Scene 8 Two stupidly grinning lovebirds

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Omniscient narrator

Two stupidly grinning lovebirds help themselves to the buffet. Instead of serving themselves, they are constantly on the lookout for delicacies for each other.

A delicacy for the delicacy.

Yu holds a cherry tomato in front of Sam's mouth and smiles shyly.

"The color reminds me of the shorts you wore on the Ferris wheel. Mmmmm. Yummy!" he whispers to him, devouring the red fruit.

Sam marvels with wide eyes.

"Such a naughty kitty.", Sam grins and gently nips Yu's chin.

They lose themselves in each other's eyes.

Two stupidly grinning lovebirds get lost and approach deeply engrossed.

Yu closes the distance and kisses Sam with his mouth slightly open.

The loud cheering around them snaps them out of the trance.

"We'll have to get used to that!" exclaims Tian, "And Sam, you can finally hold Yu's gaze."

The loud laughter makes SamYu blush.
They both look at each other sheepishly.

They still have to get used to it too.

"Stop teasing our lovebirds. Better listen to what I have to say," Jiang calls for attention.

"I have some good news.
Before we start filming season 3, we're going to shoot a special episode on Lyudao. Various workshops are planned on the island to prepare us for the filming. Interviews are also planned.
SamYu, you are of course at the center of the action.
The world wants to see you.", Jiang finishes his announcement and directs a questioning look towards SamYu.

Yu holds onto Sam's arm. He slowly disappears behind Sam, letting him take precedence.

Sam takes Yu's hand.

"When do you want to leave?" he asks.

"We're leaving in two weeks," Jiang replies shortly.

"We want our own hut at a nearby site.
We'll work as long as you want and want a place to retreat.
No press is allowed at our hut," Sam demands.

"Deal!" exclaims Jiang.

"But we're allowed to take pictures of you already?!" laughs Tian loudly, triggering another roar of laughter.

Two stupidly grinning lovebirds roll their eyes and take in the celebrating friends.

Tian approaches Yu silently and whispers something to him.

This time, Sam looks relaxed as he does so.

Too many happy hormones are still bubbling in his body.

He can still taste the sweet aftertaste of his drug.

Yu looks at his cell phone.

His gaze shines brighter and brighter.

He smiles and approaches Sam's ear.
"I have something to show you. Let's go," he murmurs.

"You had something else you wanted to tell me," Sam recalls as he's pulled behind.

"I decided I'd better show you," Yu says excitedly, calling out to the crowd,

"We have to go. Thanks for the great surprise. You guys are true friends."
Yu's air kisses fly around like butterflies, bringing smiles to faces.

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