Scene 7 We rejoice in your connectedness (18+)

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Scene 7 We rejoice in your connectedness (18+)

Omniscient narrator

Their hearts beat loudly. In unison.

As they walk to the entrance, the haunting sound of their excitement hums in their bodies.

How should they behave? How will the crew act?

The thought that all eyes will be on them is somehow unsettling and exciting at the same time.

"Should we act professional?" asks Yu, hiding behind Sam.

Sam smirks, "We've never acted professional. Just be yourself."

Yu grins and pinches Sam's butt. The latter turns around with astonished eyes.

"I'm just being myself," Yu chuckles.

Sam shakes his head and rings the bell.

They both enjoy the heavenly peace of their connectedness once again, until the loud sound of amused friends resonates out of the open door.

They are both yanked inside by Jiang and a loud cheer greets them.

In Jiang's large living room hangs a large banner with writing on it, which Yu and Sam gaze at with wide eyes.

All the luck in the world to our lovebirds.

Yu holds onto Sam's arm with both hands.

The laughing, rejoicing, noisy friends approach them and he knows the current will pull them away from each other.

He looks up into Sam's face and searches his eyes.
Sam surveys the moment and finally turns his eyes to Yu's.
Seeing the wave rolling in, they make a promise to each other with their eyes.

And it is Tian who is the first to put his hand on Sam's shoulder and pull him into an embrace.

"Well done, big guy! Congratulations!", Tian pats him on the shoulder.
Meanwhile, Yu is first hugged by Jiang, then ends up in the arms of more friends and workmates cuddling him. Sam feels various hands patting his shoulders and calling out affectionate encouragements.

The happy feeling of having the entire crew as back up is only diminished by the quiet longing for each other.

The expected but sudden separation of their bond, makes them shiver.

The champagne glasses are passed around.

As their eyes search for each other in the bustle, a glass is pressed into their hands for a toast.
Finally, Sam finds his Yu and pulls him towards him by the waist with one hand. Yu's happy eyes silently thank him and they both enjoy their rediscovered connectedness .

Jiang raises his glass and releases an infectious avalanche.

"Sam, Yu, we rejoice in your connectedness .

We rejoice in your courage.

Our lovebirds finally got it together. It was already unbearable," Jiang gives cause for a toast.

A loud laughter and happy banter spreads.

Sam and Yu toast each other and finish the glass in one go.

"Let's have a festive meal and drink first before I tell you about our upcoming event," Jiang calls out to the crowd, opening the buffet.

Sam and Yu stand still and are sprinkled by the bustle of their surroundings. Stroking hands overhead, patting hands on shoulders, congratulatory words whispered.

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