The Training

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Chapter 16

Nearly an hour later, the pair of women still had not managed to find someone that wasn't already occupied with other duties. Not that there hadn't been volunteers. However, all of them were shot down when the lieutenant had reminded them that they were still on duty. In the end, Riza took her back out to the yard they had visited the day before. When they got out there, the woman gave her an apologetic smile as she said, "It looks like my special assignment will be taking up more time than I expected."

Anna's eyes widened, and she held up both hands as she said, "Please don't think you have to go out of your way. I've already been enough trouble. I can wait until there is someone else."

Riza gave her a wry smile as she responded, "I'm afraid we don't have time to spare. Given all we heard earlier, it would be best if you learn a few self-defense techniques. You are already a target, and even if I don't leave your side, any help I provide could be limited if the enemy uses alchemy."

Anna doubted that would be true. The man would have to get close to her first, and Riza was a good enough shot that it would be difficult at best. Still, she knew it wouldn't hurt for her to learn, and somehow she had the feeling that Roy would be all right with this as well. She sighed and swallowed as she said, "Okay, but please remember that I am not a fighter. I don't have the first clue about any of this."

Riza nodded and tried to ease her nerves with a smile as she said, "Don't worry. All you need to do is follow my instructions, and I can help make sure you understand. For now, we will work on your defensive maneuvers, but later we can incorporate your alchemy once you grasp what is needed."

Even though Riza was trying, Anna couldn't help but feel apprehensive. Still, she gave the woman a nod, and they started. By the end of the two hours they spent in that yard, Anna was not surprised to find out she had been right. She could feel bruises across most of her body, and she ached everywhere.

Riza had been patient, but she hadn't pulled any punches, which meant that Anna ended up laid out several times. The lieutenant had told her she did well for her first training session, but Anna was sure that was primarily just to assuage her wounded pride. At least they didn't have anything else to do for the day. Riza took her to the cafeteria for a late lunch before both women returned to Roy's office to report.

Several of the others were in the office when the two of them walked in. However, all talking ceased immediately when they saw Anna with the lieutenant. Roy looked up at the sudden silence and smiled as they walked past the others. Though one of his brows rose in curiosity when he saw how stiffly Anna was moving. He looked at Riza and said, "I was informed that you had taken on the responsibility to train Miss Stephenson. Did everything go well?"

Riza saluted before she said, "Yes, sir. She is a quick learner, and although she requires a lot more practice, I'm sure she will get the hang of it in no time. As a matter of fact, I see no reason why she could not spend time practicing without constant supervision as long as she is here at headquarters."

Anna was shocked to hear that. She had thought with as many times as she had been knocked down that she was abysmal. Not that she would complain. It wasn't difficult to see how she could adapt the movements she was taught to practice without an opponent. Though it would be best to have someone to spar with.

However, before anything else could be said about her upcoming schedule, Maes walked back into the office, followed by someone so large he almost didn't fit through the door. No one else seemed to bat an eye at his presence, and since he was wearing the same blue uniform, she assumed he was with the military. It was only as she got a good look at his blonde mustache that she realized he looked familiar. At least this time, she was able to keep from blurting her knowledge out. She was glad that Maes made the introductions—sort of.

"Ah, Colonel, Major Armstrong was investigating the area around where the last murder happened this morning and is just now reporting back. I think we have most of what we need, but I wanted to give you a reminder. If this guy is targeting State Alchemists, you should lay low and get an extra guard. No one would blame you."

Roy scoffed at the suggestion, but Riza had a thoughtful look. Anna could already tell a conversation was going to be held between the two about it later. Though almost as soon as that thought passed through her head, a memory finally surfaced, and she gasped and turned wide eyes to Roy. "Colonel, the boys! Ed and Al are out there alone, and so is Scar!"

It did not take long for Roy to gather her meaning. He cursed under his breath, and he jumped to his feet. He then looked at Jean and said, "Havoc, gather a dozen men and head toward the hotel where the boys are staying. We'll be on our way. They can't have gone far."

Jean saluted and ran out of the room. Mustang then looked at Maes and said, "You can come with me. If Scar does track him down, we will need all the help we can get." The major and Maes both saluted before they rushed out.

Roy then turned to Anna. Before he could even speak, she glared at him and said, "You aren't leaving me here. I'm not one of your military, so don't bother with an order. Plus, we don't have time to waste."

Mustang's jaw clenched, and Riza frowned, but the lieutenant was the more level-headed of the two. She stepped forward with a suggestion. "If I may, sir, since I am supposed to stay with her, and it would be best if I am with you, may I recommend that she be allowed to go but not get out of the vehicle?"

Roy looked like he had swallowed a lemon, but he finally nodded. He still gave Anna a stern look as he said, "Don't even think about trying to be a hero." She gave him a curt nod and then followed the two back to his waiting car.

The whole time they were driving to the other side of the city, Anna was cursing herself. How could she have forgotten something so important? Her presence alone had changed a few things, and that wasn't counting Shou and Nina. The timeline had been changed because she had let Ed and Al know about Shou before the time for his certification. She even wondered if that person Scar had killed the night before had been one of the ones fated to be killed. What if it had been someone that was supposed to have lived?

All she could do now was pray that she hadn't screwed things up enough that Scar found Ed and Al before they could reach them. Just the thought of it brought bile into her throat and nearly choked her. She didn't pray, but she had to repeat the mantra her mother taught her several times before she could even breathe normally. Now wasn't the time to panic.

Before they even reached the hotel, Roy brought the car to a screeching halt when they heard explosions in the distance. Anna felt her heart drop into her stomach at the idea that they might be too late. However, she didn't voice her concerns. At least Mustang had the car turned toward the noise in quick order.

Only a few blocks from where they first stopped, they had to park. The road was torn to shreds, and the dust was thick enough it was hard to see through. Mustang and Riza were out and running toward the sounds of battle almost as soon as the car was stopped. Anna ignored her original order and got out to follow them but was blocked when Maes shot up from behind the car next to hers.

She nearly screamed when he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She shot him a glare, but he ignored it as he said, "You may know a little alchemy, but that battleground is no place for a civilian. Stay here with me."

As much as Anna wanted to twist from his grip and run to see what was happening, he was right. She wasn't a fighter. She wasn't even that good with alchemy. If it hadn't been for a twist of chance, that would have been beyond her. Give her an ancient dig site or relics, and she could get lost for hours in trying to unlock their secrets, but she couldn't take a punch.

She finally sighed and nodded. Though she refused to duck behind the car with him. She at least wanted to see what was going on. In the end, she compromised by standing behind the vehicle with the door open so she could stand on the sill and look over it.

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