The Rain

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When Riza saw Anna was with the Colonel, she smiled and held out her hand. "Good to see you again. I hope the last couple of days haven't made you hate Amestris. It isn't all this bad."

Anna chuckled. "Not at all. I can't hold everyone accountable for the actions of a few."

Riza smiled at her answer, but Roy picked that time to interrupt. "Lieutenant, Miss Stephenson, and I were about to go test her alchemical skills. Would you come with us? There is also something I need to speak with you about."

Riza saluted him before she gestured to the door. "After you."

Roy opened the door for them both, and Anna followed the other two out to a walled courtyard with a dirt floor. She was looking around with curiosity when Riza spoke up. "Colonel, I hope you had not planned on using a spar to evaluate her skills."

Both Anna and Roy turned to Riza with confused looks. Though Anna's was partially anxious. She hoped that wasn't the case too. She didn't get to ask before Roy spoke up. "I had not planned on taking the offensive, but depending on what I see, it could happen."

Riza smirked at him and looked up at the saturated sky. "Pardon my reminder, but it is raining."

Roy frowned, and Anna had to clamp her jaws shut to keep from laughing. She had forgotten about that issue for the Colonel. Hard on the heels of that thought, she had another one. She wasn't sure if she could pull it off, but she was too amused not to try. She quickly clapped her hands together, garnering the attention of the other two. She ignored them as she then knelt and put both hands on the ground. She was gratified when only a moment later, something started forming from the stone beneath her.

When it was finally all the way out, Anna grinned and lifted the domed object. It was a little misshapen, but it was clear that it was supposed to be an umbrella. A heavy stone one, but still. She grinned as she handed it over to the Colonel. "Here, it isn't the prettiest, but surely if you decide to use your alchemy, this would help."

Anna had to fight not to laugh at Roy's expression as he took the umbrella from her with wide eyes. Her attention was drawn by a noise. She turned to see Riza trying to hide a grin behind her hand as she faked a cough. Anna gave her a smirk but didn't get to say anything. Her attention was drawn back to a frowning Roy as he looked at the item he had been handed.

"That was an impressive show of skill. I think I have only seen that style with one other person." He lowered the umbrella and gave her an unreadable look. "As far as I know, FullMetal is the only one that can use that technique. Where did you learn it?"

Anna's heart stuttered under his sharp gaze, but she knew hesitation would spell trouble. She quickly spouted the first thing that came to mind. "I imagine it was the same way he did. I guess our families weren't that different from each other after all."

Roy's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything further about it. Instead, he gestured back to the door inside. "I suppose I don't need much more of a demonstration. We can possibly discuss your getting trained in self-defense as well, but for now, why don't we figure out where you are going to stay."

Anna had no doubt that he was not done with that line of questioning at all, but she was grateful that he wasn't pushing for the moment. At least it allowed her to figure out a better reason before he came in full-force. Despite her worry, she still grinned as she watched him take the misshapen umbrella back inside with them. It took all she had not to laugh out loud as he continued to look at it as they made their way back to the offices.

When they got back to the office, Roy ignored the few curious questions about the item in his hand. He placed the stone umbrella next to his chair and finally turned to face Anna and Riza. He turned to his lieutenant first. "You are free to decline, of course, but I hoped to ask if Miss Stephenson could stay with you until we have a better handle on what has happened to her. Not to mention, she will need a secure location as a prime witness."

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