The Sewing-Life Alchemist

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The doctor was still grumbling as he walked out, but Anna's attention had already turned to Riza. Before she could ask, the lieutenant opened the door. "I took the liberty of calling the Colonel while I was out. His instructions were that if you were released, then I was to take you to see your cousins."

Anna sighed in relief, but only took a moment before she walked out the open door. "I'm ready when you are."

Riza quickly fell into step beside her, and the two women didn't speak as they headed out and down to a waiting car. It wasn't until they were in and started down the road that Anna turned to her once again. "Thank you. I know this may seem strange to you, but I really appreciate you doing this."

Riza shook her head and smiled as she watched the road. "You may claim that your relationship is distant, but I have seen that look before. Those two seem to find their way into people's hearts pretty fast. I may not understand everything, but I can recognize worry when I see it. We'll be there in a few minutes."

Anna mumbled her thanks as she focused outside. Yes, she was worried about the boys, but that was only part of it. Now that they were on the way, she was more concerned about what they would find. It was practically tearing a hole in her stomach.

Thankfully, it was only a matter of minutes before they arrived. Almost as soon as the car stopped, Anna had the door open and was practically running down the sidewalk to the front gate. It was standing open, and she froze when she stepped into the yard just in time to see the great Edward Elric being trounced by an overgrown sheepdog.

The sight sent a storm of emotions through her, with relief being the strongest, followed quickly by rage and confusion. This was really happening. She felt her knees give way as Al stood from where he was talking to Nina. She barely noticed his metal body stiffen when he saw her. She was too busy trying not to cry at the sight of the child and her dog playing so innocently with the Fullmetal alchemist.

She was pulled from her thoughts when both Al and Riza made it to her side simultaneously. The lieutenant was frowning at her as Al helped her to her feet. He was the first to speak with concern. "Are you alright? Why are you here? Shouldn't you still be in the hospital?"

She wasn't given a chance to answer before a tiny head popped out from behind the giant suit of armor. "Hello, pretty lady. Are you a friend of Big Brother Al?"

Anna nearly choked, but she managed a smile. "Sort of. We're kind of related." She knelt at that point so she would be on the same level as the girl. "My name is Anna. What is yours?"

The girl giggled and grabbed onto Al's leg. "I'm Nina. That's Alexander playing with Little Big Brother Ed."

"Well, he looks like a great friend." Anna could hear a scream echoing inside her head, but it never made it out of her mouth. She hoped it wasn't showing on her face, but she felt she wasn't doing such a good job when the girl frowned.

"Are you sick? Is that why you are wearing that thing on your eye?"

Anna suddenly did feel slightly ill. It was too much seeing this flesh and blood girl. It was horrifying thinking of what might happen to a fictional character, but this girl was still a baby. She had a life. Somehow she managed to shake her head. "No, I'm not sick, but I was injured. I'll be okay. I was hoping to have a chance to speak with Ed and Al. I know you are playing, but would it be alright if I borrow them both for just a few minutes? I promise it won't be long."

Nina seemed to contemplate her request for a moment. "Will you play with us too? After you talk?"

Anna tasted ash on her tongue as she knew her next words were a lie. She didn't know what would come next, but she had no doubt there would be no playing. She still nodded. "I would love to play with you."

Nina giggled again before she called for Alexander. Riza had watched the exchange with a critical eye. At first, she had thought the woman was not as recovered as she claimed to be, but it was not difficult to discern that the longer she talked to the girl, the worse she felt. It was a look of thinly concealed horror. One that she had seen too often on the faces of her fellow soldiers in the last years. The look of someone that had a mission to accomplish and hated every minute of it.

Despite her doubt, she did not move to interfere when the child took the dog back into the house, and the Elrics faced their long-lost cousin with frowns. Ed had made his way over. He glanced at the Lieutenant with a deeper frown before he pulled the woman to the far corner of the yard. Riza frowned. Her instincts were screaming that they were up to something. Still, she trusted the Elrics enough to stand back and watch, plus she trusted her superior, and those had been his orders. For now.

Once Ed, Al, and Anna were out of earshot, he turned to her and whispered angrily. "What are you doing here? Didn't we say to stay low?"

Anna squared her shoulders. "Yes, but that was before I knew where you were. W-who you were working with."

"But we aren't working with anyone. Despite Brother being a state alchemist, we pretty much work alone."

Al's voice sounded almost confused, but Anna shook her head. "That isn't what I meant." She then turned to face Ed. "Your motto is equivalent exchange, right?"

Ed raised a brow at her question and nodded. "Yeah, so what?"

She ignored his look and continued. "Then it shouldn't surprise you that I have something to offer. Your help in me not getting put into a mental institute when people try to figure out where I came from, and me giving you information as I figure it out."

Ed stood up straight and gave her a smirk. "Glad you brought it up. I didn't want to push you last night since you looked like you were about to pass out, but yeah. That is exactly what I was thinking."

Anna nearly glared at him. Not that his attitude bothered her, but she was sick just thinking about what she was about to say. "Good. Now that that's out of the way, there is something you need to know now."

Al leaned a little closer, and Ed gave her a hard look. "Now? As in this minute or else?"

They both stood stiffly when she nodded. She didn't wait for them to ask questions. "I told you I had heard many conflicting stories, so I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't, right? Well, one of them was the same throughout. They all agreed on one thing, and I refuse to let it go unchecked."

"What is it already!?"

Ed's temper barely fazed Anna. She had too many other things on her mind. She shook the horrors off and pinned the shorter male with a glare of her own. "You are smart, Edward. Think. Did it not strike you as odd that Tucker's wife 'left' him at the same time he had his first significant breakthrough."

Ed's eyes narrowed before they widened, and he took a step back. "No."

Anna gave him a disgusted nod. "Yes. His wife never really left."

Al had caught up by that point. His gasp was broken when Ed pushed past Anna hard enough to knock her off her feet. He didn't even pause. Al looked down hesitantly, but she shook her head. "Go after him! You know he can't do what he's planning. That isn't justice." When he still seemed hesitant, she pointed to the house. "Go stop him!"

He jumped when she yelled and ran after his brother. Anna was shocked when Riza was immediately by her side and helping her up with a frown. "Do I want to know what just happened?"

Anna shook her head. "We need to get in there and stop Ed from trying to kill Shou Tucker."

Riza's eyes widened, but Anna was impressed that was all she did. The lieutenant told her to sit on the steps while she ran to the car. She was only gone a few moments before she was back with her gun drawn and running into the house after the two boys. Anna put her head in her hands. She only allowed herself a moment before she pushed herself up. No matter what happened, there would be a confused little girl in there that would not understand any of this. No matter what he did or planned to do, Shou Tucker was still that little girl's father. Anna had no doubt that she might have saved the girl's life, but that didn't mean this was going to be painless for any of them.

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