle together, rubbing voluptuous waves into their bodies.

Sam squeezes Yu tighter against him.

He clings tightly around his body.

Every part of his body he wants to touch.

He slides over Yu's back, over his arms.

Lets his fingers fly through Yu's hair.

Asks for more with his lips.

Lets his tongue demand.

Wildly he nibbles the delicious mouth of his believed to be lost man.

His heart cries.

The sense of loss from his dream rages within him.

And all the more he rubs and kneads deep waves in Yu's body.

Devours him longingly with his lips.

Yu feels taken.

Finally, he can be his again.

Every touch of his beloved lifts him higher into their heaven.

He feels the shackles of his heart loosen.

Free he floats in his Sam and wants to be loved.

"I love you!" murmurs Sam as he separates their lovestruck mouths.

And a sensual moan escapes from Yu.

Yu begins to wet Sam with his lips.

Every spot available to him is caressed.

He lets his tongue satisfy Sam's skin.

Licks his neck hungrily.

Tugs at Sam's shirt.

Wants more.

Lets Sam feel his tiger.

Their wild breathing and hot bodies are disturbed by Yu's alarm clock.

A deep sigh accompanies it.

"Damn it!" sputters Yu, "We have to get ready. Jiang is expecting us."

Sam closes his eyes and lets all his senses feel his Yu cuddled against him.

Yu puts his face on Sam's chest and lets their souls embrace each other.

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